Alpha King's Hybrid Mate: Mated to the Afterlife - Book cover

Alpha King's Hybrid Mate: Mated to the Afterlife

Breeanna Belcher

Chapter 2


She is my blonde, curvy partner in crime. Whenever I even think of putting myself down, she hypes me up until we are both flaunting our plus-sized curves to the world. She gives me the confidence I dreamed of having without help. If I didn’t have her, I honestly have no idea what would happen to me or where I would be.

“Hey Boo, you need to get up for work,” I hear Ellie lecture through my dream-filled state.

“Ugh, you reek of liquor, and it’s too early. Let me sleep,” I grumble as my nose is assaulted with the scent of whiskey and smoke.

Suddenly, I feel a throw pillow smacking my ass over and over again. Ellie is relentless.

“Leave me alone!” I cry.

“Get your pretty ass up and make some money! I was up all damn night dealing with skeevy pervs making mine, so now it’s your turn, Hot Tits. I told you you could just quit your job and work with me, but nooo, you’re too good to work at the bar,” Ellie mocks.

“No, I’m too old, and you know I hate being called Hot Tits,” I retort.

“First off, you have the biggest, most amazing tits ever… and secondly, you’re only five years older than me. Get over yourself. You are still a hot-ass bitch who any man or woman would try to get with. You would make some killer tips if you would just try it out,” Ellie says playfully as she rips my warm blanket off of me and slaps my bare ass.

I jump up and flip over in defense of my poor, now reddened ass. “Owwwwwwww…. What the fuck, Ell?!”

“I told you to get up…” She giggles and winks at me.

She bends down, playfully ruffles my messed-up hair, and sneakily shoves me off my bed.

“You know you’re a bitch, right? I don’t know why I am even friends with you,” I joke with a fake mean glare.

“Ummm hellooo, look at me. I’m sexy as fuck, and you love every bitchy inch of me.”

I can’t even argue with her on that one. She is right. She is fantastic and the best friend I could ever ask for.

Finally defeated, I push out my bottom lip and give her a puppy dog pout.

“Fine. Mean ass. I’m getting up.”

“Good because you need a shower, you stink.” Ellie held her nose and scrunched her face.

“Oh, whatever, like you are one to talk. You smell like a hooker walked out of a liquor pool,” I taunt, sticking out my tongue.

“Fine, we can take a shower together then.” Ellie seductively makes a kissy face, teasing me.

“Yeah, sure. Take your ass to bed, it’s 8 am.”

“You’re right. That double last night kicked my ass. I’ll talk to you tonight, okay? You and Shit-Bag McGee are coming to the bar tonight, right?” She asks with a look of disgust.

“Yes, KYLE and I will be there,” I roll my eyes.

“Love you! Night bitch!” She calls out over her shoulder as she prances out of my bedroom.

Finally, I crawl off the floor and head to the shower to start my day. Today is straightforward: a few emails, calls, and client messages. The clock should hit four by the time I’m finished.

Once I finish my daily routine, I grab my bar clothes and head to Kyle’s house.

There’s no surprise when I arrive, and he is still on the gaming console, playing a dumb game and ignoring me.

He’s gotten so addicted to this game that I have practically become invisible when I’m around him. He says it’s his way of relaxing after working hard all day.

I don’t know what he does for work after all these years. Don’t get me wrong; the man has money, but he always avoids the question when I ask.

I quickly grow tired of watching shows on my phone and decide to get an early start on my hair and makeup for the club. Maybe I was hoping Kyle would like what he saw and that I would get lucky.

I walk up behind the couch, massage his shoulders, and then bend down and kiss his neck. He groans, and I take that as a ‘go ahead’ to continue.

I walk around and make sure to flaunt my sexy black mini dress that makes my already large breasts pop.

Slowly, I crawl onto his lap and try to put my hand on his shirt. He stops me cold.

“Babe. Come on, I’m busy. You know this is timed, and it fucks our group up if I don’t get enough points. If you want me to go out tonight, let me finish this,” he says coldly, as he pushes me off.

I have to say, this isn’t the first time I have tried and been turned down. Hell, we only have sex maybe once every few months if I am lucky. It still stings every time he rejects me.

I try to hide the pain on my face as I move to the other side of the couch to turn my show back on.

I’ll watch some anime until it’s time to go so I don’t interrupt him.

A few more hours later, he finally decides to get off the game so he can shower and change so we can leave. I don’t understand how a man can spend over an hour in the bathroom just showering.

Finally, we head out to the bar a little after 10 pm. The crowd seems energetic, and I feel good, especially when I walk in and see a few handsome heads turn my way.

The music is thumping, and the lights are flashing as we go to the bar where Ellie is attending and sitting down. Immediately, Kyle’s head is back on his phone. I ignore it, but Ellie doesn’t.

“If you’re gonna play your little game or whatever you are doing and ignore this sexy fox right next to you, you could have stayed home, Kyle.” Ellie practically yells over the music as she pours me my favorite whiskey sour.

“And you can keep your fucking mouth shut and get a real job, Ellie,” He stabs back.

Ellie notices the bar owner walking by and rolls her eyes, ignoring Kyle’s comment.

“I’m about to clock out, Lea. Wanna come dance with me after your drink?” Ellie looks at me pitifully.

“Yeah, it sounds great. Are you okay with that, Kyle?”

That pissed Ellie off. She hates it when I ask him permission for anything.

She slams a beer in front of Kyle and hops over the bar.

“Fuck waiting, let’s go have some fun!” Ellie announces with extra sass.

She grabs my wrist and drags me out to the dance floor, causing me to spill my drink a little. I look back, and Kyle’s attention is already on his phone as he drinks his beer.

“Forget Douchey McDouche face. Let’s party!” Ellie screams in excitement.

I laugh, and instantly, all my worries are erased. We dance like crazy, and I am pretty sure most of the bar thinks we are lesbians at this point. She makes every ounce of care dissipate, and I can’t help but let loose.

About five drinks later, I finally decide I feel pretty drunk and need to sit down. Ellie ran off half an hour ago to fix her time sheet since she didn’t clock out, and Kyle looks bored and annoyed.

“You ready to go yet?” Kyle grumbles.

“No, it’s not even one a.m. yet. Can’t we stay a little while longer?” I ask, a little disappointed.

“Fine, one more hour, but I gotta go take a piss,” he says, annoyed.

“Can I use your phone to figure out where Ellie ran off to? I left mine at my house.”

“Whatever,” Kyle says casually, sliding the phone over to me and walking to the bathroom.

I grab his phone and go to open up the dial pad, when I accidentally hit his message app located directly next to it. Immediately, I see a bunch of female names pop up and become upset.

I want to cry. This isn’t the first time, but he told me he would stop. I even tried to leave him the last time, but something kept bringing me back, and I hate myself for it.

That explains why he took an hour to get ready before we left.

My eyes start to tear up. I should open the messages and read them, but I can’t bring myself to do it. I just sit there and stare at the names on the screen. It’s like my body or mind won’t let me. I hate myself for putting up with this.

Not long after, Kyle returns, only to see what I was staring at. His face grows dark, and immediately, I can see the fury build.

“What-the-fuck-ever, Lea. Grow the fuck up! I’m a goddamned grown-ass man and can do what I fucking want!” He snatches his phone and makes his way to the back door.

Like a dumbass, I feel pulled to run after him. I chase him to the quiet, empty parking lot and grab his arm, trying to stop him.

“Kyle, please! I just touched the wrong button by accident,” I try to explain.

Why am I explaining myself to him? He is in the wrong!

“Bullshit, Lea! I’m not a fucking child. You wanna go search my fucking phone and treat me like I’m a damn kid and then cry like a goddamn baby,” Kyle yells as he pulls his arm away.

“Kyle fucking stop!” I chase him and grab for him again, wanting to confront him.

Instead, this time, I’m met with his fist across my face. I stand there stunned, holding the stinging skin. I struggle, trying to hold back the floodgate of tears trying to release from my eyes.

“Come on, you wanna fucking cry, now you have a reason to.” Kyle shoves me hard against a wall, eyes blazing. My wrist gets pinched between my weight and the wall; abruptly, I feel a painful pop.

I push him away from me. Confusion mixed with fear and anger dizzies my brain.

“Don’t fucking touch me, Kyle! Not this time! Not again!” I scream.

“What are you gonna do? Nothing. You never do anything because you’re a weak, fat, lazy piece of shit.” He punches my chest hard enough to knock the wind out of me and make me hit my head on the brick wall.

I see stars for a minute, and then pain shoots through my skull.

“No, I’m not!” I defend.

“You’re an abusive, cheating sack of shit!” The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them.

Kyle’s expression goes dangerously dark. Before I can even react or brace myself for the impending attack, he has me by my throat, lifted and pinned against the wall.

“You wanna open your fat fucking mouth and say some shit like that again, you stupid bitch?” His face is dressed with only a deadly smirk.

I gasp, trying to get a breath. My legs flail to get me free. I try to tell Kyle to let go, but I can’t. All I can do is kick and punch, but it doesn’t affect him. Finally, I nail one kick to his groin, and he drops me right before I surely would’ve passed out. I land hard on the ground and gasp as new air finally fills my lungs.

“You fucking bitch. You ain’t shit. What would you do without me? Run back to your piece of shit Dad? Run home to mommy and cry? Fuck you, you cunt.”

He turns and takes a step away and then turns back one more time, landing a horrifying kick straight to my stomach that has me spitting blood. He takes one look at me on the ground and walks away laughing.

I just lay there and cried. I can’t do anything else. I don’t know why I didn’t leave him the last ten times he did this. I can’t go back to him again. I can’t handle this anymore. My whole body is in pain. I’m pretty sure my wrist is broken from him slamming me into the wall against it.

My body throbs as I lay on the ground for what seems like an eternity. The pain burns like fire under my skin. The concrete rocks pushed into my already bruising skin. I try to control my breathing and gather the strength to stand back up, but everything hurts.

I slowly wipe the tears from my face and spit the harsh metallic taste from my mouth. I attempt to coerce myself to stand up, looking at the bar.

Shit, I can’t possibly go back there like this. It’s gonna be bad enough listening to Ellie in the morning when she sees me.

Kyle took off with the truck, so I decide to walk home. It’s only an hour on foot.

I take a moment to balance myself and get a better bearing on what’s around me, pulling my heels off while still clutching my stomach. I begin the wonderful walk home. It’s fucking cold and damp from raining all week. The frigid air bites into my battered skin, making the pain even worse than it already was.

I don’t know if I’m shivering from pain and adrenaline or the cold at this point. I stick to the walls and shadows, preventing anyone from seeing my current state. The last thing I need is the cops involved.

The last time I called the cops on an ex-boyfriend for beating me, he was out in a week, and I was beaten twenty times worse when he found me. I’ll never make that mistake again. Kyle would probably kill me the moment he got out.

Within my view, I finally see the wooded stretch marking the end of the city line. I sigh in relief, knowing I will only be fifteen more minutes from my home once I hit the woods.

Ignoring my pain, I quicken my pace. The situation is already sketchy, and it must be around two in the morning by now.

I just want a warm bath and sleep. Thank God I don’t have to work again for a few days.

Finally, I pass the last building and hear a growling noise from around the bend.

Just fucking great. I don’t want to deal with a damn wild dog right now.

I walk quietly, trying to avoid the source of the noise. As I watch my step, I see a massive creature eating something by a dumpster. It’s bigger than any animal I’ve ever seen!

I suppress my terror and quicken my pace when I spot a human foot peeking out from under the beast. Rationality instantly leaves my mind, and I bolt. I run as fast as I can to get away.

Of all the fucking days I had to walk home without my phone! Why did it have to be tonight that I got caught in this situation!?

I’m running as fast as I can now. With each step, I feel the sting on my bare feet from the wet concrete slapping against my sore skin. Then, I make the mistake of stepping on a sewer grate, and the noise echoes throughout the night sky.

“Oh shit,” I whisper to myself as I hear a loud roar behind me.

I look back, and the creature is staring directly at me with a mouth full of flesh. Its eyes glow red, causing me to scream.

I start running faster, afraid it’ll come after me.

Before I know it, my foot slips out from under me, and I trip on a loose slab of stone. I smack my head on the ground.

I see a bright flash of white and radiating pain spreads through my head right before everything goes dark.

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