Kenzo Book 4 - Book cover

Kenzo Book 4

Ivy White

Chapter 4


This fucker is playing a dangerous game, grabbing me like that. Even if I am outnumbered, I won’t go down without a fight, and I mean that in a literal honest way.

He shouldn’t have done that. I’m a ticking time bomb when I don’t have anything to lose, and right now, I’m alone and willing to kill in cold blood if anyone stands in my way.

I have nothing to lose, no kids, no submissive, and a fucked-up family that I couldn’t give two shits about. In the beginning, I wasn’t interested in having a submissive. Not long before, I had let my previous one go.

For the sake of the job, I paid for Rebecca, expecting to kill her within a week.

You see, her family and ex-boyfriend were connected to multiple jobs that were in place to take down my family’s organization.

I was told that Rebecca, who was the daughter of a snidey fuckwit, my main target was working for a man called Mark doing wait-on jobs inside private homes.

I thought that it was a job in escorting, but I was informed by Mark that the company only provides a private table service. Anyway, I contacted Mark and ordered Rebecca specifically in order to trap her.

In the notes, I told Mark that he wasn’t welcome, and he snatched the fifty thousand dollars from my hand without any questions being asked.

I was surprised, and it was obvious that he was only there for the money and not the safety of his staff. Easy as pie, she was the easiest target of them all. My plan didn’t pan out the way that I expected.

She opened my eyes up to new opportunities and tugged at a deep nerve inside of me. The innocence radiated off her, and I started to become addicted to everything about her.

I could see the interest for the position that I had available, which so happened to be that day she arrived at my home.

I don’t even know why I gave her a copy of the contract. I wanted her to die, and I had my contact coming to get her within a couple of hours following on from when she arrived.

I canceled him off. In the end, I fell for her, but as the saying goes, you never know what you’ve got until it’s gone.

When I had to let Rebecca go, I never got the true feeling that you would get when you lose someone close to you because I could always keep my eyes on her at all times.

It was when my dad had me doing pointless jobs where I lost track of her. I now feel a darkness like no other overtaking me like the plague, and my blood is no longer hot.

I’m becoming more fucked up in the head than I was originally, and I never thought that would be possible.

It’s been five months since her disappearance, and I’m finally getting my foot inside the door. Vigorous research and losing my mind has distanced me and my dad more than ever before, and we can no longer see eye-to-eye.

My mother is only in the background, and we have stopped talking. She thinks that I’m chasing a dead end, but in my opinion, I think that she’s here somewhere along with Trish.

My mother should know that if I were to stop looking, Rebecca, Trish, and possibly Grayson could end up dead.

She needs to check and see if she has a heart, considering she was once in the same position as them previously.


We sit at the desk bored out of our goddamn minds. Davva watches the screen, and I lay my head on the palm of my hand. Life has been shit since Kenzo’s dad took over and both Rebecca and Trish disappeared.

I wonder how far Kenzo has managed to get. We haven’t seen him for days, and when I did see him, he was going off his head destroying his house. That house is nowhere near the value it used to be.

I know he will pay to get it fixed up, but he wouldn’t have had to do that in the first place if he just boxed in a ring instead. I’ve advised and told him too many times to take up boxing.

Get out there and remove his anger using a different tactic, but typical Kenzo is more interested in letting off steam using sexual methods instead of something normal.

“Lads, I have a job for you to do,” we hear Vinx shout from the hallway.

Standing up, we walk out of the office happy to get out in the fresh air. He hands us a debt clearance job, and we practically dance with joy as we head off to complete it.

Thinking back to the way things used to be around here, I think I want to get out of the group now. It was already risky before Vinx showed up again. He’s a terrible leader who sits on his ass and does jack shit all day long.

Yes, I have respect for the boss, but I prefer Kenzo’s leadership. He was one of a kind and is missed by many. We’ve lost over half the group since he had to step down and hand his place to his father.

Vinx always did own the organization, but Kenzo was better in terms of planning and solutions. If Kenzo was to take charge again, then those who left would return.

All of them know that they cannot leave the Societa Oscura forever, but they can take a step back and stand down. I’m against the fact that they stepped down in the first place.

If you’re loyal to your group, then you should always stay no matter what the circumstances are.

“Why isn’t Kenzo here?” I shrug my shoulders at Davva and carry on walking with him by my side.

“He believes that Rebecca and Trish are in the houses. He thinks that one of his rivals have got a hold of them when Vinx made him take his eyes off the two of them.

“Rex has been losing his shit over Trish, but they’ve taken two separate paths. They should have gone in together in my opinion.”

“Where has Rex gone?” Davva asks me.

“Down the clubs.”

“You have to be careful in this lifestyle. You can enter, but leaving is impossible.” Davva changes the conversation slightly, and I nod my head, agreeing with him.

“How did the others leave if they have sworn by Omerta?” Davva asks me, and I laugh out.

“Really. You don’t know nothing at all, do you?” He shrugs his shoulders, and I huff out a deep breath.

“They haven’t left completely. If needed, they will have to do their duties, it’s just that they aren’t doing daily tasks and shit like the two of us.”


I draw out my gun from inside my pocket and push the tip of it against his temple. Removing the safety, I cock my head to the side and keep my eyes at the same level as his.

My anger is raging through me. If I were a cartoon character, then I would have smoke drifting up from my head. My stomach is tight as I narrow my eyes and bite my teeth together. I’m more than pissed off!

“Mind keeping your filthy fucking hands off me! I don’t like being touched.” He stays completely still, and I chuckle deep inside my throat. He smirks.

“I like you,” he says, and I retract my gun, twisting the safety back on, dropping it back inside my pocket. He steps back and nods his head, leaving the room again.

Why the fuck are they taking so long? I don’t have all fucking day to be sat down having a teatime chat. Draven clears his throat, and I turn to face him.

“Risky move that,” he tells me. I grin and relax, loosening my shoulders. That was intense, and I was getting ready to smash him to the depths of hell.

“He wanted me to show him that I’m not intimidated. That’s what I did.” I shrug my shoulders, and he chuckles.

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