Midika Crane
I'm sitting in the tall grass, my fingers brushing through the blades. My eyes scan the wide-open space, searching for him.
I've never felt this alone before. I'm sitting here, questioning my actions, feeling a mix of anger and disappointment. He was supposed to be my best friend...
It's been five mornings since Landon's birthday, and I haven't seen him once. We're supposed to meet here every morning, but it seems he has other priorities now.
He made a promise, which makes it all the more hurtful. He said we'd meet here as long as we remained friends.
I'm not sure why I keep coming here, waiting for him. I'm furious, and I want to give him a piece of my mind.
If only he would show up so I could do just that...
Suddenly, a figure appears across the meadow. I watch as Landon easily steps over the fence wires. Just a week ago, he struggled to lift his legs over. A part of me is glad he's changed.
For his own sake, I mean. Any girl would find him attractive, he's an Alpha after all.
I watch him stride over, a look of worry on his face. He's changed so much. He's bigger now, more intimidating.
With each step he takes towards me, my mouth starts to dry, and I wonder how I'm going to handle this. Usually, our conversations flow easily, but now it feels like a handsome stranger is approaching me, and I'm a nervous wreck. I look away from him, staring out across the field.
I hear his footsteps crushing the soft grass.
Without a word, he sits down next to me.
“It's been a while,” I say, trying to keep my voice steady. I'm angry, and it's hard to keep it in check.
Landon sighs audibly, then gently takes my hand.
I jump a little, surprised by his gesture. I glance at him, and he's smiling softly at me. I shake my head and look away.
“Do you want to know why I've been away?” he asks. I'm cautious, expecting him to spin a tale that he thinks will mend our friendship. He's done it before...
I've always forgiven him because I was scared he would leave me, and our friendship would end.
I shrug in response.
“I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I thought you would understand... I went to the Alpha Meeting!”
He's grinning widely, showing off his perfect teeth. He's proud, and I can't blame him. Meeting all the Alphas is a big deal.
But he should have told me.
“That's great, Landon,” I say, forcing a smile. He lets go of my hand, and I feel a pang of sadness.
“Alpha Dallas is as intimidating as they say, and Alpha Kaden is scary as hell,” he continues. Both are leaders of well-known packs. I nod along, barely listening.
I just stare into his eyes, enjoying the spark of joy in them. He's even cuter when he smiles. It reminds me of our childhood together.
“Look, Landon, I have to go,” I interrupt him. He stops mid-sentence. His hair is tousled, his eyes peeking through the strands.
“We just got here,” he says, sounding confused. He should have arrived sooner with those long legs of his. The fact that he didn't make me his priority hurts.
Sure, I should be grateful for his company, but he's my best friend.
“You just got here. I've been here for twenty minutes,” I say. Landon swallows, clearly understanding my point. He brushes his hair out of his eyes.
“And besides, I have my first date today,” I add, trying to sound excited. Step one of getting over Landon. I see his face fall slightly, his lips drooping at the corners.
He licks his lips and tilts his head.
“Cyrus?” he guesses.
I nod. Cyrus is really polite and smart. He's a good listener, and we have some things in common.
The problem is, he's not Landon, and being with him doesn't give me butterflies like being with Landon does.
Still, even though I've only seen him once since Landon's party, he seems like a decent guy.
But I refuse to let Dad know that he made a good choice.
“What's he like?” Landon asks. He doesn't seem interested, more like cautious. Part of me wants to brag, but Landon's my best friend, and I'm not that kind of person.
“He's smart and kind. The only problem is, I'm still figuring out if I could see him as a mate in the future. People say you can feel it if someone is right for you. I haven't felt anything like that yet—”
Someone calls my name from behind me. Landon looks over my shoulder, and I can tell he's not happy about something.
An Alpha isn't someone you want to upset, so I'm curious to see who's gotten on his bad side.
I turn around to see Cyrus, making his way through the grass. He doesn't look happy about his current situation, as if he's ruining a new pair of shoes, which I suspect is the case.
He's carrying a sun-bleached wicker basket and is dressed in a button-up shirt and jeans. He looks quite formal for someone trudging through weeds.
He smiles when he sees me, his dark blue eyes lighting up. He stumbles a bit, but recovers. I stand up slowly, meeting his gaze. He opens his arms and pulls me into a hug.
He smells like fresh bread for some reason.
I'm not sure if I'm excited for this date or not. I want to see if I can get over Landon, and Cyrus isn't a bad choice. He's from the Wisdom Pack, he's smart, and he's polite.
His good looks are a bonus, but I don't dwell on that.
“Hey,” I reply to the soft greeting he murmurs in my ear. I pull back slowly, feeling the weight of Landon's gaze on my back. He's sizing up Cyrus as I turn to face him.
I understand Landon's protective instincts—he's my best friend after all. But if he's going to keep giving Cyrus the death stare, I'm not sure how this is going to pan out.
Cyrus looks a bit on edge as he retrieves the basket he'd set down to hug me. He gives a respectful nod to Landon.
I'm momentarily confused until it hits me—we're in the presence of an Alpha, even if it doesn't quite feel like it.
Well, maybe it does, given the long, tense silence that Landon is fueling with his intense stare at Cyrus's outstretched hand.
I let out a sigh of relief when Landon finally takes it, his dark brown eyes never leaving Cyrus's wide, anxious blue ones.
“I didn't expect to find you here, Alpha, with my date,” Cyrus says, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Landon's jaw tightens instantly, and I resist the urge to facepalm.
“Didn't she tell you? We spend a lot of time together,” Landon replies, his voice steady. I swallow nervously. I've never seen Cyrus like this before.
Standing up for himself doesn't seem to be in his nature. But then again, it's a trait that comes naturally to an Alpha, especially given Landon's current demeanor.
“Did she tell you we are going on a date?”
Cyrus lifts the basket for emphasis.
“I'm glad you two met, but it's time for Cyrus and me to go. See you later, Landon?”
Landon finally tears his gaze from Cyrus and gives me a curt nod. I watch him walk away, unsure if he'll be back tomorrow morning or if I won't see him for another week.
I watch as Cyrus lays out a patterned blanket, trying to smooth out the wrinkles. He sets the basket down and pats the spot next to him. We're perched on the crest of a hill for our date.
The setting is pretty spectacular. We can see the sun lighting up the entire Power Pack. It's a massive Pack.
I can make out the two different schools, the marketplaces, and Landon's house far off in the distance.
I sit down, smiling at Cyrus.
“Thanks for this,” I say softly. He runs a hand through his hair and nods. He starts a random conversation, and we chat for a while as he pulls sandwiches from the basket.
I'm not really hungry. I was until Landon and Cyrus's first encounter.
You could’ve thrown water between them and it would’ve frozen.
“Something on your mind?” Cyrus asks, jolting me out of my thoughts. I'd been staring at Landon's house, wondering what he was up to. Cyrus' warm hand brushes hair from my face.
He's incredibly close, his thigh brushing against mine.
“Nothing,” I dismiss, giving him my best smile. How am I supposed to get over Landon when I can't stop thinking about him, even when Cyrus's soft lips are on mine?
I just wish Cyrus was easier to hate.