Revenge on the Billionaire - Book cover

Revenge on the Billionaire

Heather Teston

Chapter 2

Amy’s purse slipped from her fingers just as she approached his table, landing with a soft thud on the floor.

Christian sensed someone near him and spotted the red purse on the floor out of the corner of his eye. He bent down to retrieve it.

As he stood back up, his gaze traveled up a pair of heels and a set of stunning legs. His eyes lingered on what he considered to be an impressive cleavage.

Amy noticed his blatant stare at her chest. She wanted to smack the smug look off his face, but instead, she flashed him a sultry smile.

“Thanks. I can be such a klutz sometimes,” she said, her voice laced with flirtation.

Christian grinned, letting his gaze wander over her body. “No problem at all, miss. I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name,” he said, handing her the purse.

“Amy. Amy Jackson.”

“Miss Jackson, you’re an American.”

She fluttered her eyelashes at him. “Why yes, I am.”

He extended his hand to her. “Christian Rodriguez, at your service. So, are you coming or going?” he asked, holding onto her hand a moment longer before releasing it.

The moment she took his hand, a jolt of electricity shot through her fingers. Her body warmed up, and she quickly pulled her hand back.

“I was planning to eat, but I feel awkward dining alone. I thought I’d just head back to my room and order room service.”

She tried to look uncomfortable, but she didn’t have to pretend. This man had unsettled her with his intense, dark eyes that bore into hers until she had to look away.

“Please, join me for dinner. I could use the company,” he said, flashing her a smile that revealed his dazzling white teeth.

“I wouldn’t want to intrude,” she said, her voice soft.

“You wouldn’t be. Actually, you’d be doing me a favor. I hate eating alone, and it would be a privilege to have a beautiful woman join me.”

After she accepted his invitation, he pulled out her chair and waited until she was seated. She could feel his warm breath on the back of her neck as he lingered for a moment.

Once they were both seated, a waiter came over and poured them each a glass of champagne, leaving the bottle on the table.

She waited while he made a call on his cell, and from the sound of it, he was canceling a date.

“Something’s come up. Let’s reschedule. I’ll call you,” he said to the person on the other end of the line, flashing Amy a smile.

She took a sip of her champagne, returning his smile.

“So, tell me, Miss Jackson, why is a beautiful woman like you dining alone?”

“Please, call me Amy.”

“Only if you call me Christian,” he replied.

“Well, Christian, I’m here on vacation. I’ve always wanted to visit. It’s been a dream of mine.”

“You traveled to France alone? It’s not safe for a young woman to travel by herself.” He leaned back, studying her face, trying to read her.

“A friend was supposed to come with me but bailed at the last minute, so here I am.”

“Your boyfriend let you come by yourself?”

“I don’t have a boyfriend. It was a girlfriend who was supposed to come with me.”

“Where are you staying?” he asked, relieved to hear she was single.

Amy was growing tired of this game. Things were moving too slowly, so she decided to speed them up. “Here, at this hotel.”

She let out a deep sigh before continuing. “But I won’t be here long. It’s pricier than I thought it would be.”

Christian leaned back in his chair, studying the beauty before him.

“I’d hate for you to leave without seeing the sights. You could stay at my castle. I’m hosting a party next week and would love for you to be there.”

She had to play it cool. She didn’t want to seem too eager. “Why, Christian, what are you suggesting?” she asked, her tongue tracing her bottom lip.

“It’s not what you might be thinking. You’d be my guest and have your own room in a different wing of the castle. I could show you around. I’d make a great guide.”

Amy deliberately ran her fingers along the neckline of her dress. She noticed his eyes following her fingers.

His tongue darted out to moisten his lip before disappearing again.

“If you’re sure I wouldn’t be imposing, I’d love to.”

He smiled. “Great, it’s settled. Now, let me treat you to dinner. May I recommend the fish? It’s excellent here.”

During their meal, he told her about all the places he would take her to, and they chatted about various topics over the course of two hours. He did most of the talking while she played the part of the naive listener.

Amy found herself enjoying his company. He was charming and attractive, and his good looks were a bonus.

She couldn’t help but feel a little drawn to him when he looked at her. His eyes were captivating, dark and mysterious with a hint of danger.


After dinner, Christian insisted on walking her to her room. There, he took the key from her hand and waited for her to enter.

Her heart pounded when he took her hand and held it, placing the key into her palm. A shiver ran through her body from his touch. It felt like a gentle caress.

She thought he’d want to come in, but he stayed by the door.

“I’ll have a car pick you up in the morning. A room will be ready for you. I hope you’ll make yourself at home. Good night, Amy,” he said, kissing the back of her hand.

Then he turned and left, closing the door behind him.

She leaned against the door, releasing the breath she’d been holding. He’d gotten so close she’d thought he was going to kiss her.

God, she needed help. When she’d looked at his lips, she’d wanted to feel them on hers, had wanted him to kiss her.

But she was grateful he hadn’t, knowing it would lead to more, and it was too soon to sleep with him. First, she had to make him fall in love with her.

Amy slid into bed, her mind buzzing with thoughts of him. She despised how she had to play the part of a clueless girl around him, despised everything he represented and what he had done to her father.

She was determined to make him pay. After charming him and earning his trust, she would find a way to shatter him and his reputation.


Christian Rodriguez was no dummy. He hadn’t climbed to his current position by being naive.

He was aware that she had intentionally let her purse fall near his table. He wasn’t fooled by the naive act she had put on, and he was intrigued about her motives.

If she hadn’t been so stunning, he would have brushed her off, but he was interested in the game she was playing.

Amy didn’t strike him as the typical gold-digger or someone who was just after sex. She was up to something, and he was determined to uncover what that was.

In the meantime, he would relish getting to know her and getting her into his bed.

She might turn out to be quite entertaining, both in and out of bed. She was young and vibrant, and there was a spark of passion in her eyes.

He was so tired of all the women he knew. They were as dull as dishwater in bed and outside of it. He craved someone with passion, someone with a bit of fight in them.

Amy might just be the one to take him to new heights of sexual pleasure.

Christian had the penthouse suite. He always booked it when he dined here since he usually had a woman stay the night with him.

But after meeting Amy, he’d called off his date, and now he sat alone in his bedroom with a glass of Scotch in his hand.

As he gazed out the window, he felt a sense of restlessness, and he found himself wishing he’d invited Amy up with him.

The way she’d traced her long, painted fingernail along her cleavage, drawing attention to her breasts, had stirred him. He could imagine her legs wrapped around his neck as he savored the taste of her sweet nectar.

When he’d dropped her off at her room, he hadn’t been able to tear his eyes away from her long, slender neck.

He’d had to resist the urge to press his lips there and suck gently as he moved his lips down to her breasts, yearning to feel her soft skin against his lips.

Oh, Miss Jackson, you may think you’re playing a game, but I will come out on top. I always do.

Stripping down to his bare skin, he climbed into bed, and within minutes, he was sound asleep. Dreams of what he would do to Amy once he got her into bed had him grinning in his sleep.

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