Beyond the Blueprint - Book cover

Beyond the Blueprint

Sofia Jade

Chapter 2


The morning sun cast a soft glow over the cold winter streets as I made my way to the bakery, sipping a warm matcha I’d brewed at home.

My daily ritual that usually lifted my spirits felt different today, annoyingly different.

I couldn’t stop thinking about Theo and what Cheyenne had started to share before our call was cut short.

I knew it wasn’t right to be thinking about a potentially married man and how life with him might look, but my thoughts continued to drift toward him.

I entered the bakery and was greeted by the smell of freshly made treats. But the clattering of the construction next door soon infiltrated that serenity, testing my patience.

“How much longer do we have to listen to this noise?” Nora, my head baker and best friend from college, asked.

“The last time Sebastian came in, he said it’d be at least two more weeks,” I responded, sighing.

Sebastian was the lead project manager of that clamorous construction and frequented our bakery for coffee and bagels on mornings.

“Who needs another massage parlor downtown anyways?” Nora asked.

I laughed. “Probably both of us with the stress they are putting us through. Is everything set for this weekend’s holiday rush?” I asked. Valentine’s Day always meant an influx in sales for us, which was good for business as long as we were well prepared and not understaffed.

“Yep. I finished all the pastries, cupcakes, cakes, and doughnuts last night. We’ll be good today while you attend Bella’s party. Gabe is also coming in to help.”

I nodded and headed to the back of the shop to work on cupcakes for Bella’s class, my thoughts involuntarily drifting to Theo.

He had been a source of distraction since I’d seen him this morning. I couldn’t help but get excited at the thought of seeing him again later.

The annoyance with the construction persisted as I worked, gritting my teeth through the workers’ banter, loud country music, and incessant drilling.

By noon, I found myself back at Bella’s school, cupcakes in hand, ready to contribute to the Valentine’s Day celebration.

“Hello, Ava! It’s wonderful to see you!” Mrs. Greenwood, Bella’s kindergarten teacher, greeted me with a warm hug. “I know Bella was hoping her mother could make it, but she’ll be over the moon when she sees you’ve come instead.”

I offered a smile, nodding appreciatively and opening my arms wide. “Put me to work, Mrs. Greenwood.”

“So”—she clapped her hands—“it’s just you and Mr. Garrison supporting the kids today. He’s been a very active parent since Dakota’s preschool days. Especially so after he lost his wife. He can help you if…”

I zoned out, missing the rest of Mrs. Greenwood’s instructions.

Lost his wife?

My heart sank at her words as I thought of the little boy with brown hair and amber eyes who had given his mom’s letter to Bella.

“Shit. That’s horrible,” I mumbled under my breath.

“What? Did you say something?” Mrs. Greenwood asked.

“Nothing. Just. I didn’t know about Dakota’s mother…”

“Yes. Mr. Garrison isn’t a big sharer, but he has been an excellent single parent to Dakota and never misses a class event. I’m sure your sister would say the same.”

I need to ask Cheyenne about this, I thought as Mrs. Greenwood began explaining the decorations I was supposed to put up.

Once she was finished with the instructions and pointing toward the boxes of accents, I dove into the task at hand.

For the next hour, I dedicated myself to hanging streamers from the ceiling and stringing up paper hearts adorned with the sweet words of the students.

I snuck a peek at a message written by one of the children about the things they loved: “My parents, my dog, food, recess, hugs from my mom and my golden curves”.

I had to read that twice. A soft chuckle slipped from my lips when I realized what must’ve happened there. The kid had obviously misspelled “curls” as “curles,” and their squiggly penmanship meant it now looked like they were grateful for their, well, “curves.”

A deep voice resonated from behind me, breaking the silence. “Something funny?”

I startled, gasping as I slipped off the ladder. Before I could hit the floor, two strong arms caught me, preventing a potential disaster.

Looking up, I found myself locked in a gaze with Theo, his amber eyes reflecting concern as my hands pressed up on his chest, still clutching the paper heart.

“I’m so sorry,” he said softly, the warmth of his breath on my face both reassuring and disarming. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

In that suspended moment, cradled in Theo’s arms, his scent surrounding me, time seemed to stand still.

The unexpected closeness, paired with his genuine concern, momentarily swept me away from the bustling kindergarten classroom.

It felt like I was in a damn Hallmark movie.

He looked down at the heart still clutched in my hand as he lifted me back to my feet.

“I love your golden curves, too,” he said, with a playful smirk on his face as he read the note.

I stood frozen, staring into his eyes as his words washed over me, unsure how to react.

“Auntie Ava! You’re here!” Bella’s excited voice filled the air.

She ran across the room to me. I stooped down to her level as she threw her arms around my neck.

Holding her close, I shut my eyes, trying to catch my breath and reset before facing Theo again.

Thankfully, when I stood up, he was nowhere to be found.

“Did you bring the cupcakes?” she asked excitedly.

“I did. Strawberry. Your favorite,” I said, grinning.

The rest of her classmates filtered into the room, and Mrs. Greenwood clapped to get their attention.

“Okay, kids. Form a line at the front of the class in alphabetical order to get your meal. Please make your plate and then find a seat to eat.

“Once the food is done, we’ll have cupcakes and then go around the room sharing our valentines,” she said as the kids all cheered.

The children kept giggling while exchanging their valentines. It warmed my heart. And for a little while, I forgot about the handsome stranger who had just spared me a broken tailbone.

As the clock struck 1 p.m., I scanned the room, looking for Bella to say my goodbye.

“Bella bean, I’ve got to head back to the bakery. I’ll be here to pick you up at the end of the school day, okay?”

She nodded, content with her friends and reading the valentines she’d received.

I kissed her gently on the head before casting a glance around the room again to see if I could inconspicuously find Theo. My eyes fell on him standing near the folding table, quietly cleaning up.

His gaze met mine, and for a fleeting moment, I thought I glimpsed something deeper in his eyes. There was a quiet intensity in his demeanor, a hidden strength that drew me in with a dangerous allure.

As I reluctantly tore my gaze away, I couldn’t shake the feeling that this day had brought unexpected connections and a promise of something yet to unfold…

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