The Winter Foursome  - Book cover

The Winter Foursome

Chad Wannamaker

Age Rating


After months of trying to make a baby, Terry and Donald are stuck in a rut. They head out for a wild weekend away with Peter and Kristal…only to find that their friends are a lot wilder than they’d bargained for.

Attractions sizzle. Jealousies simmer. Can the two couples make it through the weekend with their relationships—and their libidos—intact?

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20 Chapters

The Opening


“Oh fuck, oh shit…yes!”

Donald grunted loudly and scrambled to get his dick inside Terry. He was cumming already. Some of it ended up inside her, but a lot splattered her thighs and belly.

It was a good-sized load, she thought, looking down at it dispassionately. Maybe a little more than normal.

“Ohhhhh, yeah…fuck yes,” Donald said as he pushed out the last drop. Then, as he saw what a mess he’d made of her, his blissed-out smile faded. “I’m sorry.”

Terry looked up at him, forced a smile, and rubbed his thigh. “It’s okay, babe. The ovulation test just came out positive like an hour ago, and we’ll have plenty of time this weekend to keep trying.”

They’d been trying to get pregnant for several months now, and no luck yet. Terry really tried to keep enjoying sex, but lately it felt like just a means to an end, like all that mattered was getting sperm to meet egg at the exact right moment.

“I thought I could go a lot longer. Then it just kinda happened,” Donald said, still holding his softening cock.

“I’m serious; it’s fine,” she said, staring at the ceiling. “Don’t worry about it. We need to pack anyway.” But she didn’t move to get up.

Donald lay down next to Terry, joining her in considering the ceiling.

They had been married for four years, and they’d dated for five before that. While they were still madly in love with one another, their life together was entering a new phase.

They wanted to have children. At least two. And that meant their days of clubbing, late-night parties, and spontaneous traveling were quickly coming to an end.

Donald had been letting himself go a little, too, in ways she tried not to notice. She studied his face now: his handsome, thick dark hair, warm brown eyes, and the neatly trimmed beard she loved to stroke.

But then her eyes drifted down to his soft belly, his spent penis below it. He wasn’t fat, certainly, but he barely made it to the gym these days, and his body showed it.

She mentally shook herself. She loved Donald. He was outgoing, funny, full of charm. He was her soulmate. She was just overthinking.

“I really need this weekend away,” she said, stretching and forcing herself to sit up. Her pussy felt empty; those few seconds of Donald inside her had barely scratched the itch.

“We haven’t traveled in way too long,” she continued. “And it’ll be nice to hang out with Kristal and Peter. Those two definitely know how to have a good time.”

“Sure,” said Donald. He didn’t sound sure.

Terry turned and frowned at him. “What’s wrong?”

Donald shrugged. “Nothing’s wrong. Just, Kristal’s more your friend than mine, and I barely know Peter.

“I’m hoping it’s not going to get awkward to share a house for the whole weekend. Especially if you and me need to have sex every night to keep trying to conceive.”

Terry shook her head. “You worry too much. I’m sure you’ll get along great. If nothing else, there’ll be plenty of booze to smooth things over. And as for the sex thing…I can be quiet if you can.” She tried out a wink.

Donald laughed, not bothering to point out that she barely ever made noise when they had sex.

“Can you believe one of these is going to be our little baby?” Terry said as she held up a glob of cum in her hand.

Donald looked at it and smiled. “Clearly not that one, huh?” he joked.

“Are you just gonna lie there or actually get me a towel?” Terry said and shoved Donald playfully till he got up.


As Donald pulled their car into the driveway of their mountainside Airbnb, Peter and Kristal were already outside. Kristal gave an enthusiastic wave as they pulled up.

“Hey guys!” she shouted as she ran over to Terry’s side of the car. Donald tried hard not to stare at her ample cleavage as she leaned down to hug Terry through the open window.

Kristal had smooth, tan skin, jet-black hair, and big green eyes, and those breasts were hard to look away from. But then, Donald reminded himself, his wife was unbelievably hot too. Out of his league, really.

He knew exactly how lucky he was to have Terry in his life. At 5’5”, she was just an inch or two shorter than him, putting her in exactly the right place for his hands to find her hips as they walked together.

He loved Terry’s tawny skin, her round ass. Her body was toned from all her weekly pilates, and her breasts were incredible too. Donald definitely never wanted to get caught looking at another woman, let alone Terry’s best friend.

“I’m so excited!” Kristal said as they both climbed out of the car. “Hey, Donald!”

“Hey, Kristal!” Donald said before turning his attention to unloading the car. Peter was already busy unloading their skis from the roof carrier.

“Hey, Peter,” Donald said as he approached him, carrying two suitcases.

In contrast to Donald, Peter was tall, definitely over six feet, with a muscular frame, broad shoulders, and big hands. He always carried himself with certainty and confidence.

The few times they’d met before, Donald had felt a little intimidated, and he found it was the same now.

“You guys, wait until you see how much alcohol we picked up!” Kristal said with a big smile. She rushed around her and Peter’s car and opened the trunk.

Inside were six cases of beer, two boxes filled with wine bottles, vodka, tequila, and bourbon. “You think this is enough for four people?” she asked innocently.

“That’s enough for forty!” said Terry as Kristal took a sip of the beer she already had in her hand. “Please tell me you weren’t drinking that on the way up.”

Kristal shrugged as she took another sip. “I wasn’t driving,” she said as she winked at her friend.

Terry sighed, and Donald could sense a lecture coming. “It doesn’t matter that you weren’t driving. If you’d been pulled over—”

“Come on,” Donald interrupted, eager to avoid an argument between the friends so early in the weekend. “Let’s go check out the place!”

He didn’t have to fake his enthusiasm. Even from outside, he could tell the house was huge. It was built right into the side of the mountain, and he knew their rental included the fees for the ski lift tickets.

They all wandered in, oohing and aahing at everything they saw. The living room had a very tall ceiling with a huge fireplace. Then the open concept gave way to an elaborate, modern kitchen, complete with a brick pizza oven and espresso maker.

There was also a large deck off the living room, with a Jacuzzi and a seating area with large heat lamps.

“This place is incredible!” shouted Kristal, rushing from room to room. “Look, a Jacuzzi!”

A moment later, Peter emerged from the basement. “Hey, guys, there’s a sauna down there!”

“Like, a sauna sauna?” asked Kristal.

Peter nodded. “Crazy, right? This place is great.”

Once they’d all dumped their stuff in their respective rooms, the two couples started relaxing and catching up in front of the fireplace. The fire had a low, glowing roar, and the white ash wood filled the cabin with a wonderful, soft fragrance.

After a few beers, Donald couldn’t help stealing several peeks at Kristal. She really was hot, a different kind of hot than Terry. She sat in an armchair sideways with her long legs hanging off the side, giggling with the flow of conversation. Donald found it adorable.

“It’s almost six. I’m gonna go get ready for dinner,” Kristal announced after a while, breaking through everyone’s laughter at Peter’s story about the time his basketball teammate accidentally started playing for the wrong team.

“But…dinner’s not till seven-thirty,” said Donald, confused.

“Boys will never understand what it takes to maintain this level of beauty,” said Kristal as she jokingly pretended to pose for a picture.

Donald took the opportunity to get a good look at Kristal’s whole body, standing there in all her glory.

“Well, I’m gonna head up and get ready too,” Terry said as she stood.

Donald took a minute to turn his eyes her way. “Okay, hon,” he said. Oops. She looked annoyed. Maybe he hadn’t been as subtle as he’d hoped about checking out Kristal.

Terry followed Kristal upstairs to get ready while Donald and Peter sat by the fire, drinking their beers in silence.

“How’s work, man?” Donald asked after a minute, hoping to create some conversation.

Peter hesitated. “It’s…fine. Keeping busy, ya know. How about you?”

“Uhh…pretty much the same thing,” Donald replied while looking down into his beer bottle before taking another sip. Creating conversation with Peter was proving difficult.

“Actually…” Peter turned in his chair to face Donald more fully. “I lost my job a few weeks ago.”

Donald felt his mouth fall open. “Oh, shit. I’m sorry, man, that sucks. What happened?” Peter had been an account executive at a huge company, with stock options, a company car, the works.

Peter’s jaw worked a couple times. “It’s a long story. I’m thinking of suing for wrongful termination.”

Termination. So Peter had been fired, not just laid off. Donald glanced hopefully at the stairs in case the girls had finished primping already and were coming to rescue him from this conversation.

“Let me know if there’s anything Terry or I can do to help,” he said carefully.

Peter shook his head. “Forget I said anything. This weekend is just supposed to be stupid, crazy fun. I know Kristal’s been talking about it for ages. She needs a break, now more than ever.”

“Terry too,” said Donald, thinking of months’ worth of negative pregnancy tests.

“You and Terry…” Peter paused, cocking his head. “How crazy do you want to get this weekend?”

“Well, I’m definitely interested in downing a few more drinks and checking out that Jacuzzi later,” said Donald, not sure what Peter was getting at.

“Sure, sure,” said Peter. “But like. We’re all gonna be drinking together for days. And I saw you checking out Kristal earlier.”

Donald felt his blood pressure skyrocket. “Whoa, hey, I—”

“It’s fine,” Peter said with a laugh. “My wife is super hot. I know this. And Terry is too.”

“Terry’s the hottest woman I’ve ever seen,” said Donald, feeling defensive of her now.

“Of course.” Peter grinned lazily, taking a swig of his beer. “We’re both blessed with gorgeous wives. So the question is, what are we doing with them over the next couple days?”

Donald swallowed. There was a strange heat in Peter’s eyes. “Skiing?” he suggested weakly.

Peter studied Donald’s face, then settled back in his chair, letting the intensity fade. “Of course. Skiing. It’s gonna be awesome, man. So, Bucs are looking good this year, huh?” he said, taking another sip from his beer.

Donald breathed a sigh of relief. Football was the only safe common ground he and Peter had.

“They sure are. That team is stacked, and Brady’s playing like he’s twenty-five too. It’s kinda crazy that he’s still going at forty-three,” said Donald as he sipped his own beer. They kept up the chat, ignoring any bigger questions as the light faded outside.

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