The Veil's Mistresses - Book cover

The Veil's Mistresses

K.D. Peters

Chapter 3

“Did you really not feel any attraction to the others who were presented to you before?”

My voice was a soft whisper, slicing through the quiet darkness of the bedroom. It was the middle of the night, and sleep had been playing hard to get.

The silver lining was that Jekia seemed to be in the same boat, and we’d decided to chat for a bit.

I have to admit, I didn’t see that coming from him.

He’d been kind to me on this first full day of my being his, but it felt like he was just trying to get something in return.

I didn’t expect him to genuinely care about me, but it was nice to think he might indulge me by opening up a bit more.

Jekia was lying next to me, his white hair glowing like a halo in the moonlight streaming through the windows.

He looked relaxed, a content expression on his face as he rested his head on one of the plush pillows.

“Not at all. Why would I be interested in a woman I didn’t feel attracted to?” he replied, his voice as soft as mine.

I shifted slightly, letting the blanket fall to my waist. The night was warm, and even naked, being under the covers felt too hot.

“You say that, but I still don’t understand why you find me attractive.

“I wasn’t considered attractive in my world, and I’ve already seen some incredibly beautiful women here,” I told him.

“Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” Jekia replied. He reached over and played with a lock of my hair, letting it slip through his fingers.

I watched his claws as he did this. They were where his nails would be if he were human and looked very sharp. They were white, like his hair, ears, and tail.

I slowly raised my hand, gently touching my fingers to his. “How can you touch me without hurting me?

“You’re so strong, and your claws look incredibly sharp. But you touch me without leaving a scratch,” I said.

“Just because I have claws doesn’t mean I can’t control them,” Jekia reminded me.

“I’ve trained myself over the thousands of years I’ve lived, and I’m not a ruler just because of my power.

“So, I know how to use restraint in everything I do, including touching you.”

“You certainly do,” I sighed.

A smile played on Jekia’s lips. “Of course I do. You’re my beta now. It’s only right that I do as I please with you.”

I propped myself up on my elbow, my long hair cascading around my shoulders and pooling on the bed beneath me.

“I’m curious about that term. What do you mean when you call me your beta? Is it like calling me your wife or mistress?”

“You could say that. It’s part of who I am.

“Even though I’m the last of my line, I’ll always be part of the Luna Dog Clan, and we’ve always believed in our strongest males being alphas.

“Those alphas would eventually choose a mate, or wife, as humans and some others call them. That mate is our beta, and all alphas strive to claim one,” Jekia explained.

That was interesting. So, this “beta” term he’d been using was a kind of familial bond.

“I see. So your beta is the woman you choose. It’s a strange term, though,” I remarked.

“Maybe to humans, but it’s natural to us.” Jekia sat up a bit with me, running a hand through my hair again before kissing me.

“Don’t belittle yourself in all this. You’re my choice, and everyone will respect that.”

I exhaled deeply as he pulled back and said this.

“I understand, and I’ll try. But you have to realize that this world is very different for me as a human, not to mention where I came from in my own world.

“Girls like me aren’t meant to be in positions of wealth or power. We’re just given to men in those positions to be used as they see fit.”

“And you think I’m any different?” Jekia challenged.

“Maybe not,” I admitted. “Maybe you’re more like them than I’d like to admit. But I don’t have a choice, especially now. You wanted this from me when we met, and I agreed.”

“You did, and I won’t pretend to be much better, despite the agreement you made with me,” Jekia agreed.

He stayed close to me as he lay down, running his fingers over my cheek and neck, his claws tickling my skin. “But I have to admit, I can’t resist you.

“You draw me in like a moth to a flame, and I find it hard to resist being near you. Being able to claim you is like heaven to me.”

“Can I ask, did you do something to me the first time we were together?” I asked.

“What do you mean?”

He acted confused, but I had a feeling he knew exactly what I was talking about. His eyes were too confident.

“You know what I mean, but I guess I can say it since it’s just us. I find it hard to believe that sex could feel as amazing as it does with you.

“I don’t mean to insult you, but you can see where I’m coming from, right?” I continued.

I expected him to tease me more, but thankfully he let it go.

“I see your point, and while I’m confident that I’m a great lover, I’ll admit I used the connection I made with you during sex.

“It not only enhances my pleasure, but I also enjoy feeling your pleasure,” he told me.

I lay down with him. “Well, I can’t complain about that, and I do enjoy being with you. I just hope you’ll continue to enjoy having me here.”

“I’ve told you before, I’m human. I’ll age, and eventually, I’ll die. I don’t have the immortality you do.”

“You don’t need to worry about such things. You’re here with me in the Veil, and I’ve connected you to me. That’s enough to keep you as you are, free from the worries of aging or death. As I’ve said before, this world isn’t like yours, and you’re no longer part of the mortal one. You belong here, and to me,” Jekia replied.

I closed my eyes, curling up in his embrace. Despite my discomfort with the idea of belonging to him, I felt at ease in his arms. Sleep was becoming more and more appealing, and it didn’t take long for me to succumb to it.

The next morning was a blend of sunshine and clouds. It seemed like these mornings were starting to form a routine.

I woke up to find Jekia already gone, but he’d left a dress for me along with a note. As usual, the note apologized for his early departure and complimented me, saying how lovely I’d look in the dress.

I read the note with a quiet acceptance, then freshened up in the nearby bathroom and changed into the pretty white dress. I stood in front of one of the long mirrors to inspect myself afterward.

It was clear that Jekia had a preference for me in these types of dresses. They wouldn’t have been appropriate in my world.

The dress was white, like the one from the day before, with a skirt that fell just to my knees. The neckline was low, revealing most of the tops of my breasts.

I felt a bit anxious as I looked at myself, pulling the front of the dress up as much as I could. Bending over in this dress wouldn’t be a good idea.

The neckline was so low that I was afraid my breasts might slip out, especially since Jekia had started denying me undergarments.

I sighed, thinking about that. All of these things were very convenient for him. They all gave him easy access when he wanted to take me.

I fiddled with the top of the dress a bit more before leaving the room. My stomach was growling, reminding me that I needed to eat.

But I couldn’t remember where the dining areas were.

“Edifel!” I called out.

As Jekia had told me, Edifel appeared within a minute of my call, descending from a thread on the ceiling.

“Good morning, Lady Lana. You called for me?” she greeted me.

“Yes. I was wondering if you could show me to the dining area again. I’m a bit hungry and would like some breakfast,” I requested.

“Of course,” Edifel immediately agreed. She offered me her hand. “I will guide you there.”

I took her hand, letting her lead me through the hallways to the smaller dining room. This was where I’d eaten before when Jekia wasn’t around to share a meal with me.

Edifel pulled out a chair at the round table for me to sit. I looked around, enjoying the feel of the warm breeze coming in from the open windows.

But I didn’t like eating alone. This place felt too vast and lonely when Jekia wasn’t around, even in the short time I’d been here.

“Edifel, if you don’t mind, would you stay here with me while I eat? I’d like some company, and Lord Jekia isn’t here right now,” I asked before she could leave.

Edifel smiled, bowing her head. “If that’s what you wish, then I’d be happy to stay with you. I’ve been hoping for a chance to talk with you.”

I studied her as she sat down in the chair next to me. Breakfast was being brought out to me then. The one carrying the tray was a beautiful human male, or so it seemed.

As he approached the table, I realized that he was a life-sized doll that moved on its own. His skin was made of stitched-together pale felt, and he had glass-brown eyes.

He didn’t say a word as he placed my breakfast in front of me, just gave a quick, polite bow before turning and leaving the room.

“Wow. I didn’t know that even dolls lived on this side of reality,” I commented quietly.

“Not quite,” Edifel corrected. “Dolls are just created to serve as needed, and Lord Jekia finds them convenient here, since he doesn’t like having many people around. He doesn’t like the idea of people talking about private things outside of these walls. Even I am bound to silence about such things if I leave.”

“I see. Do you know who creates these dolls? He’s quite beautiful, even if a bit strange.”

“Yes, my lady. They’re created by the hag witches, and I must say, they make quite a living from their creations.”

I took a few bites of my food, nodding. Hag witches. They sounded scary, but I was also curious about them.

I was curious about Edifel too. I’d been trying to figure out what she was, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

“Can I ask, what are you, Edifel?” I asked.

Edifel remained calm and elegant as she looked at me. “I’ll answer if you want me to, but I also ask that you don’t be afraid of me. I swear on my life that I would never harm you. I’ve already grown quite fond of you, and I love how happy you make our lord.”

“You don’t seem scary to me. I think you’re very beautiful,” I told her.

My words made her chuckle, and she covered her mouth with her hand to stifle it.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been called beautiful, but I can tell you mean it. You’re very sweet. As I said, I hope you won’t feel differently when I tell you this. I’m not exactly as I appear. Even though I look like this, I’m actually a spider type.”

That surprised me. “You’re really a spider?”

“Yes, I have,” Edifel confirmed. She looked up, and I followed her gaze to the ceiling. For the first time, I noticed the delicate shimmer of webs crisscrossing it.

“Besides being your maid, I’m also tasked with protecting this palace when Lord Jekia is away.

“I take both of my duties very seriously. As I said, I would never let harm come to you, my lady. I hope you’ll still trust me, now that you know what I am.”

I understood her concerns, and I wasn’t afraid of her, even knowing what she was now.

“Of course I will. You haven’t done anything to scare me, and it’s wrong to judge someone just for what they are, even here, I would think.

“Besides, I still think you’re beautiful, and your care for me is wonderful. I appreciate it so much,” I told her.

A grateful smile spread across Edifel’s slender face. “Thank you for your kind words. I look forward to serving you for as long as I can.

“It’s so nice to have you here, and I truly enjoy making these dresses for you, even if I do think Lord Jekia shouldn’t make you feel as uncomfortable as I imagine you do sometimes.”

I shifted in my chair, glancing down at my dress. She had a point. This dress, in particular, made me feel awkward.

But I tried to push that aside, knowing that Jekia had the final say, no matter what.

“I’m fine, and I understand that he thinks I should wear things like this, though I admit I’d rather not leave these grounds in a dress like this,” I responded.

“Yes, I completely agree, and I’ll also caution him about this. These dresses should only be for his eyes, as well as your bare body,” Edifel agreed.

I finished my breakfast, mulling over her words.

It was clear that Edifel understood my situation here, given her duties with me that first night and her words about Jekia seeing my body.

She obviously accepted his decision to keep me without question.

But as we stood again, she turned to face me.

“By the way, my lady, there’s something else I wanted to mention while I thought of it,” she added.

“Oh, what is it?” I asked.

“I know you’ve only seen me and this doll here, but there’s another servant who is closest to Lord Jekia.

“That’s the mage who was assigned to him when he became a ruler. His name is Emelio,” Edifel told me.

“Lord Jekia’s mage?” I echoed, looking around us. “I don’t think I’ve seen any sign of him.”

“No, not at this time,” Edifel confirmed. “Emelio has been away at a meeting for the past week with those who appointed the Veil’s rulers, along with the three other mages who serve them.

“They meet with the Higher Ones every year to discuss what’s happening with the rulers and their lands. It’s more of a formality than anything.

“However, I highly doubt that your arrival here has escaped Emelio’s watchful eye, even from there, so I would warn you to be prepared for him to show up and possibly want to talk to you.

“There’s no need to worry, of course, but I think it’s better to let you know about these things.”

“Yes, I understand.”

While I managed to put on a brave face for Edifel at that moment, I admit that her words made me feel a bit tense.

Soon enough, this mage was going to show up here, and he might not be happy about my presence. Even if Jekia would have the final say, I hoped not to face disapproval living here.

Those thoughts were on my mind as I went out to the courtyard after breakfast. I’d excused Edifel to return to her duties, more to give myself some alone time.

I didn’t know how long Jekia would be away, but I planned to make the most of it.

I ended up going to the hidden spot among the briars that Jekia had shown me the day before. It seemed like a quiet place to read and think.

I’d also brought a book from one of the libraries, enjoying the fact that I could now read.

It was something that Jekia had given me to ensure that I could be more educated while I stayed there.

“I don’t tolerate ignorant women, especially not my beta,” he’d told me. “I’ve made sure that you can read and write, so make good use of it while I’m not around.”

And I will, I thought as I settled myself on the grass near the back of the briar patch. ~I’ll enjoy every second of this now that I have it.~

I opened my book, turned to the first page, and made myself comfortable.

It was an interesting story, about a mermaid who longed to be human and marry a prince she had saved from a sinking ship.

There seemed to be many stories like this in the library I’d visited, and I planned to read every one I could find.

But as I read, I couldn’t stop trying to pull my skirt a bit more over my legs. It wasn’t working though. The skirt was too short to cover everything.

I let out a long breath. I wasn’t sure I’d ever get used to this.

“You shouldn’t be so self-conscious. Your slender legs are a sight to behold.”

I tensed up at the sudden male voice, quickly looking around. But I saw no one. There was only green grass and briars.

“Who’s there?!” I demanded.

The man chuckled at my alarm. “Don’t be scared. I didn’t mean to startle you. I just wanted to take the chance to talk to you since you’re alone,” he reassured me.

I finally realized that this voice was coming from beyond the briars beside me. He must have been sitting right outside the palace grounds.

But even with how thick they were, he could somehow see me.

“You’ve…been watching me this whole time?” I had to ask.

“Your scent caught my attention right away, though I’ve only been here for a few minutes,” he said. “If you’re within the palace grounds, I’m guessing you’re the human woman Jekia has chosen. I can see why. You’re as beautiful as any of them, and your essence is more enticing than most betas I’ve met.”

I put my book down and moved closer to the briars. His voice was smooth and soothing, and he spoke with such eloquence. I found it as appealing as I had Jekia’s voice when I first heard it. There was something about it that drew me in.

“Who are you? Are you a friend of Lord Jekia’s?” I asked.

“You could say we’re friends. We have a mutual respect for each other,” he replied. “As for who I am, you can call me Sage.”

“Sage? That’s an unusual name. I’ve only heard it in reference to herbs,” I said.

“Maybe so, but we foxes have a knack for unique names and traits. It’s part of our charm,” Sage replied.

“So, you’re a fox?”

“Yes, I am. Would you like to see me?”

I tilted my head. “I can’t leave these grounds. It’s too dangerous for me.”

“That’s okay. I can manipulate these briars to create a window for us. I’d like to get a better look at you. The briars are blocking my view,” Sage said.

“I guess that wouldn’t hurt. I’m curious to see what you look like too,” I admitted.

I was intrigued by him. What did foxes look like in this world? If he was as attractive as his voice, he must’ve been quite a sight, maybe even as handsome as Jekia.

The briars in front of me began to change, morphing into glass. Within a minute, it was like looking out at the forest through a window, just as he’d said.

The area I could see looked like a small, secluded cove. Maybe it was safer for him to be there while he talked to me.

But all of that was secondary as I stared in awe at the figure on the other side. Like Jekia, he looked like a man, maybe a few years older than me.

But instead of white, he was a vision in silver. His hair, a shimmering silver hue, framed his handsome face, and he had large fox ears instead of human ones.

His eyes were golden, though lighter than Jekia’s.

He was dressed simply, but the clothes flattered his lean, muscular body.

His black pants were loose around his hips and legs, and his white shirt was partially open, revealing a well-defined chest.

But what caught my attention the most was his tails. He had several silver tails that fanned out behind him. I counted nine in total.

“This is much better,” Sage said as we looked at each other.

“You’re as handsome as your voice,” I complimented him.

Sage gave me a pleased smile. “That’s a wonderful compliment, but I must say, you’re even more beautiful now that I can see you clearly. It’s fitting for a beta like you.”

“I’m not sure what you mean by that. Lord Jekia has called me a beta because I’m his chosen one, but you make it sound like there’s more to it than that,” I said.

“Ah, I see. So that’s his strategy. Clever of him,” Sage mused.

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t get me wrong. I’d do the same thing—keep this under wraps. But I think it’s better if I explain some things to you, about me and about you. As an alpha, I find it fascinating that a beta like you is in the Veil.”

“You’re an alpha too?”

“Yes, I am.”

“So not all alphas are dog types?”

Sage chuckled, shifting his position to rest his arm on a raised knee.

“Not at all, my dear. Alphas are the dominant males in certain species, the more powerful ones, you could say. While Jekia is the last of the Luna Dogs and a naturally powerful alpha, I’m one of the few among the foxes. Alphas like us are rare and special. We’re part of the ruling class in this world, and the four most powerful alphas rule these realms.”

“That makes sense,” I agreed. I shifted a bit, trying unsuccessfully to adjust my skirt. “Would you mind if I asked you some questions about my role here? You must know a lot about betas, and I still know so little. I’d really appreciate any information you could give me.”

“I don’t mind at all. I’d like to talk to you as much as I can, and to be near you. But I do have one request.”

I was hesitant to hear his request, but I decided to listen.

“I’ll consider it, but I can’t promise I’ll agree.”

“It’s nothing major. I just want you to leave your skirt as it is. I quite enjoy the view of your legs. They’re almost as enticing as your breasts in that dress.”

I fought the urge to blush. I should’ve been used to this kind of talk from Jekia by now.

But it gave me an idea. If this fox was so interested in my body, maybe I could use that to get him to open up more.

“Let’s make a deal,” I said, forcing myself to be bold. “If you answer my questions honestly and tell me what I want to know, I’ll take off this dress for you. You can look at any part of me you want. How does that sound?”

Sage’s eyes sparkled with anticipation. “Really? I’d be more than happy to share anything you want to know for such a treat. And don’t worry about Jekia.

“He can’t complain. I can only look, not touch.”

He was right. Even if I decided to undress and tease him a bit, he couldn’t touch me here.

That was enough to convince me. In this secluded spot, no one else would witness our little game.

“Alright. You answer my questions, and I’ll undress for you. I’ll even do what you want me to do. Do we have a deal?”


I took a moment to think about my questions. I knew I didn’t have much time, and I also knew I had to keep my end of the bargain.

Who knew what would happen if I didn’t?

But, I have to admit, there was a part of me that wanted to do this for him. It felt exciting, forbidden, just like my time with Jekia.

If I was going to be alone for who knows how long, why not indulge myself a little? I felt like I had nothing left to lose.

“Okay,” I finally said. “My first question is about what you told me when we first met. You said you sensed my essence and it attracted you as an alpha.

“Am I really that different from other betas?”

“You are,” Sage confirmed. “First of all, true betas are rare. They can be of any kind, but they’re always female.

“There are also different levels of betas, just like there are different levels of alphas. Some are more appealing than others.

“A high-level beta will attract a lot of alphas, but usually only one or two will claim her. And those two are usually close in level.

“Once that happens, the beta is off-limits to all other alphas.”

“That makes sense. So, am I a high-level beta?” I asked.

“My dear, you’re beyond high-level. It’s amazing, considering you’re human.

“Like Jekia, I’ve been around different betas in my life, and I can say without a doubt that you’re the purest I’ve ever met.

“You’re not just beautiful, your essence is radiant and powerful.

“I have to admit, if this barrier wasn’t between us, I’d be very tempted to take you just to experience the pleasure it would give me, even if it was just once,” Sage said.

That was a little unsettling. If I was that attractive to them, staying in this world could be dangerous for me.

“So, you’re saying any alpha who meets me will instantly want me?” I asked.

“Yes, that’s true,” Sage admitted. “But it would be hard for them because Jekia has already claimed you.

“I can sense that, and I can see the ring on your finger. He’s done a lot to make sure you belong to him and him alone.

“But who can blame him? Having a beta like you would be a dream come true for any of us.”

His answer was a little disheartening. It sounded a lot like what Jekia had been saying every time he told me I belonged to him.

“So, you’re saying my only purpose is to please the alphas? That’s all Jekia wants from me, besides having his children?”

“Not necessarily. You seem like a gentle soul, and anyone could fall in love with that if they spent enough time with you.

“It would be good for Jekia to feel that way. He could use a little humility,” Sage reassured me.

“I guess I can hope for that.”

Sage moved closer to the window that separated us. “There’s always a chance, so don’t lose hope. And remember, you have this in your favor.

“You can get whatever you want from those of us who desire you, especially Jekia. And I have to admit, I’m one of them.

“Even just seeing you through this window is enough for me. And I’d come back to talk to you more if you’d indulge me.”

I gave him a skeptical look. “And you’d want me to do things for you every time?” I guessed.

“That’s up to you, but I wouldn’t mind.”

“You’re pretty sly, but I guess that’s to be expected from a fox.”

“Maybe so,” Sage laughed. His tails flicked behind him. “But we’re running out of time. Will you keep your end of the bargain?”

I didn’t have a choice. I believe in keeping my word, and I did want to talk to him again.

“Alright,” I agreed.

I sat back, unzipped my dress, and let it fall. A warm flush spread through me as I watched him watching me.

A strange desire stirred within me. Maybe this was what he was talking about, the effect between alphas and betas.

“You’re truly beautiful,” Sage murmured. He leaned back a little, and I noticed a bulge growing in his pants. He was clearly aroused by the sight of me.

I moved to my knees, leaning towards him as my heart pounded with anticipation.

“It looks like I’ve excited you,” I observed.

“Yes, you certainly have. It’s actually a little painful,” he admitted. “If you’d do me the favor of showing me your pleasure, I think I’ll find relief quickly.”

Even though I wasn’t thrilled with the idea, I decided to do as he asked. The warmth between my legs was growing at the sight of his arousal.

So I sat back in front of the window, legs spread, and began to touch myself, letting him watch.

The warmth inside me intensified as I watched him, my mind buzzing with the thrill of being seen in such a way.

I was also observing him, noticing that he had unzipped his pants and was now pleasuring himself as he watched me.

My arousal heightened at the sight, and I couldn’t help but slide a finger inside myself, all the while imagining it was him.

The thought was enough to send me spiraling into pleasure, especially as he positioned himself on his knees in front of me.

It didn’t take long for the waves of ecstasy to crash over me, my body arching forward as my hips moved in rhythm with the sensations.

A soft moan escaped my lips as I watched him lean forward, releasing a long moan as he climaxed, his release splattering against the window.

A satisfied grin spread across his face as he sank back onto his knees, my gaze still locked on him.

“That was...incredible. It’s been a while since I’ve had such a satisfying release,” he murmured.

“You’ll come back to see me again, won’t you?” I asked.

I leaned against the window, settling onto the soft grass. “I gave you what you wanted, and I won’t lie—I enjoyed it. It was...exciting.”

“I definitely plan on coming back. I want to get to know you better, and I wouldn’t miss another chance to do this with you. Maybe next time, we can find a way for me to touch pleasure you.”

I smiled at his words. “Maybe. You’re quite attractive, so I wouldn’t mind that.”

Little did I know then, this was the start of a new chapter for me in this world.

Not only had I met someone I could potentially confide in, but I was also starting to embrace the person I was becoming.

Maybe it was time to let go of the rules and proprieties I’d always adhered to, because this world played by a different set of rules.

And they were rules that a beta like me could definitely use to her advantage.

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