When Tables Turn - Book cover

When Tables Turn

Ivana Vanessa Jameson

Chapter 5


My heart was racing so fast I thought I was going to have a heart attack.

I had so many thoughts running through my mind, like what was he going to do to me? And what did he mean by saying my job in the kitchen was done? Did this mean he was going to end my life?

I was overthinking so much to the extent that I didn’t notice that we were in a large office. I was surprised to see how different and modern this room was compared to the other rooms I had seen in the castle so far.

There were a lot of bookshelves with what looked like over a hundred books. There was a large oak desk with a gray leather chair suited for a king, and behind it was a large window with a view of beautiful green valleys, plus a river to top it off.

“I said sit,” a voice said behind me, making me jump a little. I looked around and spotted a couch with a nice coffee table in the middle of the room.

I felt him move to stand in front of me and I felt him look down on me like the weak human I was. “What is your name?” he asked.

I shivered in fear.

His voice was deep and commanding.

“My name is Lucy Jameson,” I said really fast.

“Lucy…Lucy…Lucy…” He repeated my name as he paced back and forth, “it seems like we have a little problem.”

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair—something he did out of frustration, I noticed.

“My wolf is giving me a hard time whenever you are around,” he explained in a calm shrill voice, “If I was a normal wolf it would have been easier to block him but I’m a lycan. My primal side cannot be blocked or tamed so to satisfy my wolf I will need to keep you safe…” he said more to himself than to me.

A million questions sprang into my mind, but I stayed quiet.

“You’re my mate, Lucy,” he stated, “I am doing everything in my power to control myself right now. It’s tearing me apart.”

I still didn’t fully understand what being mated to him meant, and I was too scared to ask too many questions.

He scared me.

I was still his prisoner after all.

I looked at him as he rubbed his jaw in deep thought, then his eyes quickly snapped at me. The second we locked eyes, a chill ran down my spine. I fell onto my side. It was like a strong gust of wind had pushed me over.

I felt weak, like I couldn’t move my body anymore.

Within seconds, he was right next to me, propping me up.

His body held me up.

The feeling of his skin against mine sent a fire through me.

I wondered if he felt it too.

He pulled me in closer.

Our faces were inches apart.

His grip tightened around my waist

His eyes glimmered gray, then turned dark.

Suddenly, he pushed himself away from me, like he was fighting an urge to consume me.

He was in some sort of deep trance. He snapped out of it when a guard walked in.

“Take this girl to my room. Guard the door and do not move until I get there,” he commanded him.

The king wanted me locked up in his room. This was bad, really bad.

I was worried about what might happen if we were alone again.

Could he control himself if he was keeping me close to him?

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