The Cursed Genie - Book cover

The Cursed Genie

Haylie Bee

Chapter 2


“Master?” I repeated with confusion like it was the first time I had heard such a strange word.

Yup. A fantasy for sure.

“Yes. You are my new master.” His facial expression and tone were full of amusement.

Okay. I’ll go with it.

“So, you’re my servant?”

I’m liking where this dream is going.

“I prefer not to use that term. It’s very demeaning. But yes, I am here to serve you.”

“Does that mean you’ll do whatever I want you to?” I asked boldly—my uninhibited, unabashed, naughty side coming out under these dream circumstances.

“It depends.” His smile stretched wider, and he had a mischievous glint in his unnatural purple irises. “What would you like me to do for you? Or, to you…” His voice became seductively deeper.

Why does his voice sound familiar?

I had heard it before, but I couldn’t place it. His presence was fogging my brain, even in a dream.

“I want you to kiss me,” I stated with too much confidence.

Where was this side of me in real life?

“Is that your wish?”


“Yes!” Duh. Do you even have to ask?

“Then you must say, ‘I wish for you to kiss me.’” He enunciated it clearly, as if he was speaking to a child.

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes and laugh.

My dream guy wants to play games. All right, I’ll play along. Why not?

“I wish for you to kiss me,” I repeated with the same deliberate slowness and added a little bit more context. “Everywhere. On. My. Body.”

He chuckled. The sound made my heart skip a beat or two within my rib cage.

“Your wish is my command,” said the man of my dreams—literally.

He didn’t waste another second. The moment those words left his mouth, he lowered his head and captured my lips. He kissed me slowly, taking his sweet time at first, as if he had not kissed someone in a long time.

His mouth savored mine like he was trying a new, delicious cuisine.

His hands steadily trailed down my lower back to my butt, and his fingers dug wonderfully into my flesh. I squeaked and excitedly pressed myself harder against him as a moan escaped my desperate lungs.

I devoured him passionately, like he was my first and last meal. And surprisingly, he reciprocated with the same fervent aggression.

Oh, my.

He swallowed my moans as we deepened the kiss, and warm, fuzzy butterflies erupted in my tummy. Heat concentrated in my core, burning me up with extreme lust.

When was the last time I kissed someone? Gosh, has it been two years already?

“May I touch you?” he asked against my lips, his voice thick with desire.

Of course! What a silly question.

“You may,” I answered quickly, without caution—after all, it was only a dream. My fingers threaded through his silky strands and gripped them not too gently.

One of his hands slipped under my huge T-shirt and slid up my hip and waist. My body shivered against his palm when it cupped my breast possessively.

His other hand traveled further south and covered my hot entrance from behind, over my damp underwear. His palm moved up and down the wet cotton fabric, with his middle finger dug exquisitely deep into my crack and folds—stimulating my already sensitive bundle of nerves, along with everything around that area.

“Yes! Yes!” I moaned softly as I rocked against his expert hand. Pleasure built fast, and I was already near a cliff, about to fall over.

Suddenly, the pounding on my door made me pause right on the edge of the blissful precipice, and my eyes snapped open—back to freaking reality. I found myself lying on my side with my arms out—holding on to nothing but air.

I knew it. I knew it was too good to be true.

“Ver, you better not have brought a guy home without telling me!” Annie shouted outside my door as I lay sprawling disappointedly on my back, staring up at the ceiling.

She must have just gotten out of work. Due to our conflicting work schedules, we agreed to let each other know if we brought a guy home. That way, we wouldn’t disturb the other couple, in case they wanted to do the deed.

Not that she had to worry about me since I had no game and had not brought anyone back to our place. The dating scene nowadays was atrocious—they all wanted to get in my pants, but none wanted a serious relationship.

“Bish, you just ruined the best dream I’ve ever had,” I yelled back. It was so vivid that it almost seemed…real.

The door cracked open, and her head poked in. “Sorry, ho’.” She giggled. “You were making some questionable noises, so I thought—wait, were you really dreaming or…?”

She brought up her hand and wiggled her digits. “Were your fingers busy playing with—”

I threw my pillow at her for the insinuation, and she instinctively closed the door to block it.

“Sorry for ruining your sweet dream!” She laughed behind the door, not sounding the least bit remorseful. “Just try to keep it down next time!” Her annoying laughter retreated as she walked away.

“Ugh.” I sat up slowly and placed a hand on my chest; my heart still beat loudly against it. And the stupid butterflies had not ceased.

Just my freaking luck. At this point, I’ll stay a freaking virgin, even in my dreams.

I had one serious boyfriend before. We were friends in high school, and before graduation, he courageously asked me out. We didn’t date long before going off to college—each of us going to a different university.

And just my luck, I was stuck with horrible roommates. We didn’t get along. So whenever my boyfriend came to visit, one would always make sure to barge in and never let us get past second base.

My last roommate was nice, but by that time, it was too late.

After almost four years of long distance, I decided to break it off, since he chose to further his education in a different state. It wasn’t going to work. It was hard enough being in different cities, let alone different states.

I wanted someone with me physically—to hold my hand, to cuddle with, to eat with, to watch movies with, to do things with. I wanted and needed that physical presence and intimacy. And I wasn’t willing to move for him because all my friends and family were here.

Begrudgingly, I got off the bed and went to retrieve my pillow from the ground.

“Your friend seems fun.” An amused, familiar voice said close to my ear as my fingers closed around the pillow, and I immediately screamed, clutching the fluffy softness to my chest for protection.

My door swung open loudly a second later. “What’s wrong?” Annie was back and a little concerned.

“Uh…” I ignored her question and slowly walked backward until I hit the wall. I looked around my room. “You…don’t think this house is haunted, do you?”

“Why? What happened?” Her eyes followed mine and saw nothing. “We’ve been renting this place for two years. If it’s haunted, we would’ve known about it since the beginning. Don’t you think?”

Everything seemed to be in order. No lights glitching or any other supernatural phenomena going on.

I sighed and palmed my face with one hand. “Never mind. I think I’m just overtired.”

“Okay, if you’re sure.” She sounded uncertain and scrutinized me a second longer as I walked back to my bed. “Get some rest, then.”

“You too,” I said as she made her way out.

The moment the door clicked shut, something invisible covered my mouth. “Please don’t scream—”

And of course, I tried to scream, but it got stuck in my throat as my eyes widened in horror. Blue and pink smoke materialized out of nowhere and swirled in front of me. It quickly came together and formed a solid person—my dream man, Mr. McDreamy.

Dr. Derek Christopher Shepherd’s got nothing on this guy.

My legs buckled as realization hit, but he swiftly caught my elbows, holding me upright. “G-ghost,” I whispered.

I made out with a freaking ghost!

That was my last thought before everything turned into darkness.


I groaned as I squinted against the sunlight filtering through the blinds near my bed. I blindly felt for the nightstand and found my phone.

It’s already ten a.m.?

I guess I slept in today since I usually got up at seven, an hour or so after Annie got back from her job.

I lifted my arms and stretched as I scanned my body and the room.

Okay, good. Nobody else here. It was all just a dream.

No more wine before bed!

I smiled to myself and got up to go to the bathroom. After finishing my morning routine, I went into the kitchen to grab some breakfast. Annie was still sleeping after working late.

My steps quickly faltered the moment my eyes landed on an attractive, ethereal man sitting at the dining table, eating cereal. The top half of his silver hair was tied with a scrunchie.

My scrunchie!

My jaw dropped, but no sound came out.

“Good morning.” Mr. McDreamy smiled brilliantly.

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