Caught Up in Between - Book cover

Caught Up in Between

Anastasia White

Unexpected Roommate

When I returned to the hotel, my eyes were dry and sore. I had a feeling that there were no tears left. I hopped into the shower to wash away the memories of the night.

I let the water envelop me as I tried to relax. When I finally lay down on my bed and closed my eyes, the image of Logan was back. Every detail of him was carved in my mind.

I felt arousal building inside me again. It was intense and I needed to let it go, but I refused to do that. I returned to the shower and stood under the cold water.

In the aftermath, I fell asleep almost immediately.

I was thankful that I had set the alarm clock. It was morning and now, I had time to wash my face and put on some light makeup to cover my tiredness. I even had a small snack.

I wore my skinny blue jeans, a tight white T-shirt, and my black sneakers. I looked simple and yet sexy because all of my curves were highlighted.

I was going to meet my parents, so I put my hair in a high ponytail. That would do. As I was about to leave the room to buy myself a coffee, the door swung wide open.

Kate rushed in, her hair messy. Yesterday’s makeup was still on her face. I gave her a look. She only frowned and dashed into the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, she stood before me wrapped in a towel while I nestled in my bed with a coffee in my hand. Her latte sat on the bedside table. I was beginning to feel impatient.

I wanted to leave this room as soon as I could. I was eager to forget about last night. There was no way that Logan wanted something more with me. He was just protecting his territory.

The fucking knight in shining armor. I'm sure he's like that with everyone—end of story.

I had convinced myself that I saw some desire in his eyes when the room was too dim for that.

I even thought his eyes were black in color. Yep, I was pathetic, and this room was a reminder of my misery.

“Becca, are you even listening to me?” I looked at Kate. She was fully dressed now and stood in front of me with her hands on her hips.

“Yeah, sorry. I dozed off a little. Are you ready to go?”

“That's exactly what I've been saying. Come on. Our parents will be at the dormitory in twenty minutes with our belongings.”

We grabbed our travel bags, checked out of the hotel, and went to my car. In five minutes, I parked it in the parking lot of our dormitory. My emotions were running high.

I would be living in this place for the next four years. It felt unreal, like a dream. Soon enough, our parents stopped their car near the building.

I was honestly glad to see Mom and Dad; they were always so supportive of me. I loved them with all my heart. My mom went with Kate and me to meet the dormitory’s advisor.

We learned that Kate and I wouldn’t be sharing a room, though we would still be in the same building and would see each other.

Kate tried to throw a tantrum, demanding the advisor to change our rooms, but it was to no avail. I helped her calm down, and after that, we tried to settle in.

My roommate wasn’t here yet, so Mom and Dad helped me arrange my things in my half of the room. I was already starting to feel more relaxed.

I only hoped that my future roommate and I would get along.

After moving in, we all met up with Kate’s family and went out for lunch, which was full of talk and laughter.

It was a good thing that Kate’s parents and mine were friends.

They had bought houses almost at the same time, and soon after, our mothers had both gotten pregnant, so technically Kate and I had known each other since we’d been in our mothers’ wombs. It was fate.

After saying goodbye to our parents, Kate and I walked back to our dorm. I could tell just by glancing at her that she was ready to burst with excitement.

So, I gave her a look that asked her to spill it already.

“Oh my God, Becca. You have no idea where my night ended.”

“I am all ears, Kate.”

“You know that I know when you’re being sarcastic? Whatever, bestie. I still want to tell you everything. So... Things between Caiden and I were getting pretty intense, we were ready to find a room when his friend Liam showed up.

“He was furious! He gave me a dirty look, as if I was the reason for him to be that mad. Jerk! He said something to Caiden, and they both left. Stormed out of the door without even one word to me. Can you imagine how frustrated I was?”

“Yeah. The guy left you all horny in the middle of the party. So, why didn’t you come back to the hotel?”

“Well, that’s because I found a substitute. It was Tim Wallace!”

I arched my eyebrow in puzzlement.

“Seriously, Becca? Okay, he’s from our football team. He walked up to me and stood near me, watching as my date left the house. Well, I will spare you some of the details, but he took me to one of the rooms in the house where his friends from the team were playing cards.

“They were all there. Even Logan Jones and Drew Milton. I almost peed my pants because of the double hotness! I’d never seen them so close before, so I was kind of dumbstruck!”

“You said Logan Jones? Is he the star quarterback? You were talking about him yesterday, right?”

Please, say no.

I almost pleaded with her out loud. But I already knew, Logan from the party and Logan Jones were the same person. Just my luck, I guess.

“Oh, so you were listening. Good to know that sometimes you manage to pay attention. Yeah, the one and only. I was sitting on Tim’s lap, and Logan sat right in front of us, so I took my chances and observed him a little. Becca, he’s stunning! He’s a real catch.

“Yeah, we had football players in our school, but they were boys. He’s a man in every possible way. Jones is a leader among his fraternity brothers and the soul of the team. It’s a pity that he’s already taken. While Milton, on the other hand…”

“Taken?” I asked, interrupting her. I had assumed as he was alone yesterday, that he was single. Kate’s revelation dashed any remaining hopes I had of Logan taking a fancy to me.

“Ha! Do you think that a guy like him would be single? He has been dating his girlfriend since freshman year. Her name is Melanie, and she’s beautiful! Like a Barbie-doll.”

“Oh, I get it now. Enough about this Logan and other shit. Where did you spend the night?”

“With Tim. He was nice and suggested that I stay in his room. I agreed, and well, one thing led to another. We had sex. Obviously. A lot of sex. I couldn’t even move when I woke up today.”

“Okay! No need for those details. Are you planning to see him again?”

“I don’t know. It was good while it lasted, but I’m not sure…”

While talking, we reached our floor in the dormitory. Kate’s room was closer than mine. I walked her to it and smiled.

“Are you ready to meet your new roommate?” I asked.

“Hardly. I am still disappointed they didn’t let us room together. So, I hope, at least, that she will be a normal girl, not a freak.”

“I am sure she won’t be a freak. Go, I will see you later.”

I laughed at her exasperated look and walked to my room. Before I could open the door, it swung wide open—and so did my eyes. There, in my room, right before me, stood Logan Jones in all his glory.

Today, he was wearing a black T-shirt that was tight on his chest but loose at his waist. His jeans sat low on his hips and, with his right forearm resting high up on the door, I caught a glimpse of his sculpted abs. My mind went blank again, and I started to feel the heat between my legs. God, not again!

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