Rearranging You - Book cover

Rearranging You

Elle Chipp

A Deal with the Devil?


She slipped into the room so quietly that I didn’t even notice until she spoke. But then again, I was so wrapped up in my own world that anyone could have walked in.

“I’m sorry to interrupt... I was visiting a friend and saw you through the window.” Her voice is refined and precise, each word spoken with care. I instantly recognize her as the woman from the park.

“No problem. How are you doing?” I ask, using this unexpected interruption as an excuse to tear my gaze away from my sleeping mother.

The moment she wakes up, they’ll be kicking us out of here, and I’m running on fumes trying to keep it together.

“I’m well, thank you. I heard from my friend, the doctor here, that there have been some insurance issues...

“I’m really sorry,” she adds, and the regret on her face seems genuine.

It’s strange though, the doctor discussing this with her. If I had the energy to care about anything else, I’d confront him about it. This is our life, not some coffee shop gossip.

“I wanted to see if there’s a way I could help... and, as forward as it may seem, I’ve actually come here to propose a deal.”

“A deal? Isn’t that a bit out of line?” I can’t help but respond.

It might be rude of me to say that, but there’s a time and place for everything. I saved her life, and now she’s trying to negotiate something from me in front of my dying mother.

“Out of line, yes... but also relevant. You see, I have a daughter and, well, you’re exactly what she needs. I was hoping you’d be willing to marry her, even if it’s just for a year, to help settle her down a bit…”

She tilts her head as if I should know what this person is like and I squint my eyes in disbelief.

“...But it will save our reputation and in return, I’d be happy to cover all of your mother’s bills.”

Did I hear that right? Is this woman serious?

“You came in here to ask me to marry your daughter? You don’t even know me.”

The devil’s advocate in me can’t hold back—I mean, some poor woman is being handed off to a complete stranger here.

“Honestly? I lied when I said I saw you through the window. I followed you back here, asked around and had my people look into your background first.”

She bites her lip as if this is some sort of oopsie moment and I have to physically close my eyes to reset my expression.

“I can’t help you, I’m sorry but this whole idea is completely insane.” I keep my voice gentle, mostly because my mother is present but also to keep this crazy rich woman calm too.

“Think about it. You can’t afford treatment and rehab isn’t cheap you know. Let me help... It’s only one year.”

If I was her daughter I would die from embarrassment right now. Her mother’s begging me to take her on as if she’s some sort of burden.

But she does have a point about the rehab. I don’t know how we’re going to manage it, let alone my mother. Is this something I could actually do for my family?

Yes. Anything is worth my mother’s life.

“Fine, one year…but I want a contract!”


“Angela,” my mother greets in a singsong voice I didn't even know she still had.

"Mother," I respond warily as I take my usual seat by the window, wondering why I've been summoned back so soon. I haven't had the chance to make the news again, so it can't be that for once.

"You know why I've called you here, don't you?" She smiles at me and I instantly feel uneasy.

There's been a power shift since we last spoke, and I have no idea why. Has someone else died that I don't know of?

"Last we spoke, you welcomed any actions on my part and well, it just so happens that I have found the one I like." Her teeth glisten against the light, and I try to pay attention to her words.

"You're going to get married soon, and then your reputation will be saved." She claps her hands.

I can't help but laugh.

Married? I'm not even dating, if you don't count casual sex, and there's nothing she can bribe me with to get me to go through with it. This was a pitiful attempt really, and I thought she was better than this.

"I'm glad you find it amusing, Xavier is a lovely man, I'm sure you'll like him. The wedding is in a month, and I expect your full cooperation."

Maybe she's off her meds or something?

"Is this the part where I get to speak now?" I raise my hand sarcastically before continuing. "Yeah, no, that's not going to work for me, but erm, thanks anyway."

I start to grab my bag to leave, but she surprises me by clearing her throat and glaring in my direction. Gone are the fake niceties I see.

"You made a mistake, Angie… That bathroom you found yourself in was built on company property. We have every right to press charges, which I will be doing if you don't go ahead with this."

My jaw basically falls to the floor. She's threatening me with a lawsuit? She knows I'm not a first-time offender; there could even be jail time behind a charge like that.

"You're kidding?"

"I wish I was, believe me, but you have left me with no choice. Marry the man I choose or face the consequences of your actions for once in your damned life."

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