Undressed by the King Book 2 - Book cover

Undressed by the King Book 2

J.M. Felic

Chapter 34


The beach. Ah, yes, the beach. Zaxonia has one too. Same bluish-green color, same salty taste. Same purpose too: for fishing, boating, and recreation.

But I had never loved the beach. I’d never even stepped foot on a boat after what took place nine years ago.

Honestly, I didn’t even want to be near its waters, but Nicollete in a bikini was too promising to pass up.

So, there I was, phone close to my ear, in a telecon to which my presence and input were required, waiting between a pool and the restaurant.

I didn’t need to worry about Ira catching me. Clyde was with them and would call me if that damn envoy of Foressa were to walk in my direction.

Fortunately, I didn’t get any news from the butler.

Good. I can’t afford any nuisance when I’m working. But I spoke too soon.

In the middle of my busy discussion, I felt someone’s presence behind me, a female particularly, even before she snaked her arms around my waist.

I felt her breasts press against my back. They were warm and I could sense the tips beginning to tense.

Any normal, virile man would have their cock saluting in response.

Yet, me? No. I muttered a curse instead. I didn’t need another woman’s interruption. Seriously, they had been throwing their titties at me since I stepped in the resort.

I remained silent and unmoving, focusing on more important matters, like my executive’s voice through the phone suggesting something about implants and microchips.

Then, the incessant woman purred from deep within her throat and whispered some Portuguese words at my back.

“Você é tão lindo.” (“You are so handsome.”)

I couldn’t contain the small grin that crossed my lips.

I like this female’s voice. Deep and sultry. Perfect for under the bed sheets. It would be interesting to hear her scream my name and curse out her orgasm in Portuguese.

She was, after all, my desime. Does she really think she can trick me? Ameena aside, Nicollete’s aura has been stamped on my consciousness since we first met.

I had been too preoccupied with my phone discussion, which was why I failed to notice earlier, but under normal circumstances, I could feel Nicollete’s aura pulsating a mile away.

She couldn’t just change her voice, use a foreign language and prank me. Oh no.

“Você se importaria se eu me juntar a você?” (“Would you mind if I join you?“) she asked, her warm breath fanning my nape.

I felt her cheek press against my shoulder, trying my patience. This time my cock really did salute. With the welcome interruption, I couldn’t focus anymore on the business meeting.

I grumbled low, as if to show my displeasure. I closed my eyes and counted to five.

My secretary, Agatha, oblivious to what was happening, voiced her worry over the speaker. “You are displeased, Mr. Ozric?”

I hastily shook my head and snapped my eyes open. “No, but I’ll have to end this call. Go ahead and continue with the meeting. Brainstorm. Summarize. I expect your report and the others by the end of this day.”

“Uh, yes, Mr. Ozric,” Agatha accepted without question.

Then, I felt Nicollete’s hands reach up to touch my chest. I inserted my phone inside my pocket and shifted my face down to look at her dainty fingers.

What a bold woman. I wonder what she wanted to prove in doing this.

“Unhand me,” I told her, my tone of voice edged with steel—the same voice I’d used on the balcony earlier with those pesky women. I intended this as just for play though.

I wanted to see how she would react. I was aware she saw me earlier while those two wannabe models flirted with me. I saw how the expression on her face brightened when I tossed them away.

I wanted to tease her a bit more.

“Oh, you can’t say that,” she purred. I could sense the fake desperation in her voice. “I want to touch you. You have such wonderful abs. They’re so compact. So…hard.”

Her palms slid down to my abdomen, feeling the hard ridges outlining my muscles.

I tensed. Did she know how accomplished a seductress she was just by doing what she was doing?

“I have another body part that’s even harder, woman,” I told her while grinning.

I didn’t turn yet, nor did I shift my head to sneak a peek of her face through my peripheral vision. I was not in a hurry. Nicollete remained behind me.

It seemed she wasn’t ready to surrender in our game of ‘Guess Who?’ too.

“Where?” she asked, the Portuguese language still rolling off her tongue.

I replied likewise.“Lá em baixo.” (“Down there.”)

Her hands stopped touching my abs and there was a little awkwardness in her voice when she said, “Você quer que eu toque isso?” (“Do you want me to touch it?“)

Target hit.

It was exactly what I’d wanted her to say. My chest swelled with pride as I gazed at the palm trees towering us.

It’s not my thing to get mushy and sweet, but I couldn’t help the words that came slipping out of my mouth for her.

“No,” I said, “there’s only one woman who can touch it.”

I saw her thumb slightly twitch in response. “Oh, well…who might she be?” she said in the foreign language.

Then, done with my charade, I grabbed her wrists tightly and pulled her body closer to me. I heard her squeak from behind and felt her cheek press into my shoulder blade.

“Nicollete,” I drawled her name, my voice deep and with a hint of amusement, “are you enjoying yourself?”

There was a stretch of silence first and then my desime’s deep sigh followed. “Lucein…,” she breathed out.

Immediately, I curled my lip upward. I couldn’t see her blush but I could feel her cheek burn against my skin.

“How-how did you know?” she added.

“Oh my, you really think you can fool me, desime?” Grabbing one of her wrists, I spun her around to meet me face-to-face.

I thought I’d see her surprised reaction, but I guess it boomeranged onto me. “Oh, dammit woman!” I exclaimed, my eyes widening.

“What?” Then she gave me a cheeky-ass grin.

Dammit, this woman.

I flushed my lungs with fresh air as I massaged the bridge of my nose. “Sheesh, you are not helping me.” Though I tried, my attention just wouldn’t shift away from her curves that she so proudly flaunted.

She was wearing a black bikini, tied securely but I could easily untie if need be. Her breasts—my lovely mountains—stood proudly, enshrouded by the thin material.

I could clearly see her two sweet elevations in the middle. They were begging for me to touch them, roll them with my thumb in aching slowness.

“Helping you with what?” Nicollete’s voice cut through my ardent perusal.

From her body, I narrowed my eyes at her face which sported a grin still. She was teasing me, all right. Acting like an innocent.

“Stay put,” I grumbled.

Then it was her turn to look stunned. “Uh, why are you taking your shirt off?” she asked as I undid the one button that held my shirt in place.

I smiled at her—one that told her I would win our game of teasing. “I’m trying to shield your body from any unnecessary eyes.” I held my shirt behind her back and draped it across her shoulder.

The cloth was big enough to cover her body from her neck to her thigh. It pleased me.

Nicollete, no doubt enjoying the moment too, covered her laugh with a pout. “Lucein, this is a beach resort. I’m bound to wear a bikini sooner or later,” she chastised.

“No, you’re not,” I glared at her. “Now, wear it properly. Slide your arms through the sleeves.”

“I will not.” crossed her arms over her chest and lifted her chin.

“You won’t?” I felt a muscle in my jaw twitch.

“I won’t,” she fired back, this time with eyes blazing with determination.

I sighed but not in surrender. I knew numerous ways to make her wear my shirt, but I chose the best of them all.

“Stubborn woman,” I grumbled as I grabbed her elbows and pulled her in. Then, I sunk my teeth into her skin in between her clavicle and left breast.

“Lucein!” Nicollete yelped. She tried to free herself by pushing my head away, but I was too damn hard-pressed on creating a special kind of hickey for the onlookers to see.

She whimpered low when I swirled my tongue against the spot and sucked it with pressure.


With this, I knew she felt it too, the burning need I was feeling. But there’s always the right time and the right place to go all the way.

After creating the hickey on her chest, I traveled down to her belly, just below the bikini string, and made a second mark.

She tried to stop me, yes, she did, but she couldn’t contest with a king’s strength—that’s a certain fact.

“Lucein! We-we’re in public!”

“There, there.” I stood up and smirked at her. “It’s all done. You can calm yourself down.”

She gnashed her teeth and sent me a glare, but it was so amusing to look at with her face all flushed.

“Now, are you going to wear my shirt properly or not?” I asked, crossing my arms over my naked chest.

She seemed to have noticed my inadequacy of clothing only at that moment, for she shied her face away in a different direction.

“I’m going to, only because I need to change into a different swimming outfit,” she told me while grabbing the sleeve of my shirt.

“Good. Clyde can get one for you. You stay here with me.” I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called the butler. “A rash guard and a Speedo. Get it for me. Stat.”

I saw Clyde nod from across the distance, who ended the call with a “Yes, Boss.”

Once I’d placed my phone back in my pocket, I returned my attention to Nicollete, who seemed to twist her lips in disappointment.

“You planned this all along, did you?” she asked.

I nodded. “I did, Nicollete. Everything except for you wearing that skimpy bikini. Were you trying to seduce me?”

She scoffed. “Why? Did it work? You seem unaffected by women wearing skimpier bikinis than this one.”

And so, I understood where she’d got the confidence to tease me.

“Yes, it worked, my desime. Of course it would. Can’t you see?” I dipped my eyes for a brief moment and returned to look at her with heat.

“I’m embarrassing myself with a huge bulge in my pants.”

She visibly cleared her throat. “Well, then, take care of it. I’m sure you know how.” Was she telling me to jerk on my own? How bold of her, but I have a better idea.

“Won’t you offer any assistance, Nicollete? I want you to.”

She bit her bottom lip and blinked a couple of times before regaining her composure. “Sad that we are in a public place.”

I stepped forward and whispered close to her ear. “Let’s go back to your room and finish what we started then. I know you can’t wait for tonight.”

She parted her lips to reply, but a female voice a few feet away interrupted her.

“Uhm, Ms. Holland? Are you, uhm, fine?”

Nicollete cleared her throat again and quickly sent the woman a smile, stepping away from me with my shirt conveniently covering the kiss marks.

“Yes, Ms. Banks, I’m fine. Oh, my God, you know Mr. Darien Ozric?”

From a wary gaze, her eyes quickly beamed with astonishment. She smiled a brilliant smile at me and then bowed her head low. “Mr. Ozric, sir, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

I tipped my chin down.

“Yes, it’s good to meet one of Ms. Holland’s co-workmates in this expedition,” I smoothly replied, not at all embarrassed that I was still deprived of a shirt.

“I never expected I’d meet you here. Wow, this is an opportunity. Actually, my agency has been meaning to set up an appointment with you about a mirror you bought from the Costard University Museum.

“But you always shy away from the media limelight and your secretary always says you’re unreachable, so it’s hard for my agency to get a hold of you.”

“Oh really?” I stole a quick glance at Nicollete, who was already giving me a knowing look.

“Yes,” Ms. Banks said, frantically nodding.

“So, can I, you know, set up an appointment with you now? My boss would be thoroughly pleased.” She didn’t need to mention his name at all. I already knew it was Ira, so I answered her with a stern no.

“If you want to set up an appointment, do it properly. Go through my secretary. I’m on vacation, busy wooing a woman.”

Through my peripheral vision, I saw Nicollete’s mouth drop. She knew it was her I meant.

“Oh, I’m so sorry Mr. Ozric.” Ms. Banks’s shoulders slumped, but her cheeks stained a shy red. “I let my emotions get ahead of my professionalism.”

“No worries,” I waved my hand in the air. “Well, then, Ms. Holland?” Our eyes met. “I’ll see you around.”

“Yes, uhm, see you around, Mr. Ozric.” Nicollete bent and dipped her head.

I walked away, choosing a different direction where I could safety observe these two women who would most likely be joined by Ira later on.

It would have been better if I were to join them.

I was tempted to offer it earlier, but being cautious was better. After all, I have all the time I need. I’m quickly learning Ira’s agenda thanks to my people back in my kingdom and here on Earth.

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