New Beginnings - Book cover

New Beginnings

Heather Gray

Chapter 3


The nerve of that man! Did he really think I called him in the middle of the day for a business meeting, a complete stranger, just to have sex with him?

I’m fuming as I leave the restaurant. I didn’t get to show him anything or make my proposal. He was just too much of an arrogant jerk, and I wanted to punch him right in his sexy face.

On my drive back to the office, I stop at a little bakery for a sandwich, since I still haven’t had lunch. “Chelsea,” Kelly says when I sweep in holding my takeout. “Everything okay? It’s barely been half an hour; I thought you had a lunch meeting?”

“Alec Oberlin is an asshole,” I say shortly, not wanting to get into it, and retreat into my office to eat alone.

If I’m not going to land Oberlin Enterprises on day one, I need to find another way to impress Anne and build my reputation here. That’s okay. I’ve always had my own plans for how to start off this new chapter of my career.

About an hour later, I’m sending out some introductory emails to potential clients when Kelly knocks on my door.

“Come on in, Kelly,” I say, looking up and trying on a smile. “Sorry if I was rude earlier. Just a frustrating lunch.”

“Chelsea,” she says, sounding a little nervous, “there’s someone here to see you.”

“Who?” I don’t have any meetings scheduled for the rest of the day. Who even knows to find me here?

“Alec Oberlin?” Kelly wraps one hand around her pearl necklace like a nervous tic.

“What?” I’m stunned. Did that jerk really come all the way down here? To apologize, or to keep hitting on me?

“I can ask him to leave?” she offers. “I know you said he wasn’t very nice to you at lunch, and I mean, we’re a woman-owned company, we’re supposed to support each other…”

“It’s fine, Kelly. Let’s see what he has to say for himself.” I follow Kelly out into the reception area, and yup, there he is, clear as day.

Alec looks even better than before. I have no idea why he’s changed clothes in the hour since I last saw him, but now he’s wearing a deep-black suit with a crisp white shirt and navy tie, cut to accentuate his broad shoulders and narrow waist.

He has a portfolio tucked under his arm, and that annoying, sexy smirk plastered on his face.

Just like when I saw him at the restaurant earlier, his jaw is covered in a light stubble, making him even more gorgeous than in his professional headshots.

I want to feel that stubble against the insides of my thighs—no! Bad Chelsea! I am not sleeping with this man, remember?

“Mr. Oberlin. What can I do for you?” I ask with a professional voice.

“Please, Chelsea, it’s Alec. If we’re going to work together, it’s just easier to be on a first-name basis.” His smirk widens.

“Work together?” I raise an eyebrow at him.

“Can we talk?” he asks. And okay, it’s probably a little awkward to have this conversation right out in the reception area, with Kelly glancing back and forth between us like we’re the juiciest gossip she’s had all week.

“Of course,” I say, and guide him back to my office. What the hell is going on?

“I’d like to apologize. I think we got off on the wrong foot,” he begins.

“The wrong foot?” I ask with an edge in my voice. “You asked me ‘what turns me on,’ within five minutes of meeting me, when I came to talk about business.” I’m angry, and I don’t see a reason to hide that.

“I’m sorry, Chelsea. I’m so used to women coming on to me, I misread the situation.” He shrugs. “But I like your fire, and I would like to hear your proposal.”

I take a deep breath and try to be fair. Having Alec as a client would mean a lot. So I cave and hand him the proposal I drew up earlier. Lucky for him I didn’t already tear it up.

“This doesn’t mean I forgive you,” I warn.

“That’s okay. We’ll be spending a lot of time together. I’m sure I’ll win you over eventually.” He smiles, and this one seems almost genuine.

My heart skips a beat when I look into his dark eyes. It’s like he’s looking straight at my soul, making me feel naked, exposed. I avert my gaze as he start looking over the proposal.

“This is good,” he says after a while. He looks up at me and smiles.

“Did you expect it to be bad?” I raise an eyebrow at him, and he breaks out into a laugh—a beautiful sound that I find myself hoping I’ll hear more of.

“No, no, I didn’t expect it to be bad, but seeing as we just met, and haven’t talked about the project yet, I didn’t expect it to be at this level. You really get what Oberlin Enterprises is trying to achieve here.”

“Well, I always do proper research, Alec. But thank you.” I pause, letting him decide what he wants to do next.

“Why don’t we set up a proper meeting for tomorrow,” he offers, “and I’ll show you the plans we have so far?”

Silently, internally, I allow myself a little cheer of triumph that the big client is finally taking me seriously. We agree to meet here tomorrow at 2 p.m.

“Till then, Chelsea,” Alec says and stands. I shake his hand before he leaves and can’t help but feel the same slight tingle I’d felt when we shook hands earlier.

It’s almost like he has an electric current running through him, creating sparks whenever he touches me.

Kelly ducks her head into my office after he’s gone. “Not such an asshole after all?” she teases.

“Jury’s still out,” I grumble, but I can’t hold back a tiny smile.


At home, I change out of my dress into comfy loungewear and dial my mom. “How was your first day?” she demands without even saying hello first.

“Great,” I say, letting my genuine enthusiasm color my voice. “I think I’m already on my way to landing a huge client.”

“Of course you are,” she says warmly. “You were always going to take Chicago by storm. Who’s this client?”

“Alec Oberlin,” I say. “He seems kind of…smarmy, but he liked my pitch.”

“Smarmy?” Mom knows me too well. “Is he cute?”

“Mom,” I complain, “I didn’t call to talk about cute boys. This could be a huge deal for my career. Besides you know I’m not ready to date yet.”

She sighs. “I just don’t want you to be lonely out there, sweetheart. Just you in that big old house, no family nearby, after all you’ve been through? A cute boy might be a nice distraction.”

“I don’t need a distraction,” I say firmly. “The last thing I need right now is to get distracted from my work.”

“If you’re sure,” she says doubtfully. “Your father and I really are proud of you. He’s just out in the yard—he’s on a gardening kick again, and he thinks his new avocado tree might have thrips.”

“Thrips?” I laugh. “What’s a thrip?”

“Far as I can tell, they poop all over the bottoms of the leaves and raise your father’s blood pressure. I love the man, but he does have a black thumb. You want me to grab him so you can say hi?”

“No,” I say, “leave him to his thrip hunt. I love you, Mom. Miss you.” She’s right that it’s hard being away from her and Dad; I love my new house and my fresh start, but I kind of wish my parents still lived next door.

Making my way back down to the kitchen, I whip up an easy dinner and eat while watching something mindless on Netflix. I lounge in front of the TV until ten, when I decide to call it a night.

A year ago my life looked so different; I had the same routine every night. Now I do whatever I want, usually by myself, and get to bed early. The freedom of it feels both wonderful and terrifying.

I put on my silk nightgown and slip under the covers. I’ve been sleeping alone for months now, but it still feels a little weird, and I can’t really settle in.

Thinking about Alec and our meeting tomorrow, I decide it’s best to be well-rested; I should get rid of some of the built-up tension and frustration from the day. Turning out the light, I grab the rabbit vibrator I’ve come to love over these past few months.

I ease the toy inside me and turn it on, letting its gentle vibrations stimulate both my G-spot and clit. I moaned, tilting my head back at the pleasure, grabbing onto the sheets.

I can’t help but imagine Alec. Alec’s tongue forcefully licking at my sensitive clit, Alec’s hard cock hitting just the right spot inside of me. I thrust the vibrator harder and scream out in pleasure.

I climax to the image of Alec pounding into me. Then I let the vibrations pulse through me, dragging out my orgasm for as long as I can stand.

I keep writhing in bed through the aftershocks, messing up my fresh sheets, enjoying my body’s contented thrum.

As I drift into sleep, I can only hope that I’ll still be able to look Alec in the eye tomorrow.

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