Sinful Attractions - Book cover

Sinful Attractions

Luci Fer

Chapter Two


The week zipped by without much fuss. After a full Saturday of Open Homes, Luke and I were wiped out and ready to chill. I collapsed onto our couch, kicked off my shoes, and took a long-awaited sip from a generously filled glass of wine. “Let’s hit the town tonight. It’s been ages since we cut loose and I’m itching to dance.”

“Do we have to? I’m mentally drained from this week.”

“Yes! Stop acting like we’re a middle-aged couple with five cats.”

He knew I wasn’t a cat person and that would get a rise out of me. “First off, we’ll never be a middle-aged couple, unless you’re lumping Will and Grace into that category. And second, it’s never just dancing with you, it’s a full-blown night of wildness!”

When Luke quickly shot back that he wouldn’t have it any other way, I had no comeback. But I made it clear he was feeding me first.

We each headed to our rooms. I stripped down and headed into my bathroom.

After a long day, the hot water was a balm to my tired muscles. I was grateful for the moment of tranquility the shower offered.

Finally, I turned off the water, blow-dried my hair, and added loose waves with some finishing spray. After applying a bit more makeup than usual, I finished up and headed into my walk-in closet.

After a few minutes of indecision, I settled on one of Luke’s favorite outfits, or as he likes to say, ‘highlights all the right features’. Grabbing my clutch, I headed to the living room. “Luke, are you almost ready? Should I call an Uber?”

“Yeah, I’m just brushing my teeth. Call it now, let’s hit Capulet first.” Capulet is Luke’s go-to cocktail bar, and a great place to kick off the night. I ordered the Uber and watched as it neared, hollering to Luke to hurry up. He came rushing down, fastening his belt as he went. We locked up and headed out to meet our ride, settling in for the short trip to Capulet.

We thanked our driver as we arrived at the bar. Luke helped me out of the car and we headed in.

For a Saturday night, the bar was already buzzing with the usual crowd – business execs winding down their week with martinis or single malts in hand, college kids hoping to snag a sugar daddy, and the enigmatic VIP section regulars who you don’t dare make eye contact with. Sometimes, it’s better to play dumb about certain things in life.

We ordered our drinks and scanned the room for a table. Unfortunately, since we decided to come out last minute, the only tables left were near the VIP section. So, we bit the bullet and headed towards an open spot. “Just so we’re clear, I plan on hooking up tonight.”

I laughed at his typical behavior. “As if I expected anything less from you, you shameless flirt.”

“Girl, if you got it, flaunt it.” He said, taking a long sip of his drink and scanning the room for potential interests. “Oh, honey, don’t turn around but there’s a total babe checking you out to your left.”

I rolled my eyes. “Luke, please! You always say that, and usually ‘total babe’ translates to a middle-aged man with a Peter Pan complex.”

“No, seriously, if this hunk was looking at me with that kind of desire, I’d already be naked. Pretend to knock your purse off the table and check out your nine o’clock, up there in the VIP section.” When I said I wasn’t going to do that, Luke cut me off. “Seriously, girl! Would you just humor me for once?”

“Fine, Luke.” I said, a bit annoyed. I subtly moved my elbow, nudging my clutch off the table. As I bent over to pick it up, I lifted my head slightly, scanning the crowd where Luke had pointed.

And there he was! I froze as my eyes met his. Stephen Gotti!

The man from Gilhooley’s earlier this week. I couldn’t help the sharp intake of breath as my eyes took in the delicious man I’d bumped into before.

Those bulging muscles covered in tattoos that instantly made my head spin, remembering the feel of his hands on my hips and his intoxicating scent.

Realizing I’d been staring for far too long, I felt my cheeks heat up as my eyes drifted back up to his.

When I found his gaze still locked on mine, I saw a small smile play on his luscious lips, before a devilish wink sent me sitting upright in my chair. Busted!

Trying to save face, I picked up my drink and downed the rest of it, feeling my face flush. I couldn’t believe I’d been caught so blatantly. “Is it suddenly hot in here or is it just me? Do you need another drink? I need another drink! Let me get us some drinks.”

I quickly stood up from my chair, nearly toppling the table, and weaved my way through the growing crowd before Luke could say a word.

Once I felt a safe distance away, and out of Stephen’s mesmerizing gaze, I slowed down and took a deep breath, mentally telling myself to cool it.

After waiting several minutes in line at the bar, I was about to place our order when I felt a firm hand on the small of my back and the light pressure of someone leaning against me. “Put the lady’s drinks on my tab, please, Dylan.”

Turning to see who had the audacity to make such a demand, I was met with those beautiful green eyes and the smoldering face of Stephen.

Stephen’s eyes met mine with a gentle smile and an even smoother stroke of my back where his hand was still firmly placed.

Gathering what little courage I had left, I turned to face Stephen who made no move to remove his hand from my back. “That’s very kind of you to offer, Stephen, wasn’t it? I’m capable of buying my own drinks, but I appreciate the gesture.”

“I’m glad you remembered, Trinity. A name like yours, and a face as beautiful as yours, isn’t easy to forget. The pleasure is all mine. What can I get you to drink?” Stephen moved closer, and his scent washed over me. It was so intoxicating that I almost forgot what he’d asked.

“Thanks. I’ll have a JD and coke for my roommate and a margarita for me.” Stephen ordered his drink and thanked the bartender. As the bartender left to make our drinks, I turned to thank Stephen, but he was already leaning in to speak.

“I’m relieved to hear that the guy with you is just your roommate.” He moved even closer, our bodies pressing together. His warm breath on my neck sent a wave of heat through me, and I found myself gripping Stephen’s arm for support. “I told you I’d see you again soon. I didn’t realize you’d look even more stunning when I did.”

His lips brushed against my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. “That’s kind of you to say, Stephen. You’re looking pretty good yourself. I’m sure you noticed me staring earlier.”

Stephen’s eyes sparkled, and a mischievous smile spread across his face. His gaze dropped to my lips.

Without thinking, I licked my lips. His hand, still on my back, tightened against the thin fabric of my dress.

“Can I be forward? Would you and your roommate like to join us? I’d like to get to know you better, Trinity.”

“I’ll check with Luke, but I think I’d like that, Stephen.” As soon as I answered, Stephen’s arm around my back tightened. I didn’t mind. There was something about him that drew me in, and I wasn’t ashamed to admit I wanted to know more.

The bartender came back with our drinks. After thanking him and Stephen, I picked up mine and Luke’s drinks and headed back to our table.

I could feel Stephen close behind me, his hand still on my back, as if he was staking his claim.

As we approached the table, I saw Luke deep in conversation with a coworker. He didn’t notice us until we were right there.

I put Luke’s drink in front of him, interrupting his conversation. “Hey, babe. You’re back. And who’s this handsome guy with you? Hi, I’m Luke. Nice to meet you.”

I laughed at Luke’s obvious flirting and introduced Stephen.

“Luke, this is Stephen. We met at Gilhooley’s earlier this week when I was waiting for you. Stephen, this is Luke, my roommate and my over-the-top best friend.”

Luke and Stephen shook hands and made small talk. “And this is Matt. He works with us in sales.”

Matt mentioned that he and Stephen had met before when Matt sold him a house in Bunya Pine last year.

“Good to see you again, Matt. I invited Trinity to join us in our booth. Would you guys like to join us?”

Luke didn’t hesitate. “You don’t have to ask me twice. Let’s go.” We gathered our drinks and followed Stephen to his booth.

When Stephen took my hand to lead us, Luke nudged me with his elbow. I turned to see him and Matt winking at me.

I rolled my eyes at them, earning a silent “Go for it” from Luke.

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