Rejected Book 2 - Book cover

Rejected Book 2

Cosmic Chaos

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Caitlin's life takes a dramatic turn when Alpha Syrus arrives at her foster home, demanding her as the price for a peace treaty. Thrust into a world of werewolves and ancient magic, Caitlin must navigate her mysterious past and the powerful dreams that haunt her. As she uncovers the truth about her origins and her connection to the Dark Enchantress, Caitlin faces the challenge of accepting her destiny while finding her place in a new pack that may hold the key to her future.

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Chapter 1

Book 2: The Enchantress

The sun breaks through the clouds that have sheltered me from its harsh rays, leaving me grunting my disapproval. I have been gathering herbs for the last five hours, a task that was placed on me as soon as I was old enough to be left unattended. Living with the Mitchells has been less than ideal, but it does beat bouncing from foster home to foster home.

No one has any idea where I came from, only that I was left at the front door of the local coven. No note was left, no information about my existence before I was found, just me in a box. Being the “orphan witch” has not been without its challenges.

My peers mock me, teachers treat me differently, and I am not allowed to participate in the standard witch training. I have managed to figure some things out for myself, but I am nowhere near as advanced as my peers.

I grab the basket of freshly picked sage and lavender and take it to the drying racks to hang them before heading back into the house. I begin my second task of cleaning the kitchen and living room, managing to finish only minutes before my foster parents return from work.

“Caitlin, we have company coming for dinner tonight. We need you to prepare dinner for six and you will need to make yourself scarce until they leave,” Andrew, my foster father, shouts as he walks through the door.

“Okay. Is there anything specific you would like me to prepare?”

He rounds the corner to the kitchen where I am finishing putting away the cleaning supplies.

“There’s some fresh meat in the fridge and whatever vegetables you find will be fine.”

I nod and quickly head to the fridge to see what I have to work with.

I notice a package of bacon and two packages of filet mignon, something they clearly did not buy with me in mind. I pull both out then grab asparagus, mushrooms, and a red onion.

I wrap the bacon around the round cuts of meat and then set them in the fridge while I finish prepping the vegetables, tossing them lightly in a mixture of red wine vinegar, garlic, and rosemary before spreading them across a baking sheet.

The meal is finished just before six and I make sure to plate it before heading to my room. As I lie on my bed, I hear the sound of someone knocking on the front door. Andrew’s overly enthusiastic greeting follows.

“Hello! I am so glad you were able to come tonight! Please, come inside.”

I feel a strange tingling sensation flood through me as the unknown visitor speaks.

“Hello, Andrew. Are your wife and foster daughter joining us?”

My ears perk up as he mentions me.

“My wife is finishing up dinner. You all must be tired after all your travels. Please make yourselves comfortable,” Andrew replies, cleverly skirting around the topic of me as he always does, but to my surprise, the visitor doesn’t miss his avoidance.

“And what of your daughter?” His tone is sharp and leaves no room for further dismissal.

“She is busy with her studies. Unfortunately, she will be unable to join us.”

I can hear the discomfort in Andrew’s voice, probably because the man referred to me as his daughter, something he definitely doesn’t like.

“Such a shame. We had hoped to meet her,” another unfamiliar voice states in an almost equally cold tone.

“She is rather unruly, so we feel it important to keep her focused on her work.”

Andrew tries to smooth things over, but the next response from the men has me nearly bursting at the seams with laughter, using my pillow to muffle the sounds.

“Are you truly struggling to handle the feistiness of a child? Such a shame. Please, go get her. I wish to meet the young one.”

My laughter dies as he commands Andrew to fetch me—the power of his command is clear. Fuck…they’re wolves?!

“Caitlin! Come here please!” Andrew shouts from the living room.

I quickly glance in the mirror, wishing I had more time to prepare since I am still in my clothes from earlier that have dust and dirt on them. My hair is naturally curly so trying to make it look like anything but a wild mess is pointless.

I square my shoulders and walk out of my room, trying to put forth a confidence that I truly don’t possess.

“Yes, Andrew?” My eyes stay on Andrew, too afraid to acknowledge the others in the room.

“Caitlin, this is Alpha Syrus.”

I turn and feel my breath catch in my throat as I stare blankly at the man across from Andrew. His black hair is messily falling in his face, his gray eyes are like liquid silver, and his features are sharp but masculine.

I shake myself from my shocked daze and try to regain my composure.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

I look back to Andrew, but before I can ask if I can return to my “studies,” the alpha commands my attention with his deep, silky voice.

“You as well, Caitlin. Tell me, what are you studying? So much has changed since I last visited. I would love to know what new information they’re teaching the students of the coven.”

I feel my mouth open and close several times as I try to formulate an answer that will not result in Andrew punishing me later, but Sarah, Andrew’s wife, saves the day.

“Dinner is ready!” I see the scolding look she gives me, as if I willingly placed myself in this uncomfortable situation.

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