The Wrong Move - Book cover

The Wrong Move

Breanna Gellings

More than a Kiss


The seventeen-year-old me from seven years ago was seething on the inside. My hands balled into fists so tight my nails were digging into my palm. I fought the urge to punch the smile off her face.

Why was Delia Lawrence here? Why was her hand resting lightly on Zane’s arm? I could feel the heat rising up my neck as I fumed on the inside.

“Adam, I want you to meet Delia Lawrence. We are looking at adding her to the team. She’s back after spending the last six years in New York. Delia, meet Adam.”

“One of our top team members and Ella.” Zane glanced down at Delia. My gut clenched in worry. He glanced back up and asked, “Why don’t you two join us?”

The last thing I wanted was to spend more than two seconds with this bitch. Before I could say anything, Adam smiled, “We’d be happy to.”

He glanced over at me before focusing back on Delia’s bright face. Zane turned, taking Delia with him as we followed behind to a row of coolers. We each pulled out a drink.

I opened my wine cooler and downed almost half. I knew I’d need it.

“So Delia,” Adam began, “what brought you back from New York? The big city is the place to be for advertising. Those companies handle some major campaigns.”

Delia smiled slightly, her cat-like eyes dancing over Adam’s handsome features.

“I just really missed home and thought it would benefit me to start at a smaller company to get a better perspective of every aspect of this profession.” She took a sip of her drink.

“And this company seems perfect.” Her free hand seemed to squeeze Zane’s bicep gently. She turned her gaze to me. “It’s so lovely to see you again, Ella.”

I felt the color drain from my face. Both men’s eyes turned to me. I had been unnaturally quiet. I put on my best fake smile.

“Feels like just yesterday to me,” I replied, gritting my teeth to keep the smile in place.

“And what have you been up to these past years?”

“I received a degree as well. I’m now a fifth-grade teacher.”

Delia let out a musical laugh. “You? Teach?” Her hand flew to her chest like she was shocked. “Guess people really do change.”

“Or they don’t, some grow up and just find clever ways to hide their true selves.”

Adam’s eyebrows were drawn together in confusion. “Why wouldn’t El teach?”

Delia let out a small laugh again as she said, “Let’s just say in high school Ella was not the most...studious pupil. I think she was too...distracted.”

My cheeks burned hot as I glared at the one person I hated the most on this planet. Anger poured off me in waves, and I was shocked no one else had detected it.

“High school was trivial,” I said. “Fake people and backstabbing around every corner. Guess it was best to be distracted. Obviously it worked out well in the end.”

“If you’ll excuse me,” I turned on my heels and walked away as fast as possible without seeming like I was fleeing.

My chest heaved as I fought to keep my tears at bay. I couldn’t believe she still had the ability to do this to me. I found myself storming into the tree line along the back of the park.

I stormed through, so upset I barely registered the touch to my arm. I turned and buried my face into Adam’s torso. The tears threatened to spill over.

He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly. I gulped in air as I tried to steady myself and bring in some calm.

“I’m sorry I stormed off like that,” I muttered.

“I found it quite entertaining, princess.”

I stiffened. The accent, the nickname, the feel of him. I realized quickly the arms around me were not Adam’s. “What did she do?” he asked softly.

I pulled back to look at him. His green eyes pinned me to the spot. “You aren’t Adam.”

“Right, I think I’m a touch more handsome and sophisticated.”

He continued to hold me loosely. I could pull away, but I couldn’t bring myself to. Tears continued to threaten to spill over, so I blinked slowly and breathed deeply.

Zane’s hand came up to graze my cheek.

“I asked you what happened. It must have been awful,” he muttered, gently stroking my cheek. I couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. “Would you like to talk about it?” His face seemed even closer.

His lips were a breath away. I could smell the soft cleanliness of him.

I heard a whisper and was surprised to realize it was coming from me. “We used to be best friends.” Zane’s hand stopped its soothing movement along my cheek. “I trusted her with everything.

“Until I caught her in my boyfriend’s bed.” I gulped as I remembered that day.

My last hour of the day was a study group. I’d already finished all the assignments and decided to go check on Daniel, who had been home sick that day.

The door key was in the potted plant on the porch. I let myself in and headed down the hallway to see if he needed anything.

As I neared his room, I began to hear a weird squeaking and what sounded like a dog panting. I was so naive to not recognize the sounds. Sounds I had been in the middle of before.

I swung the door open to find Daniel lying on his back while Delia straddled him, bouncing herself up and down on his cock. Both were naked and sweat-soaked, his hands resting on her bare hips.

I remember screaming and feeling like it would never end. I remember the look on Daniel’s face... and on Delia’s. I could never forgive either of them.

Everything around Zane and I felt still. The sounds of the party were distant and not a soul moved in the refuge of trees we had found.

“That must have been difficult to see,” Zane said, breaking the tense silence. I nodded my head.

“And even harder to forget.”

“Ah, now forgetting... that’s my specialty.”

Suddenly, Zane’s lips crashed onto mine. His arms pulled me closer as my arms wrapped around his neck. My torso was flush to him and he pulled me to my tiptoes even as he bent to deepen our kiss.

I felt his tongue tap my lips, seeking entrance. My lips parted, and I was assaulted by the sweet and tangy taste of him. I felt a groan go through my body as I felt my core heat up.

I shamelessly rubbed myself along his rock-hard front as his fingers trailed down my back until he cupped my rear.

Our tongues continued their exploration of each other’s mouths as our hands took on minds of their own and began to explore.

His finger gently flicked against my pebbled nipple, and I let out a gasp that he quickly swallowed. I could feel the pure liquid pooling in my underwear as my body pushed further and further into his.

My back rubbed against something rough as he pushed me against a tree, shifting his stance to continue his assault on my senses with his tongue and his hands.

My body was begging for him, but something in my mind snapped.

I pulled away. “What are you doing?”

“What I said, princess, helping you forget.”

“And did you forget I have a boyfriend?”

“It didn’t seem to matter one way or the other since I know you're attracted to me.” He shrugged his shoulders as he drew further away from me. My body instantly missed his heat.

I took a small step toward him.

Zane pulled away completely with a small smirk on his face, slipping his hands into his pockets. “Guess you are easily distracted. Should we ask Adam if he’s willing to share?”

My mouth fell open as I stared at him in disbelief. How dare he throw Delia’s words at me after he had basically attacked me. And I was no possession that could just be passed around!

I felt my desire turning into rage.

“I may be attracted to your looks, but your personality is a whole different matter. In fact, it’s quite ugly!” I shoved past Zane and headed back in the direction of the park.

I heard soft laughter coming from behind me, spurring me to flee faster.

As I came barreling out of the tree line, I saw Adam talking to a group of guys. I made a beeline for him. When I reached him, I grabbed his hand, tugging lightly so he’d look at me.

“Can we please go?” I begged him with my eyes to say yes.

Adam glanced back at the coworkers he had just been talking to. He looked back at me and leaned down to my ear. “I really need to be here. Can you please give me another hour?”

I had hoped Adam could see how badly I needed to leave, but I didn’t want to ruin this for him. I forced myself to smile.

“Of course.” He squeezed my hand with a slight smile before letting go and turning back to his colleagues, who had moved on to discuss some new rumors they’d heard about a big client switching advertising companies.

I wandered off to look around at the other areas of the picnic. The sun was beginning to set, and I could make out some stars as they began appearing.

I found myself by the cooler and grabbed another drink. I had just popped the top when I heard from behind me, “I honestly never would have expected to find you here.

“From what I remember, this isn’t your scene.”

“And what is my scene, Delia?” I asked, turning around to face her. “Since you know so much about me.” I raised the bottle to my lips and took a small sip. I quirked my eyebrow at her.

“Seems you are still trying so hard to climb the social ladder when you’ve never been an important part of it.”

I rolled my eyes dramatically. “I didn’t realize coming with a boyfriend to a company picnic was disrupting the whole social hierarchy.”

“Excuse me while I scurry back to the gutter where I belong,” I said mockingly.

Delia smiled unpleasantly. “Now there’s the smartest thing I think I’ve ever heard you say.”

Without thinking, I took a few brisk steps until I was right in front of her. She looked at me with wide eyes, unmoving.

I lifted my arm and upended the entire contents of my drink over her perfectly straight bleach blonde hair.

I watched the red alcohol seep into the pale blue sheath dress she was wearing and felt a deep sense of satisfaction.

I gave her a menacing grin before pushing past her and heading towards the street. I could hear people asking her what had happened and honestly, I didn’t care what she told them.

I reached the street and walked down to the corner to flag a cab. Behind me, I heard someone calling my name, but I ignored it. A cab stopped in front of me, and I opened the door, sliding one leg in.

A hand grabbed my arm, and I turned to look up into Adam’s face.

He was red and panting after chasing after me, and his eyes looked angry. “Why would you embarrass me like that, Ella?” he shouted. “I have to work with these people. Work with her!

“And you just humiliated me in front of the whole company!”

I looked down at Adam’s fingers before yanking my arm out of his hand. Without a word, I slid into the cab and shut the door. I gave the driver my address, and as we pulled away, I didn’t look back.

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