The Winter Foursome  - Book cover

The Winter Foursome

Chad Wannamaker

Heating up


“I like those jeans,” Terry said, admiring her friend’s shapely ass as Kristal leaned over the sink, applying makeup in just her skinny jeans and a black lace bra.

“Thanks! They’re new. Christmas gift from Peter,” Kristal said. Her large breasts hung perfectly from her slim frame. Terry had always liked her own boobs, but Kristal’s were unquestionably bigger.

Donald had certainly seemed to be enjoying them earlier. Terry knew Donald was completely faithful, and she didn’t want to get too bent out of shape over some harmless ogling, but it was hard not to compare herself to Kristal now.

Kristal stood on her tippy toes to get close to the mirror, and Terry turned away to consider the outfit selections she had laid out on the bed.

After a minute, Kristal walked over and stood next to her. “The first one,” she said with conviction, gesturing at a cozy purple sweater. “That’s cute.”

“You think?” Terry asked as she held it up to herself, looking in the mirror. “It is, isn’t it?”

“For sure,” said Kristal as she put on a green-and-black flannel shirt.

As Terry tried on her shirt, her eyes fell on an open suitcase on the floor next to the mirror. This must be Peter’s, because Kristal had been digging in her own suitcase nonstop.

Inside, between neatly folded shirts, pants, underwear, and socks, his Dopp kit was unzipped, and Terry could see he’d brought a small box of condoms. But not just any condoms. The brand read “Trojan Magnum XL.”

Terry and Donald hadn’t used condoms in years, especially lately since they wanted to get pregnant. But back when they did, Donald had never used Magnum XL—or even Magnum, for that matter.

Terry didn’t think of herself as a size queen. She knew Donald’s member was a little smaller than average, but that had never been an issue; after all, she hadn’t even seen another man’s penis in years.

Suddenly, though, she couldn’t stop picturing what Peter’s must look like.

She glanced over at Kristal, who was busy picking out shoes. Then she looked back down at the suitcase to confirm.

XL? she thought to herself. ~How big is he?~


The foursome went out to dinner at a nice Italian restaurant in the ski village. Afterward, they hit a small local bar, played some pool, and had some beers before heading back to the cabin.

As they walked into the cabin, Donald grabbed a bottle of whiskey, cracked it open, and poured shots for everyone. Peter turned up the radio, and Top 40 pop started blasting through the Bluetooth subwoofer.

“Time for some shits!” Donald shouted to the group. “I meant shots,” he said, laughingly correcting himself.

“I don’t know if you need any more alcohol, babe,” Terry said with a smile.

“I’m fine, I’m fine. It was just a slip of the tongue.”

“Well, let’s see what else that tongue can slip on later, babe,” she replied with a smirk.

He raised an eyebrow, intrigued. Terry didn’t usually talk to him like that, let alone in front of friends. Thinking back, there’d been a little more innuendo than usual at dinner too. Maybe this was the ovulation horniness he’d heard so much about.

Kristal grabbed her shot glass and downed it before turning to the group. “Ooh, spicy. Let’s play Truth or Dare! I’ll go first.” She spun to face Terry. “Truth for you.”

“Don’t I get to pick?” Terry asked, laughing.

“Nope. We’re not drunk enough for dares yet. So, truth: how often do you and Donald have sex?”

Terry downed her shot and glanced sidelong at Donald before saying, “Um, maybe every couple days.”

“You are absolutely lying. We have sex once a week, at best!” said Donald as he threw another log on the fire.

Terry laughed. “Okay, okay, you’re probably right. But lately, we’ve upped our game, wouldn’t you say?”

“I’m not so sure about that one,” said Donald with a skeptical look.

“Umm…we literally just had sex this morning!” Terry argued.

Kristal said through her laughter, “She’s got you there, Donald.”

“Well, I mean, c’mon. We’re trying to make a human.” The group laughed some more.

“Well, Peter and I are probably every-nighters,” Kristal said, looking at Peter. “Right, babe? We put up some good numbers. Well, unless I need some recovery time!”

“Yeah, we do all right,” said Peter, smiling as he took a sip of his freshly made old-fashioned.

“Recovery time?” asked Terry, sounding confused.

“Well, yeah! I need to rest the va-jay-jay sometimes!” Kristal said, gesturing lewdly at her crotch.

Terry nodded. “Very true,” she said. Donald glanced at her curiously; he’d never known her to need a rest down there. “Babe, I guess we’ll have to work on our numbers then, huh?” she asked, turning to him playfully

“I’m ready when you are!” said Donald, happy to encourage his wife’s sudden interest.

“Okay!” said Kristal, breaking the direction of the conversation by loudly slapping her legs and standing up. “I’m putting my bathing suit on. It’s Jacuzzi time.”


Terry knew she looked stunning in her swimsuit. For this trip, she’d bought a bright-yellow two-piece MIKOH bikini. The top showcased her perfect curves and toned stomach, while the cheeky bottoms accentuated her round buttocks.

Donald let out a wolf whistle as she dipped her toe in the water to test the temperature before descending to settle beside him in the Jacuzzi.

Kristal followed. She’d opted for a bright-red two-piece Victoria’s Secret bikini. Her large boobs formed breathtaking cleavage in her V-cut bikini top, and her thong bottoms completed the immaculate picture.

Donald wasn’t subtle about checking her out. His arm was around Terry, but his eyes were firmly locked on Kristal’s boobs; Terry even thought he was craning his neck to try and get a look at her ass as she entered the water.

Meanwhile, Peter approached the Jacuzzi with confidence, handing out drinks to everyone.

“The water’s so nice, but the air is so cold.” Kristal giggled as she crossed her arms, covering her breasts as best she could.

“I know, it’s gotta be like thirty degrees out,” Terry said as she looked up to the edge of the patio. “Are those heat lamps? Peter, you think you can grab one while you’re up there?”

“No problem,” he said, pulling it over closer to the Jacuzzi. As he worked on setting it up, he had to reach up to where the power switch was. Terry’s eyes wandered to his crotch area while he was focused on the lamp.

Peter’s trunks were white and clung tightly to his body. There was nothing left to the imagination. Terry eyed what appeared to be a long and thick penis situated snugly against his thigh.

It was enormous. Even in the dim light of the deck, she could clearly make out the head, which appeared bulbous and prominent. She squirmed a little, imagining what it might be like to ride that giant dick.

Get out of my head, she told the fantasy.

“Okay, got it!” said Peter as he stepped back and looked at the glowing heat lamp. “That was a lot more confusing than I thought it’d be.”

“Okay, get in here now. Hurry, it’s freezing!” Kristal shouted as Peter descended the steps right next to Terry. His cock was even more on display as he maneuvered down the steps. Terry was incredibly intentional about not looking at it.

The conversation flowed again as the group relaxed in the warm water. Terry found herself gravitating toward Peter, giggling at all his stories and twirling her hair like a schoolgirl.

She worried at first about hurting Donald’s feelings by paying so much attention to another man, but every time she glanced his way, he looked relaxed and cheerful.

After about an hour, Kristal and Peter got close to each other and started talking very quietly. Kristal broke out into giggles as Peter whispered in her ear. Things seemed to be heating up.

“Hey, guys, we’re gonna turn in,” Kristal said, lightly shoving Peter aside to give herself some space. “It’s been a long day and night.”

“Yeah,” Donald agreed, “we’re probably right behind you guys. Starting to get kinda drunk. We’ll see you tomorrow.”

Kristal and Peter ascended the steps. This time, Terry didn’t hide her gaze as she stared directly at Peter’s imprint. It looked even bigger than before, likely because he was growing an erection from whatever he and Kristal had been talking about.

She really needed to stop thinking about Peter’s dick. She turned back to her husband, the love of her life, the future father of her children. “We don’t need to head up right away,” she said quietly. “Let’s stay in the Jacuzzi a while longer.”

Hopefully, that would give Kristal and Peter time to have their fun without Terry having to hear it and get more confused.

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