Conflict of Interest Book 2 - Book cover

Conflict of Interest Book 2

Olivia Miley

Chapter 4

I turn to fill their food bowls. Once their bowls are full, I put some mashed pumpkin in the bowl and mix it up well.

I see a black tail and a red one quickly follow it. Poseidon goes to his bowl while Hades sits in front of me awaiting hugs and kisses. I playfully roll my eyes and get on my knees. “Hey buddy, you miss me?” I ask softly. Hades barks and wags his red tail, he licks my face and goes to his bowl.

I go to the pantry and don’t see anything worth eating. “Boys, it looks like I need to go to the grocery...I have to go grab money from the safe,” I turn around after shutting the pantry door and I head to my safe. Putting in the pin, I grab $500. I was running low on cash anyway.

I grab my keys and my wallet, tucking the money safely inside. I walk out of my apartment, shutting the door behind me only to see a guy walk out of the apartment next to me. “Alright, we’ve moved everything over. He better have a good reason for all of this,” the guy says to another as he comes through the door.

“If his father doesn’t convince him to take over early. He’s been drilling it into his head for years,” the other says.

“That just falls under the category you can’t tell him anything. Where is he, by the way?” the first asks, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

“He is grabbing some extra stuff for his apartment, I believe,” the other says with a shrug. I finally decide to stop eavesdropping and walk to the elevator.

I meet the boys I was just spying on at the elevator, just talking. They haven’t even hit the button yet. I roll my eyes and smack the down button.

They look at me since my smack got their attention, I give them a half smile and thank the gods above when the familiar ding hits my ears. I step in and the two boys follow.

The first guy looks me up and down and tries to ‘nonchalantly’ nudge his friend while motioning to me. The other guy's eyes widen a small bit and a smirk instantly takes over his face.

“Well, if all of the girls look like you, I would want to move in here too,” he says, looking at me like it was the best thing he could’ve said. I let out an unladylike snort and look at him.

“Are you serious?” I ask and he just keeps his smirk. “Wow, you are actually serious. Okay,” I ask, confused and unsure.

“No problem, sweet cheeks,” he says and I cringe. Could this elevator go any faster? “Wanna go back to my place? I have a nice comfy couch where we,” he suggests and my stomach immediately feels like it's ready to lose its contents.

Number one, gross. Number two, Just a couch? What am I, trailer park trash? And lastly, it's only 8, I am not going home with him, not now, not ever.

I plaster on a fake flirty smile and I walk close to him. I seductively point to his chest and trail slowly down as he watches every single one of my movements.

I look into his eyes and try my best at the ‘come hither’ look my mother taught me when I was young. He leans down and right when his lips are about to meet mine, I drop my flirty facade.

“I’m sorry,” I say numbly. “It looks like it’s just you and your hand tonight,” I say, stepping back as his friend busts out with a huge laugh.

The elevator dings once again and I walk towards it, but not without adding, “I hope you and your hand have a lovely and long relationship. Have a good day, gentlemen,” I say chirpily as I walk out the door.

I walk out and pass Ernie. I give him a big friendly smile and walk towards him. “Ernie,” I call out and the man with grey hair turns to me, the corner of his eyes crinkling.

“Ophelia,” he says, opening his arms. I eagerly accept his hug. I open my wallet and take out $200. I look at him.

“I’ve told you before, Ernie, call me Ope.,” I say, handing him the 200. He looks at me and shakes his head.

“Ophelia, I can’t,” he says, and I roll my eyes. I grab his hand and put the money in it, closing it.

“You need it more than I do. You have three grandbabies to take care of. So I’m gonna start something—every two weeks, I am going to give you 200 dollars.

“And before you say something, it is not a freebie. It’s something to keep your grandchildren afloat. You need it. You can’t survive supporting three children and yourself...not on a doorman salary.

“So, take the money, support your grandbabies, and all I ask is that you keep working here so I can see your friendly face here every day, alright?” I ask, and he looks at me, tears filling his eyes. He nods, and he hugs me. I squeeze him tightly.

“Look at me blubbering, thank you so much, Oph—” he stops when I give him the look. “Ope,” he corrects, wiping his tear away. “Go on, I’ll see you later.”

I walk out and get into my car before heading to the store to pick up groceries.

Walking through the store, I see a couple of people here and there. I walk down the chip aisle, picking up everything I see that I want.

I go down the cold aisle and grab some ice cream, and I instantly lick my lips. ‘Mint Chocolate Chip’...yum. I pick up a carton and look down the aisle.

My heart stops as a lump rises in my throat, tears prick the corner of my eyes. I try to gasp for air, but my body isn’t responding.

He puts his frozen fries in his cart, and my heart starts to pound as I see his face.

I drop the ice cream that was once in my hand, making a loud sound echo through the aisle, causing the object of my attention to snap his gaze to me.

When his eyes meet mine, my breath is taken from me as I stare at his brilliant green eyes that swallow me whole.

The eyes that would look at me once and had me willing to confess every bad thing I’d ever done.

“Fuck,” I whisper to myself, knowing I’m in deep shit.

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