Breanna Gellings
After our fantastic date and the amazing sex, things began to feel right between Adam and me. Our relationship felt like it was moving in the right direction.
I never told him about the two encounters I had with Zane. Part of me felt guilty, but things seemed to be going well and when would I ever see Zane again?
These days Zane didn’t even cross my mind... well, he rarely crossed my mind.
Adam and I settled into a routine. We spent one or two nights a week together and, on the weekends, we would do things.
We went ice skating, hiking through the parks, out to see movies, took a kickboxing class. Everything felt like it was falling into place.
“Ok, how does this look and no laughing!” I said, walking out of my walk-in closet.
Adam was perched on the edge of my bed in a gorgeous navy-blue tux. He’d had it tailored to fit him perfectly. He glanced up from his cell phone and his eyes widened.
“That bad?” I asked, biting my lip.
Adam shook his head viciously. “You look absolutely stunning and if we weren’t running so late for this Christmas party, I would rip that dress off you right now.
“As it is, it’ll have to wait until after the party.” Adam gave me an exaggerated wink and I felt my tension leaving my body.
I turned to twirl in front of the mirror. I admired the tight black material that clung to all my curves and how it flared out into a mermaid style.
There were tons of glittering diamond sequins starting along the sweetheart neckline that fanned out as they fell down the dress until only a few twinkled between the folded layers making up the mermaid flare.
My curly hair was pulled up into a very intricate updo with tendrils falling to frame my face.
I was so ready to rock this party. And only a little bit of me was anxious to show Adam’s boss what he was missing. It had been seven months since he’d brought me home from the club.
The last time we’d shared an amazing kiss.
Most of me was hoping to avoid Zane at all costs, though there was a small part of me that longed to ignite that passion he seemed to have buried somewhere deep inside.
I’d caught a few glimpses of it, and I knew there had to be more.
“The car is here,” Adam said, reaching out for me. I slipped my hand into the warmth of his palm and followed him out the door to the car waiting for us.
When we arrived at his office building, it was all decked out for Christmas. The lobby had garlands and a Christmas tree in every corner.
Twinkling lights strung around the room reflected off all the glass windows, making it feel enchanted. I ooh’ed and ahh’ed all the way to the elevator. Once inside, I began fidgeting with my dress.
Grabbing my hands, Adam pulled me tight to his body. He wrapped one arm around my waist, and the other held my chin up so I would look him in the eye. “Stop fidgeting. You look stunning.”
“Everyone will be envious of the beautiful date I brought tonight.”
I smiled sweetly at Adam, and he bent his head to give me a very sweet kiss. When we broke apart, we smiled at each other shyly.
When the elevator doors opened, we were once again in the amazing ballroom that had hosted Adam’s launch party all those months ago, where I first saw Zane.
I told myself not to look around for those sparkling green eyes.
I rested my hand in the crook of Adam’s arm as he led me to the bar and ordered us both drinks. He handed me mine, and I took a slow sip. “Well, let’s just hope that drink stays in the glass this time.”
“Otherwise, people will start thinking you have some sort of problem,” I heard from behind me.
Slowly, I turned to see Delia’s snarky grin. “Maybe they’ll realize it’s not me who has the problem but the person the drink has been spilled on.” I took another slow sip of my drink.
“But I’d hate to ruin your dress.” I made a show of looking her emerald floor-length dress up and down. “Even if it is an improvement.”
Delia’s face turned red, and she opened her mouth as if to say something. At that moment, Adam popped his head in between the two of us. “I think you look lovely, Delia,” he said kindly.
I saw Delia’s eyes glint as she smiled slowly up at Adam.
“You’re too kind, Adam.” Her hand rested softly on his arm. “Do me the honors of a first dance?”
I expected Adam to decline, and I was horrified when he quickly said, “Of course.” My mouth dropped open as I watched him place his hand on her lower back and guide her to the dance floor.
Delia tipped her head to the side, looking at Adam’s face before turning and shooting a wink and victorious grin in my direction.
My jaw was clenched tight as my nails dug into my palms. What the hell was Adam doing? He knew how much I despised Delia, even though I’d never confided in him as to why.
He’d promised me he stayed away from her as much as possible at work, yet there he was pushing her around the dance floor like they were two old pals!
Taking a deep breath, I tried to push down my anger. They were coworkers. He had to be cordial.
I turned my back on them and downed the contents of my drink. I raised my hand to signal another when a voice behind me sent a chill down my spine.
“Pace yourself, I’d hate to have to find someone to clean your vomit off this floor too.” My eyes closed briefly as I took a deep breath to center myself. Then I slowly turned around to face him.
Zane stood in front of me looking just as delicious as I remembered. His glasses were gone, making his bright green eyes easier to see and clearer.
His thick, curly brown hair had been slicked down, giving him a very dapper air. He was wearing a very classic black tux and a mischievous smile.
“Mr. Wilden, a pleasure as always,” I said, giving him my fakest smile. “Whatever did I do to deserve such attention?”
Zane’s smile widened as he bent over. His lips brushed my ear, and despite myself, I felt a shiver run down my spine and my nipples peaked against the fabric of my strapless bra.
“To be honest, princess, I missed our verbal sparring. I was starting to think you weren’t up to it anymore.”
I pulled back and looked up into Zane’s eyes. “On the contrary, I believe our verbal sparring is necessary. It must help you keep your wits about you.
“After all, after 24, your brain starts to slow down and you're already 7 years past that.”
“Ah, so you’ve been digging into my history, I see. Did a little Google search turn up my age for you?”
I laughed gently. “As if you’ve crossed my mind enough for me to decide to Google you.” I had, in fact, Googled him once during one of my nights when I was thinking about him.
I definitely didn’t want the smug bastard to know it.
“I think I cross your mind quite a bit, princess. You just don’t want to admit it to me.” I blushed a bit. Suddenly, Zane held his hand out to me.
“Would you do me the pleasure of joining me in a dance?”
My heart stopped for a second. I looked at his outstretched hand and the easy smile on his face. Why did this seem like a trap?
“I don’t bite, princess...much.” He shrugged his shoulder and continued to watch me, hand outstretched.
Without thinking, I took his hand and he led me out to the dance floor. The song was soft and swaying.
It was beautiful, and Zane and I swayed to the music gently. Our bodies pressed close together, one of his hands holding mine tenderly while the other held me gently around my waist.
“Adam’s dancing with Delia, I see,” Zane said gently. His head rested softly on the top of mine while my cheek rested against his chest.
“Probably because he didn’t want me to cause another scene like the last time Delia and I were thrown together.”
Zane made a noncommittal sound in his throat. “And you’re okay with your boyfriend dancing with the woman who slept with one of your other boyfriends?”
“I’m not okay with it but Adam is his own person. And I have to trust him for this relationship to work.”
“And do you? Trust him, I mean?”
I started to open my mouth and then closed it again. Adam and I had been doing so well. Everything was amazing. And yet I found it hard to trust anyone.
Even someone who loved me and whom I loved, though we hadn’t said those words yet. “At this point, I have to,” I said in answer to Zane’s question. “It’s too dangerous to think anything else.”
I looked up into the beautiful eyes that I couldn’t get out of my head. Even when things were good with Adam, I still dreamed of these eyes. “It’s not dangerous to protect your heart,” he said softly.
“Why do you care?” I had to know. The question had been bubbling since he’d seen me home safe from the club that night.
Zane’s face seemed so open in that moment. His hand came up and stroked my cheek lightly. “Because you are too precious.” My mouth hung open as I stared at him. Did he just say I was precious?
As if realizing he just said something silly, Zane smirked and dropped his hand from my cheek. We resumed our gentle swaying across the dance floor until the song ended.
When it was over, Zane released me and, without another word, headed off across the floor. I watched his retreating back and felt a small sense of loss. It felt new and odd to me.
I walked over to the bar in a daze and ordered another drink. I downed it without tasting it and glanced back at the dance floor.
I spotted Adam through the mass of people, resting his hand on Delia’s hip while they flowed across the floor, easy smiles on both their faces. My brows knitted together in confusion.
This seemed like overkill for making up for the picnic all those months ago.
I turned on my heel and headed out a set of huge double doors to a small hallway. I leaned against the wall, forgetting to be careful of my hair.
I took in a few deep breaths to steady myself and tried to push all thoughts of Delia out of my head. Somehow, she always managed to get under my skin.
After a few minutes, I turned my head to the side and opened my eyes, glancing down the hallway.
At the end of the hall, there was a set of beautiful French doors that were open ajar, leading to a balcony. I glimpsed a tall, dark-clad figure outside, looking up at the sky.
Instinctively, I knew who it was, and I made my way down the hall. I slipped out the doors, closing them gently behind me.
“Hiding out here because most of the people in that room think you’re a jerk?” I asked, folding my arms behind my back, cocking my hip slightly. I couldn’t help the smirk that stole across my face.
Zane turned to me, and his penetrating gaze shot through me, knocking the small smile off my face. He held out his hand to me. “Come here,” he said softly.
I felt myself go soft as I reached out and grasped his warm hand in mine. He pulled me in front of him, wrapping one hand around me as he pulled my back flush to his front.
I gasped softly at the feel of him behind me.
“I know you feel it too,” he whispered, his breath warm against my ear on the chilly December night. “Why do you stay with him?”
A shiver ran through me. I closed my eyes tightly, trying to calm my breathing. “He’s a good guy, Zane.”
“Is he?” Zane opened his mouth and captured the bottom lobe of my ear. I arched my back, pushing my butt into his crotch. I felt his hand move up my front and cup my breast through my dress.
“He might not be as good as you think he is.”
“What do you know?” I asked breathily. His hand began a gentle caress of my breast, and his tongue swirled around my ear. I stifled a moan.
His mouth pulled away from my ear as he nestled his face into my neck. “Just some office gossip. Those who think he hasn’t left his player ways behind him.
“I would hate to see you get caught up in the crossfire.”
He nuzzled and bit gently at my neck as his hand worked its way up to plunge down into the neckline of my dress, cupping bare flesh.
His other hand was tracing lines up and down my arm, causing me to break out in goosebumps.
I was leaning against Zane’s chest, panting hard. God, I wanted him to touch me more. I wanted to feel him inside me. What could it hurt? Adam seemed all wrapped up in Delia for the night.
Just one night with Zane.... we had this crazy connection that I could feel in my soul even if he was an ass 97% of the time. He knew how to light my body on fire.
Reaching behind me, I rubbed my hand along the considerable girth that was straining against his tux pants. I heard his breath hitch at my touch.
I smiled as I continued to stroke him through his pants, and his hands continued their torture of my body.
We were both feeling extremely needy, and I could feel it rising higher and knew we would both snap shortly.
The sexual tension had always been exceptionally high between us, and sooner or later I knew we would cave to it.
“Oh shit,” I heard suddenly coming from behind us. “I, uh, didn’t mean to interrupt, but it’s time for your speech, sir.”
We had both missed the sound of the French doors opening. Luckily, I was shielded by Zane’s body and not much of me could be made out by our interrupter. The doors closed, and Zane let out a growl.
His hands disappeared from my body, as did his warmth. I felt cold at the sudden loss of him. I turned around to look into his eyes. They were shining brightly, with just a touch of wildness to them.
“Until next time, princess,” he said, straightening his clothes with a smirk on his face.
“We can’t do this anymore, Zane,” I said quietly, stopping him in his tracks. “I can’t keep doing this to myself and to Adam. Please, just stay away from me.”
I brushed past him and made my way down the hall. I felt a warm tear trickle down my face. With the flick of my wrist, I wiped it away. This had to be the last time.
My heart, mind, and body couldn’t keep doing this. Luckily, Zane didn’t try to follow me.
I found Adam chatting with some coworkers; Delia was nowhere to be seen. I pulled him toward me a little and whispered in his ear, “Hey babe, I’m not feeling very good. I’m going to head home.
“I’ll see you later this week, okay?”
Adam looked down at my face, concern etched on his features.
“Do you need me to escort you?” he asked softly, probably remembering my sudden departure at the picnic and wondering if I was going to lose it again. I shook my head faintly.
“No, I’ll be fine. You stay and mingle with your coworkers.” I leaned up and kissed him softly. “I’ll see you later.”
I went to turn away, and Adam grabbed my hand softly. I turned back to look into his concerned eyes. “Hey Ella, I love you, you know.” He said it softly, looking deep into my eyes.
I gave him a small smile. This was the first time he’d said it.
“Me too, Adam,” was all I could manage. I gave him another small smile and headed out. I took the elevator down and hailed a cab.
When I got home, I stripped out of my dress and immersed myself in a hot shower, trying to rinse the feel of Zane’s hands from my body. It was the truth. I couldn’t do this anymore.
It was beginning to hurt too much to see him walk away, and it was getting too hard for me to walk away.
My tears mixed in with the hot water raining over my body. When the water ran cold, I dried off and put on my fluffy pajamas.
I crawled into bed, pulled the blankets over my head, and tried to push out all thoughts of Zane Wilden.