Crime Boss' Unwilling Wife - Book cover

Crime Boss' Unwilling Wife

Elle Chipp

Cruel Intentions


Brian Fitzgerald was eager to oblige my request to visit, even with such short notice, and I can’t say that I’m surprised. He’ll have heard the rumors and only a fool would deny me a visit on friendly terms.

I’ll be crossing through shortly on my way home from the coast and I’ve been interested in his business for some time now. They’re on the smaller side with only two or three hundred staff members, but they have a good reputation with their clients and I want to know how they manage to stay under the radar so easily. There’s not a chance that all of their imports are legal.

My previous acquisition was pathetic in comparison and had more than double their numbers. If my suspicions are correct, he’ll try and impress me tonight with a show of strength, and little does he know that he’ll be pitching me his job in the process.

At this moment, I’m still undecided though. After all, it takes a lot of time and effort to take on another company and I can’t imagine that all of his people will be happy with the change of management. The question is, will it be worth the chase?

I’m sick of taking on useless bodies, it’s about time that I got something profitable, and my people deserve nothing but the best. If he declines, well, that’s not my problem. I’ll just have to make my intentions very clear, and who knows, maybe he’ll hand it over.

One of his younger ‘family’ members, as they call each other in a way similar to mine, is rumored to be having a birthday next week. It would be a shame if something were to happen to put a stop to their celebrations. I’m not one to stoop so low as to kill an innocent, but he doesn’t know that and I prefer it that way.

The thing is, with a reputation like mine, you don’t even have to do anything anymore; they all just assume the worst and I profit from it. It’s never occurred to me to care about what they think, and it’s not like I’ve put a whole lot of effort into being good either.

I’ve stolen stock, I’ve taken businesses, and I’ve killed people who have crossed me. If that makes me a villain, then so be it.

“We’re about a quarter-hour away, sir.” My right hand, Donovan, says over the top of his BlackBerry. It’s a formality that I have always insisted upon, him calling me that at work, just like my father did and those before him.

Donovan is my closest friend, but the hierarchy is what holds us in place; without it, we’re all the same and that’s just not an option when running an empire this notorious. We want to grow, not fall to the wayside, and I need to be strong if I’m to achieve that.

Friendships are important to me, as long as they remember their place in line, and Donovan has never challenged that. This is why I made him my second as soon as I came into power and we’ve been inseparable ever since.

“Tell them to slow the pace a bit, I want to inspect the lands as we go.” He nods and turns to the partition blocking the driver in order to relay my message.

I could just tell them myself, but I find it important that messages don’t come directly from me. The more approachable I am, the less fear I cause, and without fear, there’s always the chance of a challenge.

I would win, of course, but nobody has done that to a Neville and I refuse to be the first. My father would roll over in his grave and I’d rather he stay dead.

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