Ravens of the Mist Book 1: Endless Love  - Book cover

Ravens of the Mist Book 1: Endless Love

Elfy G

Chapter 4: Chase


I can’t shake off the guilt of yelling at Beth. I didn’t mean to lose control, but the scent of her blood…

It took everything in me not to give in to my thirst. But I can’t afford to dwell on that now.

I’m on a mission. I’m hunting down the bastards who dared to threaten my mate.

When I find them, they’ll wish they never crossed paths with me.

I leap from rooftop to rooftop, building to building. It’s the quickest way for me to get around without attracting human attention.

The last thing I need right now is to be noticed.

I halt on a rooftop when something catches my eye in a nearby alley, bustling with people and traffic.

The hunt is over. Time to kill.

I can still vividly recall my first kill. After clawing my way out of the grave, I was disoriented. I was consumed by a thirst I couldn’t comprehend.

I didn’t understand it, but I was drawn to it, ready to surrender to this newfound craving.

Eventually, I found myself in a hallway somewhere. I didn’t care where I was. I saw a woman being attacked by a man.

Just like how I found my mate.

I didn’t hesitate. I let my instincts take over. I pushed the man away from the woman. I sank my teeth into his neck, drinking all the blood I could.

But it wasn’t enough. I craved more.

Peering down from the rooftop, I spot what I’ve been searching for, and it brings a wicked smile to my face.

Those two bastards I saw earlier are still sitting in their car, waiting for something.

If I want to remain unseen and do what needs to be done, I have to act now.

I leap off the rooftop, landing effortlessly on the ground.

This is one of the perks of being what I am. I can jump off a building without a scratch. I possess superhuman strength.

I heal quickly, not instantly, but faster than any human.

I also have speed on my side, and, of course, I’m immortal.

I may seem invincible, but I’m not. There are two things in this world that can kill me: decapitation and fire.

The sun doesn’t turn me to dust, but it weakens me. It’s harmful if I stay under it for too long.

A stake to my heart doesn’t kill me, it paralyzes me.

All of this comes with a price: a relentless thirst.

I don’t have all night. I yank open the driver’s door. I drag the driver out of the car, pinning him against the wall by his throat.

“What were you planning with the lady earlier?” I demand, tightening my grip on him.

He’d better answer me, or he’ll face my wrath. Anger is coursing through my veins, especially when it involves my woman.

“Non-ne o-of yo-our-r d-dam-mn busin…”

“Want to try that again?” I growl, pulling him closer.

I slam him back against the wall, but not hard enough to knock him out.

I need him conscious. He hasn’t answered my damn question yet.

I hear the other bastard getting out of the car. I don’t have time for him. I’m a little preoccupied with his friend right now.

“Hold on. I’ll deal with you once I’m done with your buddy here,” I tell the other.

Guess he couldn’t wait, I think to myself as I feel two bullets pierce my back, leaving two holes.

“Damn, that hurt!” I growl.

I can’t waste any more time here. I grab the head of the one I’m still holding against the wall. I tilt his head to the side for better access to his neck.

I bare my fangs. I see the fear in his eyes as he struggles to break free from my grip.

Too late for you, asshole!

I sink my teeth into his neck and drain his blood. I feel his body convulse as his life slowly ebbs away. When it’s over, I let his lifeless body slump to the ground.

I turn around to see that the other has run for his life. I had forgotten how thrilling a hunt can be.

I smile, licking the remaining blood from my lips before I give chase.

When I decided to stop hunting humans, I did so with the intention of leaving no trace.

Some humans are aware of our existence, and some of them become hunters to kill us.

Now that I have found my mate, I need to be more cautious since she’s only human. They could easily take her from me and use her as bait.

Tonight has to be the last time I kill.

Easier said than done.

Much to my disappointment, it doesn’t take me long to catch up with him. I shove him to the ground.

“No, please… sir. Don’t... Don’t kill me p-pl-lease.” He begs like a coward.

“Shut up and answer my damn question! What were you planning with the lady earlier?”

“If I talk, he’s going to kill me!”

“And what do you think I'm going to do, bake cookies? You better answer before I lose my patience!” I bare my fangs and growl to make my point. Who’s going to believe him, anyway?

“Oh my God! Oh my God! OK! OK! I’m going to talk! I’m going to talk! Her ex-husband owes my boss money. He told him she had the money. That’s all I know, man. I swear.”

He trembles more and more as he speaks.

Did he just wet his pants?

“Today’s your lucky day. I won’t kill you. Instead, you're going to deliver a message for me. Tell your boss to leave her alone, or he’ll have to deal with me.”

I yank him off the ground by his collar, dragging him back to the car.

“Now go, and if I see any of you lurking around her, I’ll be coming for you next!”

He doesn’t waste any time as he speeds off.

I step into my house and head straight for the living room mirror, shrugging off my jacket. I need to see where the bullets hit, see if I can dig them out myself.

“Holy shit! What happened to you?”

Crap. I didn’t want her to see me like this.

“We’re going to the hospital. Now.”

“No need. I just gotta get these bullets out.”


“No buts. I don’t want to fight. Especially not with you.” I cut her off.

“Fine, I’ll help. Where’s your first aid kit?”

“I don’t need help. I can handle it.”

She plants her hands on her hips, shooting me a glare. “You let me help, or I’m dragging you to the hospital myself.”

She’s got some fire in her. I like that.

I sigh. “Alright.”

She gets to work on me, and I stay quiet. Her touch is gentle, and it stirs something warm inside me.

It’s been centuries since I’ve felt anything but cold.

“I didn’t want it to go down like this. But since we haven’t had a chance to introduce ourselves, why not now? I’ll start. Hi, I’m Bethany Shade. You can call me Beth.”

Her voice breaks through my thoughts.

I chuckle. “I’m Cole. Cole Stone.”

“Nice to finally meet you. Got the second bullet out. Time to bandage you up.” Beth tells me.

As she stands in front of me, finishing up with the bandages, I can’t help myself. I rise from my seat, taking her hand. She looks at me, surprise flashing in her eyes.

I lean in, tilting my head to meet Beth’s lips in a proper kiss.

Damn, her lips are the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted. But what the hell am I doing?

Pulling away from her is a struggle. I leave her standing there, looking confused in the middle of the living room.

God, I can be such an ass sometimes.

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