Falling For The Bad Boys - Book cover

Falling For The Bad Boys

Lisa Rhead

Chapter 7


Logan had just gotten home from work as Jess and I were finishing up dinner. We’d made chicken, pasta, and salad.

I’d spent the afternoon soaking up the sun and getting to know Jess a little better.

“Look at you! One day here and you’re already a golden goddess,” Logan said, grinning at me.

I rolled my eyes and joined them at the kitchen island.

“I’ve got the early shift tomorrow, so I can drive you to your interview,” Jess offered.

“That’d be great, thanks,” I replied.

“I’ll lend you my personal phone. When you’re done, call me on my work phone and I’ll come get you,” Logan suggested.

“You don’t have to leave work just to pick me up.”

“It’s no trouble at all,” he assured me.

“I think he’s feeling a bit protective after the whole Raffiel dancing incident,” Jess stage-whispered, loud enough for Logan to hear.

Logan slid his phone across the table.

“Take it with you tomorrow.”

We ate in silence for a bit, then moved to the living room to watch a horror movie before bed.

Feeling sleepy, I said goodnight to them both and headed for the shower.

Afterwards, I rubbed lotion into my sun-kissed skin and picked out my clothes for the interview.

I slipped into some sleep shorts and a tank top, then went over to the window.

I opened it and stuck my head out, taking in the night air.

The sky was clear, and I could see the crescent moon and stars.

The soft sound of waves hitting the shore reached my ears, and I smiled.

From my window, I could see a sturdy drainpipe that ran down to a garden table.

If I climbed down that, I could walk on the beach without Logan freaking out, right?

His overprotectiveness reminded me of my controlling ex, and I made a face.

No man was going to dictate my actions!

I was an adult, capable of making my own decisions.

I put on my sneakers and a grey wrap.

Plus, there was something thrilling about sneaking out.

I swung my legs out of the window and carefully made my way down the drainpipe.

Before I reached the bottom, I made sure I could climb back up easily, then stepped down onto the garden table.

I spotted a loose brick on the ground, picked it up, and walked over to a panel that could be lifted.

I slowly raised the panel, careful not to make any noise, and wedged the brick underneath so I could lift it quickly if needed.

I crawled under the panel and lowered it until it rested on the brick.

I dusted myself off and climbed over the grassy bank.

My sneakers felt heavy, so I left them at the top of the bank.

Barefoot, I walked down onto the sand and up to the water’s edge.

I dipped my toes into the cool water, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath.

I loved the ocean.

I felt like a part of me belonged here.

As I walked along the water’s edge, lost in thought, I heard a voice.

“It’s you!”

I looked up and saw the dark-haired man with the green eyes standing less than a foot away.

I realized I’d walked almost halfway to the Raffiel house.


I’d been so caught up in the view that I hadn’t noticed how close I’d gotten.

He was wearing an open white shirt and black capris, and was barefoot like me.

I stared at his bare chest and felt a tingle in my thighs.

He was muscular, with a trail of dark hair leading down from his chest, and a tattoo of a rose entwined with barbed wire on his left pec.

The wind blew a strand of his black hair across his face, and I suddenly became aware of how little I was wearing.

And I was alone, in the dark, on the beach with the town’s bad boy.

What was I supposed to do?

I did what I do best.

I turned and ran.

“Don’t run!”

I glanced over my shoulder and saw him gaining on me.

I tried to run faster, but it was no use.

He wrapped an arm around my waist and we both fell into the sand.

I tried to scramble away, but he straddled my hips and pinned my arms above my head.

He leaned his weight on me, keeping me still, and looked into my eyes.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” he said.

“Then let me go,” I replied, struggling.

He let go of my arms and backed off, allowing me to sit up.

For some reason, I kicked him in the chest, knocking him backwards, and jumped to my feet.

I sprinted up the beach, but he grabbed my hair and pulled me back, causing me to fall onto my knees.

He held onto my hair at the base of my neck, keeping a firm grip as he moved to stand in front of me.

I looked up into his green eyes and froze as he gently traced a finger down my face.

“What’s your name?” he asked softly.

I pressed my lips together defiantly.

He smiled and ran a finger over my lips.

“Do you know who I am, little one?”

I nodded in his grip.

“Still won’t talk? I can make you,” he said, dropping to his knees.

He held my chin between his thumb and finger, then kissed me.

I whimpered at the contact and held onto his arms for support as he pushed me back into the sand, releasing my hair.

He pressed his body against mine, causing my legs to open, and settled between them, continuing to kiss me.

He let go of my chin, pulled back from the kiss, and looked into my eyes.

“Open your mouth,” he whispered.

I started to say something, but he kissed me again, slipping his tongue into my mouth.

I whimpered into his mouth as he ground his lower body into me.

I could feel his erection pressing against me, and my nipples hardened against my tank top.

His free hand moved up to cup my breast, rubbing my nipple back and forth through my top.

The kiss broke and I cried out, pressing myself against him.

“Give me your name,” he whispered, his breath hot against my skin.

A groan escaped me as I felt a tightening sensation deep within.

His lips traced a path down my exposed neck, his hand squeezing my breast.

“Do I need to fuck the answer out of you?”

As he said the word fuck, he thrust against me, stealing my breath.

My hands fell to the sand at my sides, brushing against something hard.

He lowered his head to the breast he was fondling, his teeth grazing my hardened nipple through my top.

Glancing to the side, I spotted a rock in the sand and seized it.

Gripping it tightly, I sat up abruptly and smashed it against his head.

He toppled to the side, and I scrambled out from beneath him.

I’d knocked him out!

The steady rise and fall of his back assured me he was still breathing.

I dropped the rock next to him and backed away, leaving him sprawled in the sand.

I turned and sprinted back to the grassy bank, scooping up my sneakers and sliding down to the slightly ajar panel.

I lifted it slowly, scooted under, and moved the brick before letting it slide back into place.

Looking up, I saw my bedroom window was still open. I climbed onto the table, grabbed the drainpipe, and easily scaled back up. I hoisted myself through the window and shut it behind me.

I pulled my curtains closed and collapsed onto my bed.


That was a close call.

I touched my swollen, kissed lips with my finger and closed my eyes.

Damn, he could kiss. And I swear, if I hadn’t hit him with that rock, I would have let him fuck me right there on the beach.


I’d hit him!

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