The Prince's Mistake - Book cover

The Prince's Mistake

Kelsie Tate

Chapter 6


After crashing into Zane and Mariah, noting how absolutely nothing has changed, I made my way back to the kitchen.

“What happened?” my mother asked, looking at the ruined food.

I rolled my eyes. “Someone opened a door into me.”

My mother huffed, and we went back to work, replacing the dropped tray. “Hun, can you take this water out to Declan? He’s almost out.”

“Yep,” I replied. I rolled the cart of water to the ballroom and up to the bar. “Here’s your water Dec.”

“Thanks Ells, you’re a lifesaver. These guys are going through drinks faster than I can make them.”

I gave him a warm smile before making my way back out of the ballroom.

I suddenly crashed into a brick wall of a man.

“I’m sorry, excuse me,” I lowered my head in submission, hoping whoever it was would let me by. I was met with a grunt, and when I looked up, I met the eyes of Prince Zane, again.

My eyes widened, and I involuntarily recoiled backwards. “Excuse me, Your Highness...” I said quietly before rushing out of the room.

I ran out of the ballroom and back to the kitchen. I was hyperventilating. My mom ran to me, worry in her voice, “Ells Bells what’s wrong? What happened?”

“I can’t do this,” I managed to stutter, rubbing my hands on my face and through my hair. I slid down the side of the island and sat on the floor, my knees at my chest.

“Do what?” my mom asked, confused. “Ella what is going on?”

“I can’t do this again. I can’t serve him and act like he didn’t ruin everything,” I stammered, trying to control my breathing. “But he’s everywhere...”

My mom bent down in front of me, placing her hands on my knees. “You knew it would be hard. It was a big disappointment. Just take a deep breath and remember that you are strong.”

“Nobody wants me mom. I’m nothing. Just a little… nothing,” I mumbled.

“Ella you are NOT nothing! Who told you that?” Sophie asked sternly.

“Everyone mom. You’ve seen how some of these people treat me. Ever since dad died and we lost everything, everyone in the palace has shown me my place. It’s why Zane rejected me. I wasn’t good enough… I probably never was.”

I could see the anger flash through my mother’s eyes. She took a deep breath and stroked my hair.

“Sweetheart, you are enough for the one who is right for you.”

After a few more minutes of wallowing, I decided to pick myself up and continue my work. The night ended without any more crazy events and I sent my mom home.

“I can close down the kitchen, you go home and rest. I’ll be home soon,” I gave my mom a kiss and sent her off.

I washed and packed up the trays, sorted the leftovers into bins and put them in the fridge, washed the dishes, and straightened up the kitchen. I stacked all the boxes in the corner to take down to storage in the morning. I took off my apron and made my way out of the palace. As I opened the door and stepped outside, I almost crashed into him again. Just my luck.

“Hello again, little one,” Zane looked down at me, a smirk on his face.

I was tired and not in the mood for this.

“I have a name,” I said as I pushed past him and began to walk down the hill.

“Your point is?”

“My point is, use it.” I turned back to him, “Are you following me?”


“Well stop it.”

He grabbed my hand and I flinched. “I thought we already went over the way you’re supposed to speak to your prince.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m exhausted, can we get this over with? Or better yet, just do this tomorrow…”

“Get what over with?” he looked at me, confused.

“You’re obviously here to throw some more insults my way, Your Highness,” my words dripped with venom. “You already rejected me, just leave me alone.”

“Ella,” he looked me straight in the eye. “I’m not here to be cruel.”

“Of course you are,” I laughed, “Why else would you be speaking to me?” Zane shrugged. I tore my hand from his grip and walked away again. “Exactly. So unless it’s about your breakfast tomorrow, please just leave me alone. You’ve done enough.”

Zane grumbled before making his way back up the hill.

I could hardly believe it. I lay down in my bed and stared at the ceiling.

“Can you believe the nerve of that guy?” I thought out loud. “Why won’t he leave me alone?”

My mind wandered, wondering if maybe he regretted ending our arrangement.

“I doubt that...” I said to myself with a laugh as I drifted off to sleep.

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