I Didn't Belong to You 3: It Didn't Matter To Me - Book cover

I Didn't Belong to You 3: It Didn't Matter To Me

Elfy G

Chapter 2


I sat on my balcony, gazing at the view as I drank my coffee.

Earlier, I had received a call from Michael. He had wanted to know if I had heard from or seen Juliet, which I hadn’t. I had asked him if I should be worried, but he had just brushed it off. I had been sitting here ever since.

All my friends were in relationships. I was the only one who was single. I had been so wrapped up in wanting Finn that no other man had caught my interest.

I was not saying that I was a virgin. I just had never been in a serious relationship.

Oh my god, I hoped that didn’t make me a hoe.

Seeing Michael the other day… I had been surprised by how handsome he had turned out to be. He was no longer that chubby boy I had once known.

He’s Michael. Juliet’s little brother. I can’t let myself go there.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.

I opened the door and was surprised to see who it was. “Michael? What are you doing here? Is this something to do with your sister? Is she all right?”

He chuckled. “Wow, you have a lot of questions. Can I come in? I will answer your questions, I promise.”

There I was, telling myself that I couldn’t think of him this way, and he popped up at my door. The universe truly wanted to mess with me.

I probably should have told him to leave, but I was worried about Juliet, so I decided to open the door wider to let him in.

Michael looked around, whistling. “You have a nice place.”

Closing the door behind him, I crossed my arms over my chest. “So? I’m waiting for some answers.”

Michael smirked, advancing toward me. Then he grabbed my face, cupping it in his hands, leaned down, and planted a kiss on my lips.

I put my hands on his chest to stop him. “What do you think you’re doing?”

He just smirked in response and tried to kiss me again, and this time, I let it happen. It felt so good and so wrong at the same time. I didn’t know what to think of it.

The way he was kissing me, I knew where this was going. I remembered what I had told myself before, but right now, I wasn’t thinking logically.

Grabbing him by the collar of his T-shirt, I led him to my bedroom.

I’ll worry about the consequences tomorrow. Now I just want to give in to my desires.

Michael looked at my bed, then back at me. I knew what he was asking me. I nodded, giving him the answer he was waiting for.

He picked me up, and I wrapped my arms and legs around him. Kissing him again, I couldn’t help but think that he was good at this.

I can’t think this way. This will happen only once, I promised myself.

He laid me down on my mattress, not wasting any time in undressing me. “I’ve wanted you for so long. You don’t know how much I need you right now.”

I touched my fingers to his lips. “We don’t need to talk.”

No words were spoken after that.

Michael removed his clothes, looking at me like a beast ready to devour his prey. To my disappointment, he left his boxers on.

My breathing became heavy as he bent his head to my breast and took a nipple in his mouth. Electric sparks seemed to travel through my body as he kept touching me.

While his lips were occupied with one nipple, he pinched the other between his fingers.

I shivered, feeling his free hand making its way south. “Ahh!” I let out a moan as he rubbed my center before slipping one finger inside me.

“Fuck, Rain! You are already wet for me.” He let out a grunt.

Rain? What?

I lost track of my thoughts as he sped up his penetration, adding a second finger. He kissed me on the lips, muffling my moans.

Wanting to give him as much pleasure as he was giving me, I slid my hand inside his boxers, but before I got the chance to touch him, he grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand out.

“Rain, if you touch me, this will end before it even starts.”

I’ll have to ask him why he keeps calling me Rain…

I licked my lips. “I want to please you,” I whined.

Michael kissed me again, adding his tongue to the mix. “Trust me, you please me a lot,” he panted. “I can’t wait to be inside you.”

“What are you waiting for then?” I whispered.

Without wasting any more time, he got off the bed and removed his boxers. Then he rolled on a condom, smirking at me.

Should I feel offended that he had a condom in his wallet? Did he think I was that easy? Would he have gone to see another girl if I had said no?

I have to stop thinking this way.

Coming back to lie on top of me, Michael placed his hands on my knees and spread my legs wider before positioning himself between them. While one of his hands slid up my thigh, I could feel his huge member pulsating with desire.

“Ahh!” I moaned, feeling him enter me.

He’s so big. Fuck!

My whole body felt alive as desire pulsed within me with each thrust. He bent down to capture one of my erect nipples in his mouth as he kept pounding into me.

Releasing my nipple, he placed his arms on either side of my head. “Do you love this, Rain? Do you love having me fuck you?”

He pulled out of me completely before pushing back inside my folds.

My hands on his ass, I raised my hips to meet his thrusts. “Yes!” I cried out.

Everything felt so good.

My moans and his grunts were the only sounds to be heard inside my bedroom as our bodies slammed against each other.

“Michael, I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” I cried out before cumming all over his shaft.

He slammed all the way into me and paused for a second. Then he pulled out and repeated the same action.

He continued until I came a second time. Then, with one last thrust, he collapsed on top of me, panting. Pulling himself out of me, he disposed of the condom, tossing it into the trash can.

Once he was done, he returned to his place beside me.

I stared at the ceiling, waiting for my breathing to return to normal. Panic rose within me when I realized what had just happened between us. I had slept with my best friend’s brother.

What on earth was wrong with me?

Say something, anything, so it feels less awkward. “So, are you going to tell me why you stopped by?”

Oh my god. You couldn’t have come up with a better question? You know damn well why he’s here. You just gave it to him.

But then he told me everything that had happened with Juliet—and how they had found her.

“Is she all right? Should I call her?” I asked, scared for my friend.

He reassured me that she was out of danger, adding that she needed some time alone with Travis.

Getting out of bed, I pulled on my robe and went to grab my phone.

But Michael stopped me before I had the chance to reach it. “I told you, she needs some time alone with Travis.”

Turning around to face him, I realized that he was still naked. “Oh my god! Cover yourself!” I felt my cheeks burning with embarrassment.

He laughed. “I think it’s a bit late for that. Don’t you agree?”

I snorted. “I can’t understand you. You learned that your sister got kidnapped, and after you found her, you came here to sleep with her best friend. What’s wrong with you?” I snapped at him.

I felt bad as soon as I said it.

He grabbed his pants and pulled them on. “I don’t have to justify myself to you. I just needed to see you.”

I crossed my arms and stepped away from him, putting some distance between us. “I think the best thing you can do now is leave.”

He lifted an eyebrow. “Are you sure about that? You want me to leave?”


“Yes, that’s exactly what I want,” I lied to him, but it was for the best.

It was better this way. I didn’t need more drama in my life.

“Now that the fantasy you had for so long has come true, you can go,” I said.

He looked at me one last time, as if to check if I was indeed telling the truth. I lifted my chin to drive my point home, and it was all he needed. He left without another word.

What the hell did I just do?

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