Reed's Sex Academy 2: Hush Hush - Book cover

Reed's Sex Academy 2: Hush Hush

Rhea Harp

Chapter 3


Although I arrived at seven o’clock sharp, as instructed, Calvin wasn’t at the Academy.

When I asked one of the women who seemed to be working there about him, she told me he wasn’t coming in until eight.

Great, I puffed, and hoped this wasn’t one of those things Arthur used to do to assert his dominance over me.

I’d have loved to go home and come back later. Except without having a car of my own, I’d barely found a way to get here in the first place.

When escort training became a legitimate practice in the States a few years ago, a lot of these Academies were built into big mansions, usually located on the outskirts of the cities they were in. Just like Calvin’s.

I swallowed back my irritation and sat down on a chair in the foyer.

It wasn’t until I opened the book I carried with me everywhere when I realized how dark this place was, despite the morning sun shining outside. I could barely focus my eyes on the sentences in front of me.

So I took my book and wandered in search of a better spot.

I didn’t have to go too far to find it, though. There, in a side room beneath the stairs, I spotted a red velvet-covered divan right by the window.

Shock spread across my face when I walked over to it, and the naked form of a woman leaned down on it with a leash around her neck and a blindfold over her eyes. Even more shock twisted my insides when I saw a man’s hand come between her legs, pumping his middle finger inside her spread pussy. It came out wet, gleaming with her arousal before he dipped it back in. Slowly.

Another man then came into view from behind, securing a gag around her head and into her open mouth. She whimpered, and one of the men slapped her breasts.

“Shhh, sweetheart. Be quiet while I fuck this cunt,” the first one said.

Heat splashed against my skin, flushing my cheeks and making my thighs clench.

This wasn’t right. Watching them wasn’t right.

And yet, for some sick, twisted reason, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the scene.

Drool started running down the woman’s chin and chest from being gagged, and both men praised her at how fucking pretty she was going to look with a cock in her mouth and ass.

“If you wanted to be in her place, I could have that arranged,” Calvin’s voice brushed the shell of my ear, making me shiver and jolt upright.

“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…,” I mumbled, turning toward him.

I wanted to disappear into thin air. I wanted to melt down into the floor and never see him ever again. Or ever, for that matter.

“My apologies for making you wait.” He smiled, continuing to walk down the hallway, an unspoken gesture to follow him. “I hope Elena’s training kept you from getting too bored.”

I cleared my throat in an effort to regain my composure.

“So, this is what an Academy like this looks like.” I forced a laugh, embarrassment still flickering in my eyes like an everlasting flame.

“No,” he deadpanned, those green, cunning eyes shifting across my body as he talked. “It’s not. You haven’t truly seen anything at all.”

Seeing that my eyes went wide in shock in response, he laughed and jerked his head toward the stairs, hands in his pockets as he walked away.

I took a deep breath and trudged after him, not knowing what the hell to expect of this day.


Calvin kept silent until we reached a black wooden door, different from all the others we’d passed. I wondered what went on in there but didn’t ask, since I knew I was about to find out. Whether I wanted to or not.

“After you,” he said, amusement reading on his face.

One wrong move and he’d figure out I wasn’t here because of my business class.

One wrong move and he’d know someone forced me to come.

One wrong move and I’d never be free again.

I gulped and pushed down the door handle, bracing myself to see another pair of naked bodies doing God-knew-what.

I let out a visible breath of relief when I saw that there were none.

“This is where the bad girls seek redemption,” he said, walking deeper into the black room filled with tons of sexual objects and a weird-looking cross. “Punishment comes in many forms. Some that you’d never wish to experience.”

I ignored the fact that he referred to me in his last sentence and asked him for more details. “Did you come up with the ideas for them, or how does this work?”

He shook his head.

“There’s an entire board behind these Academies. We all follow the same rules and practices. I’m merely here to”—he brushed the wooden X-frame with his knuckles—“enjoy seeing it play out.”

Right. Of course he was.

“And all the girls,” I said, “they all want to be here?”

“You tell me.” He shrugged. “Did it look like Elena was having a bad time with her mentors?”

“Not exactly…”

“Then let’s keep moving, Reyna darling. The day is long, and the girls are famished.”

The dark room felt like it was closing in on me. I needed to get out. I needed to breathe. I was the first one to exit as soon as he suggested it.

At the end of the hallway, away from all the punishment gear, was the room of a girl named Lilah, as Calvin explained to me.

According to him, she was going to be inside, and we were about to catch her pleasing herself. My body tensed at the sound of it. Intruding on someone like that sounded obscene and absolutely wrong.

I cursed Arthur in my mind for making me do this.

Calvin knew what Lilah was doing inside because she had just been into the punishment room, where her mentor teased her for two hours, only to deny her orgasm at the end.

And although she’d been ordered not to please herself, she was, of course, going to do it. It was hard not to after being teased for that long. For anyone, not just for her, Calvin told me.

And they knew. The mentors knew. Calvin knew. But he was going to catch her anyway, as part of her training. She had to learn that in here, she no longer had control over her orgasms. Her mentor did.

When Calvin opened the door, Lilah was indeed lying on her bed, her sleek pussy in full view toward us as she sat there, with her legs spread as her long, manicured fingers fucked herself.

“My, my! What a view,” Calvin exclaimed, and she gasped, closing her legs at the sound of his voice.

“Sir, I’m begging you,” she pleaded, her eyelashes getting wet with unshed tears. “I need to come. Please, let me do it.”

“I will do no such thing,” he taunted.

I involuntarily licked my lips at the dominance in his voice.

A whimper escaped her lips, and Calvin looked toward me. My breath hitched.

“Reyna darling, be a good pet and bring me those handcuffs,” he said, pointing to the nightstand next to me. Not feeling like I could refuse, I fumbled for the object and retrieved it for him while biting the inner tissue of my cheek.

The way he addressed me didn’t go unnoticed, though. I’d have to talk to him about it after whatever it is we were doing here. I was nobody’s pet, let alone Calvin’s.

“Please,” Lilah pleaded once more, her eyes now avoiding his. “I won’t do it again. Please, don’t restrain me.”

“Tsk,” Calvin said, his skin touching mine as he retrieved the handcuffs from my hand. “You and I both know that’s a lie. Now stop pleading, unless you also want a gag in that pretty mouth for the rest of the day.”

After cuffing her, he nudged me outside and closed the door behind us. Lilah remained spread like a starfish on the bed, unable to move and still very much aroused.

“Like I said—we take punishment very seriously around here.”

I barely registered his words, though. All I could focus on was the wet spot on my panties and the way it felt against my warm skin.

“I think I’ve seen enough for one day.” I forced a smile.

I wanted to give him the impression that I wanted to be here. That I was interested to see the ins and outs of his business for my class report. Not because I was here to learn about his father. Or his brother. Or their dark, well-kept secrets.

But this was a lot—I didn’t know what I was expecting, but my body reacting that way… Getting aroused in public was definitely not on my to-do list.

I felt the need to go home. This spying job was unlike any other I’d ever had.

Nonsense,” Calvin countered. “You are my sister’s friend and my guest. I’ll make sure you get a straight A on that report of yours. Come. There’s a lot more I want to show you.”

I didn’t need to see these parts of his business. My class report would focus on things like his business plan or how he made money and where he spent it.

And Calvin wasn’t stupid. He’d have to know that showing me how he punished his students was useless for my report.

Still, he made me watch it, almost as if he enjoyed seeing me squirm from embarrassment right under his eyes.


When I got home that night, I was this close to doing exactly what Lilah had done when we walked into her room. But I didn’t.

Even though that voice was in my head, and those green eyes were taking shape in the darkness of my skull.

That brief touch of his hand… I could still feel it. I wished it hadn’t happened, so I wouldn’t have to sit here and still think about it.

This whole situation was frustrating on so many levels.

I had a job to do. And tomorrow, when I walked back into that damned place, I wasn’t going to lose myself like I did today. I wasn’t going to let him call me his pet. I wasn’t going to let that smirk on his face show up again.

I was going to stand my ground, while continuing to play his game. Not for long, though. All I needed was for him to get used to me, so he didn’t suspect me.

When I closed my eyes, determined to fall asleep, a new message made my phone vibrate on my nightstand. I picked it up, and my breath hitched when I saw his name on my screen.

CalvinDon’t think of me too much tonight, Reyna darling. Tomorrow’s only a few hours away.

Heaving a long sigh through my nose, I turned off my phone and shoved myself under the covers, forcing myself to sleep.

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