You Are Mine - Book cover

You Are Mine

Kitty Jansen

Chapter 4


“Why on earth would you not give him your number, Kat?” Faelan shrieked into my ear.

I moved the phone away from my ear.

“Do you want me to hang up on you, Fae? My ears nearly burst. Please refrain from using your banshee voice.”

“That guy looked really nice, and he was insanely hot! What’s wrong with you?”

What was wrong with me?

“Looked really nice? You know that’s what they say about serial killers, right?”

I couldn’t very well tell my best friend that the man in question had me weak at the knees and made me feel things I’d never felt before.

She would either think I was crazy or take it as a good sign and scream at me some more.

“Ugh, whatever, Kat. Listen, I’m going out for a drink, and you are joining me.”

“I’m already in my pajamas,” I whined. I was wearing my fluffy, stretchy pajamas, sitting on the couch, binge-watching Netflix, and eating some ice cream.

I was having a bit of a pity party. I had started regretting not giving my number to that gorgeous specimen of a man.

“Tough, I’ll be there in ten.” With that, she hung up the phone.

I sat there for a few seconds, annoyed at my friend for making decisions for me.

I suppose I should be getting used to this.

I ran upstairs and started flipping through the clothes in my closet. Not having anyone to impress, I settled for a pair of skinny jeans, a band T-shirt, and my favorite sneakers.

A few minutes later Faelan arrived, dressed to the nines. I let out a whistle. “I thought we were going to the bar?”

“We are, but we’re going to the Amery Hotel’s bar.”

Well, I’m obviously underdressed.

The Amery Hotel was a five-star hotel that Faelan’s father managed. Faelan usually avoided the hotel so she wouldn’t run into him, especially when she was drinking.

I guessed she had an ulterior motive tonight. That was when I saw the gray dress bag draped over an arm and the glittery-black, strappy heels in her hands.

“Makeover?” she asked with a grin.

I looked down at my own ensemble. My jeans were a bit worn out and my t-shirt may or may not have had a small hole in it.

“Ugh,” I replied. “Fine.”


An hour later, we arrived at the hotel. I had to admit that Faelan was gifted. I looked stunning in a skin-tight black dress that stopped just above my knees.

It had a plunging back and was more revealing than I was used to, but I felt beautiful. A glittery, see-through shawl adorned my shoulders, keeping the cold night air at bay.

I could feel eyes on us as we entered the bar, and it felt good to have my appearance appreciated by others.

We moved toward the bar and Faelan ordered two glasses of white wine for us. We chatted about this and that.

After a while, I excused myself to go to the ladies’ room. On my way out, I smelled a familiar scent and my knees unexpectedly buckled.

As I wasn’t used to high heels, I lost my balance.

“Careful, gorgeous,” a deep voice murmured in my ear. My heart fluttered. I recognized that voice. A pair of arms snaked around my waist and steadied me.

I turned my head and a memorable pair of ocean-green eyes stared back at me. Tiny, delicious sparks danced throughout my body as I shamelessly leaned into Rex.

“It’s good to see you, too,” he smirked.

His arms left my waist and I immediately grabbed hold of his hand, lacing my fingers through his. When I realized what I had done, I dropped it like a hot potato.


“Sorry,” I muttered.

His smile widened in amusement, creating small wrinkles in the corner of his eyes. “May I buy you a drink?” he asked, his green eyes looking at me intensely.

“Uh, huh” was all I could get out as I nodded my head.

What is it with this guy? I haven’t had more than a glass of wine to drink and I’m feeling drunk in his presence.

Drunk with love.

What? No!

Suddenly my stomach growled loudly.


Rex looked down at my bright red face and smiled.

“We could always get some dinner with that drink,” he offered.

“Here you are!” Faelan came toward us, just as I was about to mention her. “I see our mission for tonight has already been successful.” She winked at me, giving Rex a knowing smile.

“This is Gregory. We were just about to get another drink,” she said, gesturing toward the hunky blond guy next to her.

“In that case, Faelan, I was just offering to buy Kat some dinner, if you can bear to part with her?”

Does he know Faelan? I don’t remember mentioning her name.

“Sure Al—um, Rex. After the weekend, Kat and I are going see more than enough of each other, anyway.”

“We’re moving in together,” I explained to Rex.

“That sounds…fun,” he said, looking intently at Faelan. “Well, it seems that we have Faelan’s blessing,” he commented, interlinking our arms. “This way, my lady.”

“See you later, Fae,” I called after her.

She nodded and gave me a sly smile, winking at Rex before sauntering off toward the bar with Gregory.

As we walked toward the restaurant, one thought kept popping into my mind.

What am I getting myself into?

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