Soul Sisters Book 2 - Book cover

Soul Sisters Book 2

S.L. Adams

Chapter 2


“There’s no way all these people belong to your cult,” I whispered.

“It’s not a cult,” Vada said. “Please stop calling it that.”

I gazed around the large room that served as a waiting area to board the cruise ship. It reminded me of the DMV: row upon row of chairs filled with people waiting for their number to be called.

Except that people were generally miserable while they were waiting to renew their license. I didn’t see any long faces in that crowd.

If I’d had a mirror, I would have seen one.

“Maybe I should go home,” I said.

“Stop,” Vada sighed.

“I’m feeling really uncomfortable about this trip.”

“Me too,” Evan grumbled. “Who wants to forget about this cruise and head to the mountains for some relaxation?”

“We’re going on the cruise, Evan,” Jake said.

“C’mon,” he whined. “We could rent a beach house on the gulf coast. Do some gambling in Biloxi.”

“We can gamble on the ship,” Garrett said.

“And go to the beach when we’re in port,” Vada added.

“Why doesn’t Evan wanna go on the cruise?” I whispered.

“He doesn’t like boats.”

“I prefer land vacations,” he clarified.

“I don’t belong here, Vada,” I said. “This was a really bad idea.”

“If I had no job, and no source of income, I wouldn’t be whining about sixteen days of unlimited food and alcohol,” Evan muttered.

“I’m outta here,” I announced, rising from my chair.

“Sit!” Vada ordered, grabbing my arm and yanking me back down. “Evan, leave Mandy alone. We talked about this before we left.”

“No,” he grumbled. “You, Jake, and Garrett talked about it and overruled me.

“I didn’t agree to her living in your condo rent-free. And I most certainly didn’t agree to paying all the bills after she got fired. This isn’t a charity, Vada.”

“I can’t spend two weeks with this guy,” I said.

“Well, luckily for you, sweetheart, the ship is massive,” he said. “I don’t plan on hanging out on the singles deck, so I doubt our paths will cross much.”

“The singles deck?” I hissed, jabbing my finger into Vada’s shoulder.

“I told you that’s where your cabin was,” she said.

“But I’m not up for auction.”

“What are you talking about?” Garrett chuckled.

“Isn’t that what this is?” I asked. “Bringing cattle to the market to be sold to the highest bidder?”

“Stop it,” Vada snapped. “We’re going on the cruise. End of discussion.”

“Wow,” I muttered. “Getting married has turned you into a bossy old hag.”


I followed Vada and her husbands up the gangplank, passing through a never-ending series of security checkpoints before we were finally allowed to board the ship.

If the circumstances had been different, I would’ve been excited.

I stared up in awe at the high ceiling in the lobby. A sweeping staircase led to the next deck, a glass elevator moving up and down between the floors.

Live music flowed from a white grand piano, an elderly man in a tuxedo providing a relaxing melody as his fingers flew across the keys.

My infatuation was short-lived, and my attention shifted to the people milling about.

It was definitely a diverse group, with many different languages being spoken. But they all seemed to have one thing in common.


The majority of the guests were polyandrous families with one mother, multiple fathers, and shit tons of kids. They were everywhere. Little monsters with backpacks, shrieking with joy.

And school-age kids chattering, and teenagers checking out their surroundings while they counted down the minutes until they could venture off on their own.

“I need some air,” I whispered, my chest tightening as I fought against the panic bubbling in my gut.

“Are you okay?” Vada asked.

“I’m peachy. But I should probably put a warning sign on my back that says No Uterus.”

“Mandy,” she said gently. “Try to relax and have fun. That’s what this cruise is all about.”

“Maybe for you,” I snapped. “You’re not on the single’s deck. People will assume I’m here looking for a harem.”

“Mandy!” she called when I stormed away. “Come back!”

I ignored her, charging blindly through the crowd of happy families. If it wasn’t for my empty bank account and bare cupboards, I would’ve marched right off the ship.

I found a bar and planted my scrawny butt on a stool. “Gin martini, please,” I said when the bartender approached.

“Do you have some ID?”

“Seriously?” I grumbled, digging my wallet out of my carry-on bag.

Apparently, the passengers couldn’t even drop their stuff off in their cabin for a couple of hours, so I was stuck dragging my stupid bag around.

As soon as the bartender placed my drink in front of me, I grabbed it and downed half in one gulp. I closed my eyes, relishing the burn spreading across my chest.

“It’s a little early for the hard stuff,” a deep voice said, chuckling from behind me.

I glanced up, taking in the sexy creature who now occupied the stool next to me.

Redheaded guys had never really got my juices flowing before, but this one was an exception. His hair was more of a strawberry blond, his thick waves combed back neatly.

And he had a full, thick beard to match. And blue eyes. On a redhead. Gorgeous, crystal blue, shimmering like the swimming pool behind us.

“Uh,” I stuttered.

He grinned, his sexy eyes sparkling with amusement while I tripped over my own stupid tongue.

“Barney,” he said, holding out his hand.

“Mandy,” I choked out.

“Nice to meet you, Mandy.”

I tossed back the remainder of my drink, ordering another when the bartender took Barney’s beer order.

“At this rate, you’re gonna be sloshed before we leave the dock,” Barney said.

“Oh well,” I muttered with a shrug.

“What’s a pretty gal like yourself doing drinking all alone anyway?”

“Look, Barney,” I said, “you seem really sweet, but I’m a fraud. I shouldn’t be here.”

“I’m gonna assume you’re not married, since I don’t see any husbands or kids hovering around you. Which means you’re onboard for the cattle auction.”

“Exactly,” I said, giggling in spite of my misery. The alcohol was already taking hold.

“My friend recently married three guys in this weird cult thing, and she dragged me on this boat under the pretense of having a fun, free vacation.

“But the real reason was because everyone was supposed to bring a single girl to provide some options for the guys looking for wives.”

“That’s some dirty-ass pool.”

“Right?!” I exclaimed. “She took advantage of my current unemployment and poverty to trick me into going up for auction.”

“Sounds like maybe you need some new friends, Mandy.”

“She means well, but I shouldn’t be here.”

I glanced over at him, studying his face more closely. He looked younger than I originally estimated.

“How old are you?”

“Twenty-four. How old are you?”


“Nice,” he whispered with a seductive wink.

“Where’s your harem?”

“My what?” he laughed, setting his empty glass on the bar.

“Aren’t all the men on this ship either already sharing a woman or looking for a woman?”


“Then how did you get on this cruise? I thought you had to be a cult member or a single woman.”

“I’m a kid,” he explained.

“You’re not a kid,” I laughed.

“My dads are part of this group. That’s why I’m here.”

“Oh. I guess I didn’t really think about them having grown children.”


“Is your mom here?”

“No,” he replied, signaling to the bartender for another drink. “She passed away last year.”

“I’m very sorry, Barney.”

“No sad talk,” he ordered, tapping the tip of my nose with his index finger. “I’m here to have fun. And I’m not looking for a wife to share.”

“And I’m not looking to be shared,” I stated. “I don’t meet the requirements to be a wife anyway.”

“What are the requirements?” he chuckled, his eyes roaming over my body. “You look pretty womanly to me. There’s no way you’re a dude.”

“I’m not a man,” I laughed. “I don’t have much in the chest area, but last time I checked, I owned a vagina.”

“That’s good to know,” he said. “I think you’ll be beating them off with a stick over the next sixteen days.”

“They’ll be wasting their time.”

“Are you a lesbian?”


“Glad to hear that.”

“I’m bisexual though.”

He leaned in close to my ear, his warm breath and woodsy cologne sending tingles to my pussy. “That’s hot,” he whispered.

“You think so, do you?”

“Hell yeah.”

“Well, Barney, I doubt you’ll find any girl-on-girl action during this PG-rated adventure.”

“The singles deck is adults only, sweetheart.”

“And the single girls up there are hoping to land a harem.”

“Not necessarily. They could be like you.”

“I doubt it.”

“So, which requirement are you missing to meet the eligibility of a harem wife?”

I tipped back my glass, draining the last few drops of booze. “A uterus.”


I signaled to the bartender.

“Wanna go somewhere more private?” he suggested.

“Sure,” I said. “Why not?”

He captured my hand, leading me toward the staircase.

“Where are we going?”

“Somewhere private and quiet.”

“Are you going to murder me and throw me overboard?”

“Nah,” he laughed, squeezing my hand gently. “I’ll wait until we’re at sea to do that.”

“Okay then.”

We walked across the upper deck, past the basketball nets and a mini-golf course, before climbing another staircase.

“How did you know about this?” I asked, taking in the private covered deck with three red cuddle chairs.

“This isn’t my first cruise,” he explained. “Every ship has a secret deck. I researched it online before I came.”

He settled in the middle chair, patting the empty spot next to him. I stared out at the Miami skyline, chewing on my lower lip while I watched another ship heading out to sea.

Go for it.

You’re on vacation.

I sat down next to him, my body flooding with warmth when he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

“Mandy, would it be okay if I kissed you?”

Well, this is new. I don’t think I’ve ever been asked permission before.

“I’d like that,” I whispered, gazing up at him with a shy smile.

He caressed my jaw with his fingertips, a wave of nervous excitement flooding my belly when his lips brushed over my mouth.

“Won’t you get in trouble for fooling around with one of the cattle?”

“I don’t give a shit,” he said. “Do you?”

“Definitely not.”


Our mouths met again, his tongue pressing against my lips, seeking entry. I surrendered, his hot breath a mixture of beer and mint. Mine probably tasted like gin, but he didn’t seem to mind.

Our tongues frolicked playfully for a bit before he took control, deepening the kiss while his large hands cradled my head.

“You’re a gentle giant,” I whispered, “and a real gentleman.”

“I try,” he said, a sexy half-grin playing on his lips.

“What do you do for a living, Barney?” I asked, squeezing his huge bicep.

“I’m a firefighter.”


“What do you do when you’re employed, Mandy?”

“I don’t have a career, or a college education. I was working in a lingerie store, but I got fired.”

“Why’d you get fired?”

“I flirted with a customer.”

“In front of your boss?”

“No. My boss was in the fitting room with the customer’s young daughter. But she watches her security tapes every night.”

“Who does that?”

“My boss, apparently. She has no life.”

“She was probably jealous.”

“Probably,” I laughed. “The guy was hot.”

“Oh, so it was a guy. I wasn’t sure.”

“He was definitely a man,” I sighed, smiling at the memory of him pounding me on the counter in the bar bathroom.

It had been two months, but I remembered every detail. I could feel him inside me for days afterward.

“I’m guessing, by the look on your face, that your encounter with him went beyond innocent flirting.”

“Oh yeah.”

“I want details.”

“You want to hear about my sexual encounter with another man?”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know,” I giggled. “It seems like a strange thing to do.”

“Did you fuck him?”

“Yeah,” I admitted with a sly grin. “I met up with him in a bar. He fucked me in the bathroom.”

“Whoa, Mandy,” he teased. “You’re naughty.”

“I’ve never done anything like that before.”

“Did you get his number?”

“No. It was a one-time thing. I’m not looking for a relationship. My life is a mess. And he was too old for me anyway.”

“How old was he?”


“Yeesh,” he said with a fake shiver. “Could he even get it up?”

“Oh yeah,” I confirmed. “No problem there. And he was hung like a horse.”

“Well, just for the record,” he whispered, “I am also a horse.”

“Good to know, Barney,” I laughed.

“I’d like to kiss you some more now, please,” he advised, his mouth covering mine as we engaged in a long, slow kiss that had my panties dripping.


“Where did you disappear to?” Vada asked.

“I just needed some time to think,” I said, squeezing in next to her at the railing as the ship began to move slowly away from the dock.

“Are you feeling better now?”

“Yes,” I admitted. “I want to apologize for my outburst earlier. I’m grateful for everything you’ve done for me, babe.”

Evan was on the other side of Vada. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her in close. Evan was so insecure when it came to my friendship with Vada.

“I never thought I’d see Evan Morgan on a cruise ship,” a deep male voice thundered from behind us.

I gasped, my body breaking out in a nervous sweat when the man joined us at the railing.

It was him!


The guy I fucked in the bar bathroom.

“How are you, Vada?” he asked. “Are these guys treating you well?”

“Yeah,” she laughed. “I’m pretty spoiled.”

“Stephanie was looking for you. She wanted to see if you’d go to some makeup thing with her.”

“Absolutely. When is it?”

“Oh, not until day six, I think,” he sighed, shaking his head. “She’s been trying to plan out every minute of our onboard time.”

“Okay,” Vada chuckled. “Where is she anyway?”

“Hanging out with some Australian girls she met. She’s obsessed with kangaroos, so they were delighting her with stories about them.”

Our eyes met briefly, but there was no hint of recognition in his.


You’re completely forgettable.

That epic fuck in the bathroom didn’t leave any lasting impression on him.

“I’m bored,” Vada announced. “How long do we have to stand here?”

“You can leave whenever you want,” Garrett laughed.

“Vada has a short attention span,” Evan explained.

“I’m not old,” she retorted. “I don’t get excited about the same things you guys do.”

“I wouldn’t say that’s entirely true,” Evan whispered, rubbing her ass. “At least not in the bedroom.”

“I’m outta here,” I muttered.

“Me too,” Vada agreed. “Let’s have some predinner refreshments.”

We grabbed some strawberry daiquiris and found a table inside.

“Ah, that’s better,” Vada sighed as we settled in the air-conditioned lounge. “I love the sun, but it’s a little too hot out there. Even for me.”

“That’s him,” I hissed.

“Huh?” She glanced around the lounge, her brows furrowed with confusion.

“Out there on the deck. That guy you were talking to. That’s the guy who fucked me in the bar bathroom.”

“The guy who got you fired?”


“I thought you said his name was Tyler?”

“That’s him! That’s Tyler. And Stephanie is his daughter. The one he brought to the store. And he didn’t even remember me! Or he pretended not to.”

“Oh boy,” she chuckled.


“That wasn’t Tyler. That was Travis. There are three of them. They’re triplets. It took me a while to be able to tell them apart.

“They live on Pouma Island. I met them at the reunion last summer, and we visit them sometimes. They’re megarich. Travis, Tyler, and Troy Blakely.”

“Please tell me you’re joking, Vada.”

“I’m not.”

“Why are they on this cruise?”

“Why do you think?” she asked, her eyes widening as she waited for my slow brain to catch up.



“The three brothers share a wife?”

“They did. But she passed away. Remember, your hot dad was a widower? That’s why he was at the lingerie store instead of the mother.”

“What am I gonna do?!” I cried.

“I’m not sure,” she said, shrugging as she took a long sip of her drink. “Oh! Oh no! Brain freeze!”

“Vada! Help me!”

She rubbed her forehead, squeezing her eyes shut for a few seconds.

“Are you done with that now?” I snapped.

“That was rude,” she huffed.

“I’m bound to run into him. What am I supposed to say when I see him?”

“I don’t know.”

“That’s very helpful, Vada.”

“Well, what do you want me to say?” she sighed. “It was a random hookup. Just pretend you don’t recognize him, and hopefully he’ll do the same.”


I followed Vada and her harem through the elegant dining room. Soft music flowed, massive chandeliers twinkling in the dimly lit space. Servers bustled about, dressed in formal wear.

Guests were seated at round tables, some large enough to accommodate fourteen people. And some of the families took up an entire table themselves, with three husbands, a wife, and a bunch of kids.

The host seated us at a smaller table for five by the window. There was no dress code the first night of the cruise.

Some guests were still waiting for their luggage to be delivered to their cabin. But Evan insisted that we still dress in what he referred to as smart casual.

I honestly had no idea how he and Vada coexisted in the same house. The guy was a complete control freak. He had the audacity to hire us a professional shopper who specialized in cruise wardrobes.

Who chooses that for their job?

What’s your special skill? I pick out clothing and shoes for rich people to wear on their cruise vacations. I have thirty years of experience specializing exclusively in cruise attire.

Being a successful cruise wear professional shopper requires many skills.

...Expert knowledge of cruise vacations, a keen sense of fashion, keeping updated on current trends, and a college education in psychology or sociology.

The annoying, stuck-up douche actually described her special skills that way on her website.

And she wasn’t nice.

Let me clarify that statement.

She wasn’t nice to me.

The bitch was as sweet as pie to Vada. Because Vada was rich. But I was just the charity case she was tasked with.

My clothing for the cruise was organized by function, with labeled hangers and an instruction card about which shoes, makeup, accessories, and hairstyle went with each outfit.

I was wearing an ugly pastel pink dress, with a pleated skirt and spaghetti straps, the low neckline erasing any doubt that I had very small breasts.

And I was a natural blonde with very fair skin. Pastels did nothing but make me look paler.

The host seated us, pulling out our chairs with a friendly smile.

You’re wasting your time on me. I won’t be the one tipping you.

I was seated next to Vada. Mr. Insecure took the chair on the other side of her. Evan was so paranoid she was going to revert back to her bisexual tendencies and start having sex with me again.

I picked up the menu and studied the various options for dinner. It all sounded pretty damn good after living on ramen noodles, canned beans, and boxed macaroni and cheese for the past two months.

Rum-infused piña colada soup was a winner from the appetizer selections.

“It all sounds so good,” I whispered to Vada. “How will I ever decide?”

“You can order as many items as you like,” the waiter explained.

“Really?” I gasped.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Here come the Blakelys,” Jake announced. “They’re at the table next to us.”

“They’re sitting next to us?” I hissed under my breath at Vada. “Why didn’t you warn me?”

“I didn’t know!” she hissed back.

I peeked over the top of my menu, my kitty stretching and purring in anticipation as memories of that night flooded my mind.

After two months of reliving the best fuck of my life and fantasizing about meeting up with him again, Tyler was in the same room as me, one dining table separating us.

And he was staring right at me. Or I assumed it was him anyway. His brothers would have no reason to do that.

He remembered me!

I was so fixated on Tyler that I never looked at any of his family members.

I probably should have.

A deep male voice yanked me out of my stupor and back to the present.

“And we meet again,” Barney said.

Next chapter
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