The Obsession - Book cover

The Obsession

Shala Mungroo

Chapter 3

Mira dashed back to the party. Kaley gave her a curious look, but no one else seemed to notice she’d been gone.

On the shuttle ride back, Kaley asked where she’d been. Mira brushed her off, saying they’d talk about it at work tomorrow.

But she didn’t want to talk about it. Ever. It was over. She’d never have to see Nicholai Bach again.

As they dressed, he’d promised to keep his word. Somehow, she believed him.

It bothered her how easily he got under her skin. Instead of being angry at his proposition, she’d practically melted in his arms.

She should be disgusted with herself, not thinking it was the best sex she’d ever had.

At least she’d made enough money from that one job to cover her bills for the month. She’d sleep better tonight.


During their afternoon shift, the manager approached Kaley. He said a Nicholai Bach was asking for her.

Mira froze, but Kaley practically sprinted to the front.

Feeling nauseous, Mira excused herself to the bathroom. She dry-heaved in a stall until she felt more composed.

A few minutes later, Kaley came in, calling her name.

Mira emerged from the stall to face her friend. She hadn’t told Kaley about last night, but from the look on her face, she’d figured it out.

“Nicholai’s looking for you!” Kaley exclaimed. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Mira sighed. “It’s complicated.”

Kaley looked hurt. “Complicated? Anyway, he’s waiting for you. Angus said you can take your break now.” Angus was their manager.

Mira nodded, her shoulders slumping.

“I’ll explain everything when I get back,” she promised Kaley, before heading out to meet Nicholai.

He was there, dressed in grey slacks and a white shirt with a matching grey tie. His jacket was casually slung over one shoulder, and he wore Wayfarer sunglasses that hid his eyes.

His clenched jaw and tense posture told her he was angry.

“Mira.” His voice was deceptively calm as he used her first name.

She nodded, trying to act unaffected by his presence.

“What are you doing here, Nicholai?”

He was silent for a moment, then extended his hand.

“Take a drive with me,” he commanded.

She looked at his outstretched hand and shook her head.

“I need to get back to work.”

He lowered his hand.

“Your manager said you could take a break,” he said, removing his sunglasses. His gaze met hers. “Just take a drive with me.”

Maybe it was the pleading in his voice, but Mira found herself nodding and following him out the door before she could think better of it.

She hesitated when she saw the black SUV with tinted windows.

“In that?” She felt out of her depth with him.

Nicholai placed his hand on the small of her back, opened the back door, and helped her in before climbing in himself.

A partition separated the back seat from the driver. It was currently down, and Mira caught a glimpse of the burly driver who she assumed was also a bodyguard.

“Drive around the park, Paul,” Nicholai instructed. He pressed a button, raising the partition and blocking them from view.

“Why did you lie to me?” he asked as the car started moving.

He turned toward her, his arm resting behind her on the seat. She was acutely aware of his proximity and his intoxicating scent.

She forced herself to focus.

“I didn’t think it mattered,” she shrugged. “I didn’t plan on seeing you again.”

Nicholai watched her with a blank expression, then nodded.

“I can’t stop thinking about you.”

Mira looked at him, surprised by his admission.

She hadn’t stopped thinking about him either, but she knew she couldn’t act on it. What was he after?

“What do you want, Nicholai?” She didn’t have time for games. She had too many responsibilities. But her heart fluttered at the thought that she’d made an impression on him.

“Spend the weekend with me.” He lifted his hand to gently trace her jawline.

Mira was taken aback.

“You accuse me of stealing, then bargained with me for sex, and now you want me to spend the weekend with you?” she asked, her voice rising with each word.

Nicholai didn’t seem phased by her outburst.


Mira scoffed and threw her hands up, shaking her head.

“You’re unbelievable!” She looked at him, meeting his gaze. “You could have any woman, Nicholai. Why me?”

Why her, ~indeed?~ he thought. He decided to be honest.

“Because you’ve gotten under my skin,” he said. “No one has ever done that before.”

Mira just stared at him. She couldn’t believe this was happening. She felt that if she turned him down, he’d keep pursuing her. Nicholai Bach didn’t seem like a man who gave up easily.

“Even if I wanted to, I have responsibilities. Like my job,” she said quickly, not wanting him to know about Jahan.

Nicholai shrugged.

“I’m sure your manager owes you a few days off.”

Mira shook her head.

“Maybe he does, but I need the money.”

She regretted her words as soon as they left her mouth.

“What if I paid you for the weekend?”

Mira’s eyes darkened.

“I’m no hooker, Mr. Bach,” Mira stated, her tone icy. “If that’s all you wanted to know, I’d like to get out of your car now.”

“I’ll offer you half a million dollars for the whole weekend, Mira.”

Mira was about to knock on the partition to signal the driver when she froze.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me right.”

She nervously licked her lips, her mind racing.

The things she could do with that kind of money. She and Jahan could move to a better neighborhood, somewhere safer. She could take night classes. The opportunities were limitless.

Nicholai watched as a glimmer of hope crossed her face and he frowned, curious about why she seemed so desperate for cash. He’d have to be careful if he wanted to uncover her secrets. She was a tough nut to crack.

“Okay, half a million dollars for the weekend,” she echoed, fully expecting him to back down.

Instead, Nicholai smiled.

“Starting tomorrow night.”

Mira hesitated, stunned. He was dead serious. Without another moment’s pause, she gave in to the temptation and swallowed her pride. She was really going to do this.

“That’s Friday night,” she pointed out. “I can be there Saturday morning.”

Nicholai shook his head.

“My driver will pick you up after your shift tomorrow night.”

He was proving to be stubborn, but for half a million dollars, she figured she could let him have his way. She’d just have to figure out what to do about Jahan.

“Alright, tomorrow then.” She extended her hand for a handshake, but Nicholai took it and pulled her closer, his lips just inches from hers.

“How about we seal this deal with a kiss?”

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