Entwined With You - Book cover

Entwined With You

C. Huysamen

Chapter 3


The night is still young when all of us decide to go to Dominique’s place.

We all get into a limousine, the first time in a limo for me. There is a lot of space, so everyone can sit comfortably.

There is some fancy champagne called Armand de Brignac waiting for us. The seats are soft leather and very comfy. It smells so good.

The whole drive, Damitry ignores me—doesn’t even spare me a look—while Xander sits next to me with one arm around my neck, chatting with Jordan, pecking me on my forehead now and then.

Everyone is enjoying themselves. Ray and Jordan are hitting it off; Dominique and her boyfriend Alex, who we picked up on our way to her place, are lost in each other’s arms and mouths.

We drive up to an enormous mansion of a place. It’s a two-story, gray brick building with white window frames which is shaped in a very classical style.

A big, dark, wooden double door opens for us to enter. Inside, it’s lit up like something in a fairy tale, and it’s huge, like a castle in a movie. We follow Dominique into her entertainment area.

In the left corner is an oak wood bar counter with black leather bar chairs. The room has a pool table, a dartboard on the wall, a big sound system with surround sound, and a huge TV covering half of the right wall.

There’s also a big snuggly couch and two just as snuggly armchairs. A door that leads out to a pool house. The area is well-lit and it feels so homey.

Xander pulls me with him as he falls on one of the snuggly armchairs, gently pulling me onto his lap. He’s so warm and cozy, he has this rainforest smell, and it smells so good.

Damitry and Alex start a pool game. Jordan and Ray join me and Xander, sitting in the other armchair. Dominique puts on some music and fixes up some drinks for us.

“Wanna dance, sweetheart?” Xander whispers in my ear.


We stand up and start to dance. It isn’t long before Ray and Jordan join in. I feel Damitry’s gaze on me from the bar chairs where Dominique and Alex are chatting.

Xander pulls me close to him. My whole body is up against his, and his hands are on my naked back just above my ass. He runs one hand up and down my spine while looking straight into my eyes.

I look at him and then down at his lips—those yummy lips.

He grins and places his lips softly on mine.

We are immediately lost in each other’s taste. His tongue begs me for access. I give it to him, and he deepens the kiss. His one hand grabs my ass as if I belong to him now.

I feel my whole body heating up as the kiss gets more and more passionate.

When he finally breaks the kiss and pulls away, he moves to my neck and starts kissing it instead.

“You are mine,” he whispers when he reaches my ear, and softly bites my earlobe.

My heart is going bananas in my chest, and I know I need to get away from him to catch my breath. I flash him my sweet smile.

“I need to go to the bathroom.” I push myself away from him and ask Dominique where the bathroom is. She gives me directions and off I go.

The bathroom is almost as big as our entire apartment. I look in the mirror and see my face is a bit flushed.

Well, that’s what happens when you make out with a super-hot guy.

I smile at myself, splash some water on my face, and pat it dry with a towel as soft as a cloud. Before I turn to walk out, I fix my dress, run my fingers through my hair, and reapply some gloss to my lips.

I open the door and faceplant into Damitry’s chest.

What the hell?

He grabs me by the hand and pulls me to a room. I think it’s an office, but I am not paying much attention to my surroundings at the moment.

He shuts the door behind us and turns to face me. He looks crazy mad.

“Ugh, Anna! You are driving me crazy,” he says as he runs his fingers through his hair. “I can’t stand seeing you with Xander!”

He moves closer to me until our bodies almost touch. He lifts his hand and runs his fingers up one of my arms. My whole body starts to react to his touch; it feels so good.

“Your skin is so soft. You’re a beautiful woman, Annabeth. I want to kiss you now,” he whispers. He pulls me into him, placing his hand softly on the small of my back.

I take a deep breath as he leans in closer.

Oh, please do…

My body is yearning for him. We are lost in each other’s eyes.

I close my eyes, waiting for his lips to close the distance between us, but he pulls away, turns around, and leaves the room.

I stand there alone in the room, shocked at what just happened. My mind is a little foggy, and my heart is going crazy.

Why didn’t he kiss me? I wanted to kiss him.

I stand there for a minute before I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I start to focus again.

I’m standing alone in the office. There is a big wooden desk, which is well-organized. The wall behind the desk holds a huge bookcase stacked with books from top to bottom.

A big, round, deep-red carpet sits in the middle of the room. Two wine-red armchairs face the desk; behind it is a big, black throne-like armchair.

Potted plants are beautifully placed around the room. The wall on the other side of the room is more personal; it’s filled with pictures. I walk over to get a closer look.

There are a lot of pictures of Damitry and Xander. It’s like they’re brothers—they don’t go anywhere without each other and they travel a lot. “Loyalty and honor” is engraved on one of the photo frames.

Shit, that explains why Damitry didn’t kiss me. The bro code.

A smile creeps across my face as I realize he will not hurt his friend.

When I make my way back to the crowd, I see everybody is still having a good time. Even Damitry is laughing and joking with Xander.

Ray smiles at me and makes her way to my side.

“So, Xander?” she asks devilishly.

I just start to giggle. I don’t know what is going on between me and Xander. And I don’t know what’s going on between me and Damitry. There is a spark—more like fireworks—between the two of us.

Ugh, what a mess.

The party is coming to an end. Ray gives her number to Jordan, who is over the moon about it. He is already head over heels crazy in love with Ray, and I can tell Ray is smitten with him.

I don’t know if I should give my number to Xander. We just made out a few times and it was great, but then there is Damitry…

“So, sweetness, when will I be able to kiss those sweet, soft lips of yours again?” Xander asks in a low voice as he pulls me close.

I look into his eyes, a little confused.

I can see he knows something is going on in my head.

“Please let me take you out to dinner tomorrow.”

I take a deep breath and am about to answer when he places a finger softly on my lips, pulls out a business card, gently takes my hand, and places the card in my palm without breaking eye contact.

“Here’s my number. Think about it and let me know.” He places a soft kiss on my forehead, turns, and walks away back inside.

I’m breathless again.

This guy is going to give me a heart attack.


We get home safely. I stroll upstairs straight to my bedroom.

I hear Ray mumbling something as I go, but to be honest I would rather be alone, just me and my thoughts. We need to sort through some stuff.

I fall face-first on my sweet, welcoming bed and just lie there. I know he will not kiss me or ask me any questions. He will just be my comfort.

Man, I so love my bed.

I turn onto my back and stare at Xander’s card in my hand. It even smells like him. My lips start to twinkle as I start to think of him—and then my heart starts burning when I see Damitry’s face in my head.

UGH! No way can two men have this much power over me.

I stand and decide a shower will cool my mind. A very cold shower.

Ray must have fallen asleep because all the lights are off and her bedroom door is closed.

I make my way to the bathroom when there is a sudden knock on the front door.

What the heck? It’s 2:25 a.m.

I drag my body to the front door and open it.

All of a sudden I’m wide awake.

“Damitry,” I say as I catch my breath.

He looks wild and sexy. His eyes are burning with passion. His hair is all messed up.

He pulls me to him, placing his one hand on my back. The other hand he twists up in some of my hair and pulls gently so I will lift my head, and then he comes in for the kiss.

He places his lips gently on mine.

I wrap my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss.

His tongue softly touches my bottom lip, stroking it, pleading for access—but I deny him. He moves his hand down to my ass and slightly pinches it.

I let out a soft moan. That gives him full access to my mouth. He starts to dominate my mouth.

I fully submit to him. I feel the butterflies in my whole body and hear the fireworks going crazy. I know this is where I want to be.

He pulls away, placing both his hands on my waist and resting his forehead against mine. We are both breathless after that kiss.

He opens his eyes, staring straight into mine. His eyes are dark, very dark. A small grin forms on his mouth.

“Now, cupcake, you have something to think about,” he whispers, and walks away, leaving me in total shock.

I shut the door behind me, sliding down. As my ass touches the floor I start to giggle. My heart is doing backflips.

Oh, shit, I just made out with Damitry. No!


I pull my legs in, resting my head on my knees. I want to slap myself now.

How could I kiss Damitry?

Anna, it ’was’ a great kiss—no, a wonderful, super-hot kiss!

Shit, there I go again. I need that shower now.

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