Unfortunate Friends 2: Dishonor Students - Book cover

Unfortunate Friends 2: Dishonor Students

Ruth Robinson

Age Rating


I flop down next to him, rolling so my body is over his lap and wiggle slightly, and I hear him chuckle a little before he slides his hand up my shirt and starts rubbing my back.

“Don’t you have a boyfriend to do this shit now?”

“Mmmm. But nobody does it as good as you, Jakey.”

I feel my eyes start to get heavy at the soothing motion of his hand. I become aware of a hand slowly sliding up the front of my shirt and a finger rubbing gently over my nipple. My eyes spring open, and I turn slightly to see the grinning face of my boyfriend behind me. Oh thank god, I thought Jake had gone rogue then.

Join Jake and his two best friends, Georgina and Andrew, as they navigate through the perils of college together, making new friends as they go.

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Chapter 1

Book Two: Dishonor Students

Jake Nelson is excited to start his first year of college with his best friends, Georgina Evans and AJ McGabe, by his side.
^Georgina and AJ are happily in love, and Jake thought his own relationship was headed for happily-ever-after, too. But when things don’t go as planned in his love life, Jake finds himself drifting.^ ^Enter the new girl at work, Taylor. She’s hot, but objects to what she thinks are his playboy ways. Turns out she has some secrets of her own, though, and she’s about to become impossible to avoid…and forget.^


“George! George!”

I strain on my tiptoes to try and see over the crowds of people in the airport, whipping my head around in the direction of my best friend’s voice.

A wide grin breaks out on my face as I spot him, standing with the same battered handmade sign bearing my name.

You know the one, it’s painted on the back of a cereal box, in a child’s scrawl in glittery green paint, and has both our handprints on the corners.

A matching grin spreads across the familiar face of Jake Nelson as I launch myself toward him, elbowing a small elderly woman out of my way in the process.

“Jakey!” I squeal, flinging my arms around his neck.

He chokes slightly with the force of the contact before laughing and picking me up to swing me around in a circle, hitting the little old lady again with my flailing legs in doing so.

She scowls at the two of us and hobbles away, muttering.

“You don’t think she was the same woman as last year, do you?” Jake asks with wide eyes before the two of us dissolve into giggles.

Jake drops me back down onto my feet, and we stand grinning at each other.

“Hey, dude.” My boyfriend AJ finally catches up to us, and he and Jake do one of those back-slapping boy hugs. And yes, I said it. AJ fucking McGabe is my boyfriend. And he is amazing!

After graduation, he surprised me with a holiday. For the last three weeks, we’ve been bumming around Venice. I almost didn’t want to come home, but next week we are all starting at San Francisco State University.

I tune back into the boys’ conversation in time to hear AJ asking about Jake’s new tattoo.

“You finally had it done! Jakey, lemme see.” I grab at his T-shirt and his jeans. He’s been planning on getting a tattoo on his lower stomach for the last couple of years.

He clenches my hands, restraining my wrists as I try to expose him.

“Jezus! Georgie, we’re in fucking public! Can you at least wait to get me home before you start undressing me, you hussie?” Jake protests loudly, grinning as my cheeks go red when people close by turn to see what the commotion is.

I stick my tongue out at him, flicking the back of my hand against his hard stomach. AJ chuckles behind me, so I turn and hit him too.

“Hey! What the fuck did I do!?”

“C’mon, let’s go, let’s go. I already moved the rest of your shit to our new place.” Jake excitedly hops from foot to foot.

Our dads had bought a three-bedroom house as an investment near the campus.

Jake and I are going to live there while we are studying, but then the plan is to rent it out to students as a bit of a retirement fund for the two of them.

It means we don’t have to pay rent, but we are in charge of all our other bills, so we will have to find part-time jobs.

AJ decided to stay at home to continue to help look after his sisters. I’m not too upset. I know he’ll be over at our place the majority of the time anyway.

Jake reluctantly relinquishes the keys to AJ’s Jeep, which AJ loaned him for the summer, and we set off for our new home.

Jake and I sit cuddled up in the back seat, excitedly telling each other about our summers. AJ rolls his eyes in the mirror at the two of us. I catch him and scowl.

“What’s with the face, McGabe? This was the first summer we didn’t spend together. We’re allowed to catch up.”

“Guys, you spoke every fucking day. It’s like Jakey was with us with the amount of FaceTiming you did.”

I stick my tongue out like the petulant child I am and rest my head against my best friend’s chest, snuggling into his strong arms.

As much as I am in love with AJ, nothing comes close to the feeling I get when I am held by Jake.

Jake grabs my bags out of the trunk and hikes them up the stairs into the house for me. I stand, arms wrapped around AJ’s waist, my face buried in his chest, trying to stop myself from crying.

“George, I’ll be back in a couple of hours. But I have to go see my folks and my sisters for a little bit first.” He strokes my hair back off my forehead before lifting my chin with his finger.

He smiles at my watery eyes and presses a kiss to my lips. When he starts to pull away, I reach up and cradle the back of his head, deepening the kiss.

I am still not over the way this boy kisses. AJ’s hand creeps down my body, cupping my ass through my shorts.

Jake clears his throat behind us, and we reluctantly pull apart, AJ flashing him a guilty grin over my shoulder.

“You guys have just spent the last three weeks doing that shit. Surely you’re bored by now?”

“I could never get bored of kissing this girl.” AJ smirks as Jake pretends to gag. “But I really do need to go.” He kisses me quickly once more, disentangling himself from my arms, and climbs back into his Jeep.

Jake puts his arm around my shoulders, and we wave him off.

“C’mon, Smidge, let’s get you settled into your new home.”

The house looks completely different inside than when I last saw it. This is because Jake took it on as his little project while AJ and I were away.

He painted the living room a pale yellow and sanded down the exposed wooden floor. We now have a comfy-looking corner sofa and a TV already set up with Jake’s Xbox.

The kitchen has been refitted, and he installed a cute built-in breakfast nook.

He grabs my hand and leads me upstairs, proudly showing me the newly fitted bathroom, where he used these turquoise tiles that I’d fallen in love with months ago.

And lastly, he pushes open the door to my new bedroom. He completely replicated my room from home—same wall color, furniture all the same places, even my photos and posters put back as they were.

He flops onto the bed, a huge grin on his face as I do a slow 180 in the middle of the carpet, taking everything in.

“Do you like it, Smidge?”

“I love it, Jakey! I can’t believe you did all this.” I worried about not feeling at home in a new place and really can’t believe he made all this effort to stop me from feeling homesick.

I flop down next to him, rolling so my body is over his lap, and wiggle slightly. I hear him chuckle a little before he slides his hand up my shirt and starts rubbing my back.

“Don’t you have a boyfriend to do this shit now?”

“Mmm. But nobody does it as good as you, Jakey.” I feel my eyes start to get heavy at the soothing motion of his hand.


I become aware of a hand slowly sliding up the front of my shirt and a finger rubbing gently over my nipple.

My eyes spring open, and I turn slightly to see the grinning face of my boyfriend behind me. Oh, thank god, I thought Jake had gone rogue then.

The sun set while I was asleep, and I hear Jake singing along with his new favorite singer downstairs.

AJ continues his attack on my breast, his fingers slipping under my bra to roll the hard bud between them, making my back arch and a moan slip out of my mouth.

“You like that?” he murmurs, pulling me so I roll onto my back, and he lifts my shirt up so he can attach his lips to my other nipple.

With his teeth grazing one and his fingers expertly teasing the other, I feel myself getting wet. He moves his hand south, popping open the buttons of my shorts and dipping his hand into my panties.

His long fingers rub along my slit before he slowly slides inside me. The nipple play has got me so aroused it only takes a few thrusts before my body clenches around him.

I feel him smile against my skin as I try to catch my breath, and he removes his fingers from my core, lazily stroking my clit with his soaking wet digits. Before long, I’m twitching with another strong orgasm.

“Guys…!” Jake bursts through the door and immediately slams it shut as he takes in the sight of the two of us.

AJ bursts out laughing, and I quickly pull my top back down and my shorts back up, shooting him an annoyed look.

“Fuck. My bad!” Jake’s voice drifts through the closed door.

“What did you want, Jake?”

“I made some dinner if you guys are interested.”

“Hells yeah.” AJ springs off the bed, and he jokes with Jake as they walk downstairs.

I lie back on my bed, already missing AJ’s hands on my body.

Although I think if I’m going to get through the next few years living with Jake, I’ll need to invest in a lock. That boy has no concept of personal privacy.

“Yo, you coming down, George? Or can you still not move from the body-quaking orgasm my boy just gave you?” Jake shouts up to me, amusement clear in his voice.

AJ’s loud laugh makes me shake my head.

Lord, give me strength.

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