Alpha King's Hybrid Mate: Mated to the Afterlife - Book cover

Alpha King's Hybrid Mate: Mated to the Afterlife

Breeanna Belcher

Age Rating


Lea is a curvy, ordinary human woman stuck in a vicious cycle of abusive relationships. The only thing that has kept her afloat all of these years is her crazy best friend Ellie.

That is until one day she is saved after being brutally attacked by her boyfriend and meets Derrel, a caramel-skinned hunk of a man that she would have never expected to even glance in her direction.

Can a sizzling romance with a stunning man heal Lea's broken heart?

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11 Chapters

Chapter 1


Chapter 2

Chapter 1

Chapter 3

Chapter 2

Chapter 4

Chapter 3
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In the beginning, there was the ‘All Supreme’.

Bored with life, he decided to create unique creatures.

These powerful deities were known as Gods and Goddesses. Each was given a task to create more beings and protect their creations.

The first God created humans, who he admired greatly, but they were fragile beings who would die and grow sick quickly.

This saddened the All Supreme, so he tasked some of the other Gods and Goddesses to create protectors for the humans. These deities created a variety of Shifters, Witches, and other secret beings to live amongst the human world.

They all lived in the world together; each took their own path and created even more amazing things with time and knowledge over the years.

When any of the lesser beings died, they would just vanish, even though the Supreme believed they should live forever. After all, his deity children worked hard to create them, so he gifted them all souls.

Once he gifted his creations’ souls, they traveled to a paradise he created, an Afterlife.

Not long after its creation, the Afterlife descended into chaos. The tainted souls mixed with pure ones, and the paradise soon shattered due to their lack of balance. They soon began to influence one another and compete for control.

The All Supreme then re-created the Afterlife Kingdom in another world, but this time, he made one significant change: He split this world into two: the Kingdom of the Light, where his pure souls would enjoy eternity, and the Kingdom of Dark, where the evil and tainted souls would be tortured forever as punishment for their transgressions.

When creating these Kingdoms, the All Supreme put certain beings in charge of ruling and maintaining the balance in each.

The Demons were assigned to the Dark Infernal Kingdom, the Faye to the Ethereal Light Kingdom. They were to run their Kingdoms, and once they died, they would go to the world of the Supreme or vanish, depending on whether they followed his rule.

To choose a leader for each Kingdom, the Supreme would brand a child at birth, or in some instances, the brand would be transferred so there was a ruler until the babe could grow up. This brand would show they would inherit the throne when the current leader was to die or hand the position down after a few millennia.

The brand would show two intertwined rings (one black and one white) on the back of their necks.

The Faye heir to the Light throne, would be born with a white ring glowing solid white inside and a black ring that remains a simple black ring intertwined.

A Demon heir to the Dark throne would be the opposite. The black ring would be solid black with a white basic ring intertwined.

His afterlife creatures grew restless and struggled to keep the population up, making it hard to keep each side running smoothly. So, the God Vocuurn was tasked with finding each a Tie, also known as a mate. When a mate was found, they would be bound forever.

When The Faye and Demon Kings would find their mates (before or after taking their throne), their mates would also gain a brand.

Regardless of the Kingdom, the mate would have basic white and black intertwined rings without any solid parts to show they mated the Heir/Ruler of a Kingdom.

The Supreme was happy with his work and left the humans, human protectors, demons, and Faye to live peacefully.

Things took a turn when the King of the Light, Julius, had twin children—the girl, Ezera, and the boy, Elyk. Ezera was the first woman to be born with the heir branding to the Light Kingdom.

Once the twins reached mating age, Elyk found his mate. He was happy for many years until his mate died in childbirth, along with his newborn son.

He grew cold and angry, eventually harboring jealousy toward his sister’s position. He tried to convince everyone he should be the next in line. The Light King ignored his attempts, knowing the rule of the Brand.

Ezera later discovered she was mated to the Dark Kingdom’s King, Boris. Once they completed their mating Tie, her heir brand changed to a mate brand.

This meant that the Kingdom of the Light no longer had an Heir.

Boris and Ezera had two children and seamlessly ruled the Dark Kingdom. Keeping their demons in order and the evil souls tormented.

Elyk, over time, grew power hungry, trying to prove to his father that he was a worthy heir since no child had been born with the new brand—thus, the 1000-year war began. Elyk secretly attacked the Dark Kingdom to prove he was a worthy heir and show his father and the Supreme that he could rule.

After one thousand years of chaos and bloodshed, the Supreme was nowhere to be seen or heard from until one night when Ezera was given a vision.

“All Rulers must find their mate before they may take their throne.”

This angered Elyk because he had already lost the love of his life many years ago. In a fit of rage, Elyk killed his sister’s mate.

The Light King, Julius, was horrified that any being from the Kingdom meant for pure souls would ever murder in cold blood. They defend but never kill without good reason.

With Elyk’s action, the Light King banished his only son.

The Dark Kingdom was silently ruled for hundreds of years by the widowed Queen Ezera. Since her son, the rightful branded heir had not found his mate, he could not take his father’s place.

Ezera’s brother Elyk vanished after his banishment and was never heard from again.

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