Tempted by My Boss Book 2 - Book cover

Tempted by My Boss Book 2

Tania Shava

Chapter 4

The moment Alex exited the room, Hailey could feel her heart hammering in her chest. She shifted her attention back to Valerian.

“Are you two an item, Hailey?”

“Yes… No… It’s not that simple.”

“It’s a straightforward question—you’re either with him, or you’re not.”

“Not everything in life is black and white, you know.”

“So, what is it then, Hailey?”

“It’s more like we’re testing the waters.”

“That’s exactly your issue, Hailey.”

“My issue?”

“Yeah, you can’t seem to commit.”

She shook her head, taken aback. “That’s not true.”

“It is. You always accused me of being commitment-phobic, of playing games with girls or always running back to Charlize.

“But the truth is, you were the one who was scared to fully give yourself to me. So you do what you’re best at.”

“Hold on, Valerian. I am not scared of commitment.

“Sometimes, you can foresee the end of a relationship, and it’s not worth the heartache or the struggle, so it’s better to walk away before wasting anyone’s time.”

Valerian leaned closer. “How can you be so sure it won’t work out?”

“I just know, alright?”

“That’s crap, Hailey, and we both know it.”

“You just don’t understand.”

“No, Hailey, I do understand. I don’t run and hide behind walls—because there’s always a chance that things might work out.”

“But those chances are so slim!”

Valerian inhaled deeply. “Everything you’re saying is based on assumptions. You’re just scared of getting hurt.”

“No, I’m not. You’re just putting words in my mouth.”

“Then why did you leave me, Hailey?”

She met his gaze—his voice was filled with emotion. “I’ve already explained why I left. I have dreams and aspirations, and things I still want to achieve, and you weren’t part of those plans.”

“You could have still achieved all you wanted with me by your side, Hailey. I could have supported you.”

“That’s exactly what I don’t want from you, Valerian. I don’t want you to treat me like a helpless child who needs protection.”

“Well, you’re behaving like a child throwing a tantrum.”

“What did you just say? We both know damn well that I’m not acting like a child, Valerian.

“You’re the one acting like a child. You can’t accept that you can’t always get what you want in life.”

“I understand that, Hailey. All I want to know is…did I mean nothing to you? Is that why you left? Was I not enough? Did you prefer Alex? Did you ever love—or even like—me at all?”

“Valerian, I did like you, but I wanted more. I knew we weren’t meant to last.”

“How do you know you’re not my forever, Hailey? Because I believe we’re meant to be.”

“Isn’t that what you told Charlize?”


“Save it, Valerian. You thought Charlize was your forever, and maybe she wasn’t—or maybe she still is—and you two will find your way back to each other. I don’t know.”

“Hailey, I know for a fact that she’s not the one, and I know that because…”

Valerian took a deep breath, and it seemed like he was swallowing his pride before he continued. “I’ve never felt the way I feel about you with anyone else.”

“How do I know you didn’t say the same thing to Charlize?”

“Because I haven’t slept with anyone or even looked at another woman for the past year since you left me.

“Hailey, I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t get you out of my mind. My thoughts were a whirlwind, and my heart ached. Now that I’ve found you, I’m terrified.”

“Terrified of what?”

“Of losing you. Of feeling you slip away. Of not being able to hold on to you.”


He ran his fingers through his hair. “I just can’t lose you again, Hailey.”

“But Valerian, I’m not yours to lose.”

He shook his head. “I can’t accept that.”

“Accept what?”

“That I’m losing you again. I can’t let you go, Hailey.”


“You’re my everything. I don’t know how to exist without you.”

Her eyes widened in surprise. Before she could respond, her work phone rang. She picked it up.

“Ma’am, your meeting is about to start.”

“Thanks for the reminder.” She hung up and sighed. “I have an urgent meeting to attend.”

“Can we meet after you’re done?”

She was about to say yes, but then she remembered her plans with Alex. “Maybe. If I have time.”

She wondered why she had lied about having time. Why hadn’t she just told him she was meeting Alex? But when she looked at him, she couldn’t bring herself to say it.

His eyes sparkled with hope. “Please, Hailey. Even if you’re tired. I’ll do all the talking.”


“Or I can just sit with you, and not say a word.”

She glanced at her watch, stood up, and so did Valerian. She walked him to the door.

“Don’t forget, Hailey.”

“I won’t.”

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