Violet: From The Colt Universe - Book cover

Violet: From The Colt Universe

Decide Your Destiny

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Should Violet make a dash for Blade or bolt through the trapdoor?

Rewind to last week...

Despite my doubts, I climbed onto the back of Blade’s motorcycle. But something felt off, so I attempted to dismount.

However, before I could, I was snatched by a group of rogue Crows, led by a jerk named Skinner. He locked me up in a cage in a deserted warehouse on the town’s edge, with plans to sell me into slavery.

But before he could send me off, Blade stormed in and blew Skinner and his gang to smithereens. But then, more Crows arrived and had Blade cornered.

I managed to break free from the cage Skinner had me in, but now I was faced with a decision:

Blade was beckoning me to him, but I wasn’t sure if I could trust him yet. Perhaps I should make a run for it through a trapdoor instead.

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