Melanie Gomez
I am so sick and tired of his shit!
I know it’s not the true Jack but his stupid wolf Kyro. I have kept my heart closed because I knew how Kyro felt about me.
My wolf Ana has begged Kyro for any kind of affection but has received nothing. It’s been months since I had the twins and Jack just isn’t himself.
I have kept everything hidden because I didn’t want anyone to know. Darren would come up to me asking if he could help. I would just deny that anything was going on, and walk away.
I always made sure Kyro’s marks were covered so Jack wouldn’t freak out. I knew he was having to fight with him constantly, but didn’t want to fuel the fire.
I have tried to stay away from him whenever possible. Except he would get drunk or be upset about something and Kyro would take over.
I always seemed to be the punching bag. He would never hit my face because leave a mark there and everyone would see it.
I tried to leave but he would always threaten me and the pups so I stayed. Now that we are here at the palace I am hoping things can change.
Maybe he can get himself straightened out, but when I saw him look at Cora I knew it wouldn’t happen.
I decide to change into some sweats and a t-shirt and the moment I take my current clothes off my bedroom door swings open with Jack standing there.
He looks at me wide-eyed and I remember that I have my clothes off. I quickly try to cover myself when he shuts the door walking up to me slowly.
I can smell the alcohol and both Ana and I start to panic backing away from him. I keep going till I hit the wall dropping to my knees curling up into a ball sobbing.
“Please Kyro, don’t! I haven’t done anything today, please I am begging you don’t!”
I hear something drop and crack open one eye seeing him on his knees staring at me.
I cautiously lift my head, and he motions for me to stand up. I gather what strength I can lift myself to stand up while shaking in absolute fear.
This man has me so scared of his wolf that sometimes I beg the goddess for it to end.
I look down at the ground with my hands trembling when he moves his hand. I turn, hiding into the wall when he stops and just backs up from me.
“Kyro did this Riley? Kyro has been hitting on you?”
“He is still mad and doesn’t want me as a mate. He wants Cora.”
“When did it start?”
“After Theo and Cora released you when they showed up.”
To say I am absolutely disgusted is an understatement. I get into my mind and find Kyro in a corner.
“How could you Kyro! She is our mate and has given us pups! What else do you want?”
“She’s not Cora! I want Cora! The bitch deserves it!”
I take a step back in shock at his words. I look back at Riley and see the bruises that litter her body and cannot fathom the fear she has.
“Riley, have you lost weight? I can see your ribs!” I go to touch her body and she flinches away. My goddess, what has Kyro done to this girl!
“I wasn’t allowed much food. That’s why I can’t nurse the pups anymore. The staff would have to sneak me food to try to produce any milk. It just stopped, and I had to have them sneak my bottles.”
That’s it! I stormed out of the bedroom and found a staff member to get some food for my mate immediately!
I go searching for Theo and find him talking to Cora in the front entrance. When I walk up, they both look at me concerned.
“Theo, get me chained up this instant, please!”
“Jack, what’s going on?” Cora asked.
I just kept my focus on Theo as he nodded. He led the way, and I followed him down to the cells where he had me ushered into a cell and promptly locked up.
I could feel Kyro trying to fight the silver because I am sure at this point he knows what is about to happen.
“Jack, what the hell is happening?” Cora asked.
I looked between Cora and Theo, fighting with Kyro to get the words out.
“Kyro has been starving and beating on Riley…. I saw the bruises.”
Cora gasps, and Theo just stares wide-eyed at me. He walks up to me, grabbing my hair and yanking my head back, staring straight into my eyes to find Kyro.
I can hear them arguing when Kyro says something I will never forget. “I should have just killed her and the pups!”
Theo lets out a loud growl, and I beg him to get the doctor to do whatever needs to be done to Kyro. I can’t go on like this, and Riley doesn’t deserve it.
I watch Cora go running out, and there’s no doubt she is running to Riley. Theo must have linked the doctor because a few minutes later, he comes in with a bag.
Doctor, I am begging you! Give me whatever to stop my wolf for a while. Maybe even make it permanent.
“Alpha Stern, we can do it temporarily and have you on a schedule to keep him under control. If we were to make it permanent, that would mean death for you. You do understand this, right?”
“It will be a small price to pay to keep my mate safe from my wolf!”
He nods and gets in his bag, pulling out a syringe. “Okay, Alpha, you will need to see me every week on the dot. If you’re late, your wolf might come out. If you do not make it in time, we will need to put everyone on lockdown. Especially your mate and the pups.”
I nod my head when he starts coming forward toward me. I can feel Kyro fighting, and before I can say anything, I am slammed against the wall, being pinned by Theo.
Kyro focuses on him, and in a split second, I feel the prick on my neck.
I feel Kyro growl and snarl as he slowly retreats in my mind and lays down. I feel my whole body slump down when Theo releases me cautiously.
“He has withdrawn and is asleep. Can I be released now?”
“Look at me, Stern!”
I look up at Theo as he searches my eyes and can see Axel pacing back and forth. He steps back, nodding to the guards, and soon the shackles are taken off.
I shakily stand back up, trying to get my bearings. Most of us rely on wolves for their stamina and agility. Now, without Kyro, I have to do everything for myself.
“Alpha Stern, now every week, don’t forget!”
“Got it, doc! Now to go see my mate and try to fix this!”