First Chance Book 4 - Book cover

First Chance Book 4

Andrea Wood

Chapter 74


“No, I guess that won’t be a problem,” I say, ending the call.

Hard Wired Records just got bought out by ~Furious Rock~ Records. The same company that has ~Steele’s Army~ under contract.

The same company that wants me to manage Steele’s Army’s upcoming tour. A tour that’s already scheduled and set to kick off in three days.

Gage is going to think I orchestrated this, a scheme to force my way into his life. I never told him about my job, about what I do. I never told him that his band is the one I’ve always admired.

It would have scared him off. If he’d known, I’m sure he would have pushed me away much sooner.

Well, that can wait until we hit the road. I’ll let him have his say, let him believe whatever he wants. I’m sure he’s going to freak out when he sees me.

“You look worried. Who was that?” Selena asks.

“It was work. The company got sold,” I tell her.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I know you've worked hard to get your foot in the door. Something better will come up, I’m sure.”

“I’m not worried about losing my job, they still want me. It’s where I’m going that’s the problem,” I explain.

“They called you to tell you that you’re leaving?”

“Yeah. There’s a tour that’s already planned and they want me to join. But it’s not the tour that’s the problem. It’s the band.”

“Well, don’t keep me in suspense, who are you going on tour with?” Selena asks, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Steele’s Army.”

She starts jumping around her tiny living room, thrilled. “Yes! Finally! I am so happy for you, Abby.” She starts pumping her fist in the air, chanting ‘yes, yes.’

“I’m not happy. Don’t you remember what happened a month ago? Does the name Gage ring a bell?” I remind her.

“Yeah, but that was months ago. He’s probably forgotten all about that night. If he hasn’t, well, he can get over it. It’s a job.

“One that you want and need. He can’t expect you to turn it down and end up jobless just for him.”

“It’s not just about that night. He called me a gold digger, and worse, a whore.

“I still remember it like it was yesterday. He had the nerve to suggest that he would have paid me. That I would have taken money just for sleeping with him.

“He thought I was trying to trap him. That I was playing games. I don’t care how long ago it was. He’s going to flip and accuse me all over again. I know it.

“But if I want to get anywhere, I have to take this job. I don’t have a choice. I signed a contract with Hard Wired Records, I’m at their mercy for the next three years,” I explain.

“Well, worry about it later, for now we have to celebrate your success in landing a tour with a major record label and band.

“I’ll call the girls and make plans. Three days isn’t a lot of time for you to get ready.”

“I need to go shopping for some new clothes. With Fighting Death, they were more of an opening act for slightly more successful bands. I didn’t bother updating my wardrobe with them.

“But with Steele’s Army, I’m sure they expect me to be professional at all times and look the part. While you’re making plans, I’ll head to the mall and get everything I’ll need.

“Maybe tonight we can do something because tomorrow I’ll be busy getting all the documents from Furious Rock about this tour and the next day I’ll be leaving.”

“Alright, I’ll see what the girls are up to tonight.”

With that, I grab Selena’s car keys and head to the local mall.

When I took this job, I sold everything I owned. My life was meant to be on the road at any given time.

It didn’t make sense to pay rent and electricity when I wasn’t even going to be home to enjoy it. Or to pay for a car or car insurance.

Before I left, Selena and I agreed that I would crash at her place on her couch and use her car if needed. She always kept a spare closet empty for any of my belongings that I wanted to keep.

She was a lifesaver.

I make my trip to the mall as quick as possible.

I pick up four new pencil skirts, a few new blouses that I can mix and match, and a new black and grey pinstriped jacket. I stop by Victoria's Secret to grab some new undergarments.

I have fairly new luggage, so that’s an expense I don’t have to worry about.

When I get back to Selena's apartment, I raid my designated closet and start packing. Knowing the girls, I’ll be busy every minute until I leave.

I pull out my luggage, pack the new clothes I bought, and add in some of the old.

After triple-checking that I haven’t forgotten anything, I put it away just in time for Selena to announce our plans for the next sixty-odd hours.

“Okay, I’ve called the girls. Tonight it's drinks and a movie while tomorrow will be a send-off dinner. Raven was a bit pissed, but when is she not?” Selena says, laughing.

“True. So what movie are we watching?” I ask.

“I thought we could run out before they all get here and see what the new releases are.

“Maybe a comedy, it would probably be better with drinking and all. We don’t want to watch a romance, we’d end up crying our eyes out.

“I want this to be a celebration, you’ve landed a dream job—even if the jerk is in the band.”

“What are we waiting for?” I ask, slipping my sandals on.

We settle on Ride Along, a comedy about a guy trying to prove his worth to his girlfriend’s brother. It’s hilarious.

As we sip on strawberry daiquiris, I notice Raven’s mood has lifted since I last saw her. I put up with her mood swings because she’s one of the few people I can rely on.

Sure, she’s often moody, but if anyone has a reason to be, it’s her. Not that she doesn’t get on my nerves sometimes.

When the movie ends, I get up and start tidying up. Empty glasses are scattered on the end tables next to the couch, and bags of chips are strewn on the floor.

Drunk women and cleanliness don’t mix when movies are involved.

“Abby, leave the mess till morning,” Selena calls from the bathroom.

Raven and Sage are in the kitchen, finishing off the last of the daiquiris we made before the movie.

“So, dinner tomorrow night? Have you decided where you want to eat, considering you’ll be leaving home for a couple of months?” Sage asks.

“I’m not picky. Anywhere you guys want to go is fine with me.” Food is food, no matter where you are.

I’ve lived a life that’s taught me not to get too attached to one place. Maybe that’s why I fell in love with my job.

Some people say I’m lucky to have visited so many places, to have had so many adventures, to have crossed off so many things on my bucket list.

But sometimes, I wish I could find a place to call home, maybe even a person to make me feel at home.

“Just pick a damn place, Abagail. You’re leaving us for who knows how long, leaving us in the dust while you run off.

“The dinner is for you, to celebrate you getting what you’ve always wanted. So just pick a fucking place!” Raven explodes.

“Raven, I know you’re sad about me leaving and it’s coming out as anger, but I don’t want to leave on bad terms with you. So please, check your attitude at the door,” I say, keeping my voice calm.

“I’m going home,” she snaps at me. “Sage, want to share a cab?”

“Sure, let’s call it a night. Text me when you guys decide where we’re meeting up,” Sage says, pulling me into a hug.

Raven follows her out of the apartment. That’s when Selena walks into the kitchen. “They left already?” she asks.

“Yeah, they were ready for bed. I am too. You need to decide where we’re meeting up tomorrow and text them. Night.”


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