Artemis' Gift Book 4 - Book cover

Artemis' Gift Book 4

M. Syrah

Chapter 2


I watched Payne saunter off in the direction of the classrooms. There was something about him that intrigued me, and I had a feeling we were going to be fast friends. This year was shaping up to be unforgettable.

“Babe.” Tobias’s voice startled me, pulling me back to reality. “Did you catch what I said?”

“Sorry.” I replied, a little embarrassed. “I didn’t. I was lost in thoughts about my next class and the new teacher.”

“No worries.” He laughed. “You’re a star student, all the teachers adore you. Want me to walk you to class?”

“Don’t be silly, you’re an economics major, not history. I’ll be fine. Plus, I made a new friend, so I should be okay.”

“Right… Just be cautious with that guy, you don’t really know him.” Tobias’s discomfort was evident.

“He was engrossed in Electra. He’s clearly harmless.” I sighed. “I’ll catch you later, I don’t want to be late.”

“Sure, babe.”

I leaned in, planting a quick kiss on his lips before heading toward the building. I found myself hoping that Payne had managed to find the room. If Tobias hadn’t shown up, I would have guided him myself.

The walk from the cart to the building was short. As I entered the amphitheater, I froze. There, at the front of the steadily filling classroom, stood Payne, setting up his materials. He wasn’t a student, he was the new teacher.

He caught my eye and offered a small smile, his green eyes twinkling. I blushed and quickly looked away, finding a seat next to some familiar faces. All the girls were staring at Payne, completely smitten.

“This class is going to be interesting.” Anabelle sighed next to me. “Don’t you think, Hella?”

Payne was undeniably attractive. I shouldn’t be thinking this way, I had a boyfriend. But there was something about Payne that stirred something within me.

He was tall and muscular, not at all what I expected from someone with his academic background.

He looked too young to be so knowledgeable, but some people were just that gifted. And he clearly took care of his physique… Shit.

I forced my gaze away from him, scanning the room. Almost all the girls were gazing at Payne dreamily, while the boys seemed indifferent. Regardless, the room was packed, a first for a class like this.

“Yeah…,” I replied softly. “It’s going to be interesting.”

Anabelle giggled, her eyes still glued to Payne. I found myself irked by all the female attention he was getting. Why? I couldn’t answer that.

“Welcome everyone.” Payne began as the class started. “I’m thrilled to see that antiquity still captivates. We’re going to delve into myths and historical facts, and you’ll discover how intertwined they really are.”

He was so comfortable in front of the crowd, his passion for the subject evident. He was knowledgeable and engaging, making the class incredibly interesting.

I found myself hanging onto his every word, unable to tear my eyes away from him. There was something almost sensual about the way he moved around the stage, writing Greek words on the board.

I struggled to focus on his words, not the way his muscles flexed under his shirt. Geez.

When the class ended, the female students seemed reluctant to leave. I didn’t have another class immediately, so I decided to stay and chat with Payne.

I wasn’t the only one with that idea. Several girls lingered, batting their eyelashes at him, but he seemed oblivious to their advances. Was he married? No ring. Maybe he had a girlfriend.

He seemed loyal. She was a lucky girl. Why was I even thinking about this? I wasn’t interested.

The girls eventually left, giggling among themselves. Payne turned his clear eyes to me, offering a small smile.

“You could have told me that you were the teacher,” I said.

“Does it matter?” he asked, amused. “You didn’t ask me what I was doing here. I would have told you if you had.”

“Touché.” I sighed. “Regardless, that was a fascinating introduction to your class.”

“I’m glad you think so.” He smiled. “I’ll be expecting top-notch work from you. I noticed you were taking a lot of notes. Would you like a book recommendation like the group before you?”

“I’m not sure they were interested in books.” I blurted out before I could stop myself.

He looked at me, surprised, and I blushed. Why did I say that out loud? Why did I sound jealous? That was ridiculous!

“Well.” He chuckled. “If they read the books and get good grades, then their motives don’t matter to me.”

“You seem like a great teacher, but this is your first time teaching, right?” I asked, relieved that he didn’t push the issue.

“That’s true.” He nodded. “I thought it would be beneficial to share some of my knowledge. I usually prefer fieldwork, but teaching seems interesting.”

“We’re glad to have you. Most antiquity teachers are much older.”

He seemed amused by this, his eyes sparkling with mirth. I didn’t understand what was so funny, but his laughter made him even more attractive.

I blushed, feeling like a teenager with a crush. How could he affect me so much? Damn. My heart was racing.

“Studying this period takes time, so I can see why my predecessors were older. Age is just a number, what matters is the experience you gain. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m expected in the dean’s office. He wants to know how my first class went.”

“Of course, thank you for taking the time to chat.”

“Anytime. You can talk to me about anything, Hella.” He reassured me.

As we walked into the hallway, I noticed him hesitate, as if he wanted to say something but decided against it. He nodded and headed toward the administration building, where the professor’s offices and the dean’s office were located.

I watched him leave, my gaze lingering until he vanished into the hallway. A sudden urge to head to the library washed over me. No man had ever stirred such feelings within me, not even Tobias. I had agreed to date Tobias out of loneliness, not love.

He was good to me, and I never regretted our relationship, but the spark was missing. We weren’t each other’s soulmates, but we weren’t living in a romance novel either. As long as he treated me well, that was enough.

I was convinced that what I felt for Payne was merely desire, something I could easily switch off.

I reached for my phone to check the time, realizing I had a few hours to spare before my next class. Tobias didn’t have any classes until later that afternoon, so I could always suggest meeting up somewhere.

Hellababe, are you free right now? Do you want to meet?

I sent the text, but there was no immediate response. That was unusual; Tobias typically replied right away. I was about to dial his number when a text from him popped up on my screen.

TobiasSure. Why don’t you come to my room? I’m currently with my frat bros at the house, sorry I didn’t have my phone.
HellaNo problem ☺️ I’m on my way to the house.

He sent me a kiss emoji as I started walking toward the frat house. It was situated at the far end of the campus, but I should be able to get there quickly. We could grab a bite to eat before we both had to return to our classes.

It wouldn’t be as thrilling as Payne’s class, but I’d have to endure it. Maybe I could ask Tobias for help with my other classes. He seemed knowledgeable about a lot of things. I found myself oddly excited at the prospect of talking to him again.

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