Ride of Desire - Book cover

Ride of Desire

Sarah A. McCombs

Another Night at the Bar

Mercy was beat when she arrived at work that night, but as the evening wore on and the tips kept coming, her spirits lifted.

At this pace, she’d be able to fix up her old family home sooner than she’d thought.

As last call approached, Mack, wearing a black tee and dark blue jeans, sauntered over to her, a grin on his face.

His black boots were scuffed and well-worn, but they still had plenty of life left in them. They were a testament to the man’s rugged past and hopeful future.

He playfully slapped her between the shoulder blades, causing her eyes to widen in surprise. He chuckled and gestured towards Jackson.

Goodness, did he realize he’d nearly knocked the wind out of her?

“You’re doing great! My son thinks you’re on fire, zipping around this place like a whirlwind. I was worried at first, you seemed too delicate for a rough joint like this. But if you keep this up, I might just let the kid go and give you a raise.”


Mack roared with laughter, his head thrown back, as Mercy shook her head at the old man’s teasing at his son’s expense.

Of course, he wouldn’t really fire Jackson, but it was a nice compliment all the same. She dismissed Jackson's worried look.

“Oh, come on, I’m nowhere near as good as Jackson. Give me some time under his guidance and maybe I’ll be a contender, but that’s a long shot.”

Jackson joined them, a grin on his face as the last patron left the bar.

Now it was just the three of them, the two burly men blocking her exit, but she didn’t feel threatened or uneasy.

The atmosphere was cozy, making her heart ache with longing.

“All the guys could talk about was the cute new girl serving beers. I swear Ricky described your butt in detail at least a dozen times before his friends had to drag him out of here. Trust me, we’d be shooting ourselves in the foot if we didn’t keep you on.”

Mack laughed again, shaking his head but not disagreeing.

He didn’t approve of the way the men ogled her like lustful teenagers, but it was all in good fun and she knew that if she ever felt uncomfortable, he’d step in.

Still, the way he watched over her sometimes made her wonder if he knew more about her than she was comfortable with. Jackson treated her more like a friend than just a coworker.

It was as if they knew how tough her life had been and they were trying to handle her with care.

In a way, it worried her, but not nearly as much as it filled her heart with joy.

“Thank you guys for everything. I’ll be heading out now.”

They both nodded, but as she left the building, a large figure caught up with her. Her heart pounded in her chest.

In the darkness, he could easily slip out and back in without anyone noticing.

She had seen him in her dreams almost every night, terrifying nightmares she couldn’t shake.

“Hey Mercy!”

She frowned, snapping out of her thoughts and turning to face the younger version of her boss. A wave of relief and disappointment washed over her.

“Jackson? Is everything okay?”

He nodded, gesturing towards the bar.

“Everything’s fine, but Mack thinks it’d be a good idea for someone to walk you to your car after your shift. We didn’t catch you in time last night, I’m sorry. The guys that come in here are mostly trustworthy and harmless, but we don’t want to take any chances with you. Okay?”

It was surprising to feel like she mattered to these people, enough for them to be so protective.

There had been times in her past when her father had been protective, but those times were brief and long gone.

She couldn’t help but smile, linking her arm with his as if they were a couple from a bygone era.

“If that’s not the sweetest thing I’ve heard in a long time, I don’t know what is.”

His grin widened as they walked to the back of the parking lot.

With no streetlights, it was almost pitch black, but the stars overhead provided just enough light to guide them.

When she stopped to unlock her truck, she felt like she could stay there. Maybe this could really work out.

She opened the door, turning to thank Jackson. Mack had raised a true gentleman, and she found herself admiring the man’s late wife.

She must have been quite a woman. Rising on her tiptoes, she planted a light kiss on his cheek.

“Thank you for being so thoughtful.”

He looked stunned, nodding as a blush spread across his tanned face. He was smitten with her, as was his father.

When Mack had asked him to walk her to her car the previous night, he had agreed but then forgotten.

His father had gone out to ensure she got to her truck safely.

Jackson didn’t think much of the serious expression his father wore when he returned a moment later. The old man was always pretty stern.

He had looked his son in the eye and told him that if he forgot to walk Mercy out again, he’d be scrubbing the bar floor with his own toothbrush for a month.

Jackson didn’t understand why his father felt such a strong need to protect this woman, but he would do as he was told. His father’s word was practically law around here.

As Mercy drove out of the parking lot, a shiver ran up her spine, but a quick glance confirmed that Jackson was the only one there. Still, the shadows seemed to close in around her.

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