Ravens of the Mist Book 1: Endless Love  - Book cover

Ravens of the Mist Book 1: Endless Love

Elfy G

Age Rating


Beth's life takes a dark turn when she loses everything due to her ex-husband's gambling debts. Working night shifts as a cleaner, she is attacked but saved by a mysterious figure, Cole, who offers her a place to stay. Unbeknownst to her, Cole is a vampire with a complex past. As Beth navigates her new life, she discovers hidden truths about herself and her connection to Cole, leading to a thrilling journey filled with danger, passion, and supernatural revelations.

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Chapter 1: Life


Book 1: Endless Love

Yesterday, I was hungry. Today, I’m freezing, and tomorrow is another mystery waiting to unfold.

Ever since I lost my home, life has been a constant struggle. All thanks to my ex-husband, Paul, and his gambling addiction.

One day, I returned home from running errands to find two strangers arguing with Paul. He owed their boss a hefty sum. They took everything we owned to settle his debt.

But solving one problem led to another. The bank seized our house because we had nothing left.

I never had to work before because Paul took care of everything. But after leaving him, finding a job was a struggle. With the little money I earned, I hired a cheap lawyer to handle my divorce.


My job is far from glamorous. I work the graveyard shift as a cleaner at the Grey Palace Hotel.

I keep to myself at work, too embarrassed about my past to socialize. Besides, there aren’t many of us working these hours. I have no family. All I had for years was Paul.

So now, I’m alone, taking each day as it comes, hoping that one day I’ll feel safe again.

Is it crazy to hold on to hope, even if it's just a sliver?

“Good Lord, some people are absolute slobs!” I exclaim, looking at the mess in the room I have to clean.

This room is going to take forever to clean. Thank God it’s the last one for tonight.

There are broken glasses in the bathroom. The bed is flipped over and the walls…

I can’t even look at the walls. Is that…? Who does such things?

I need a mask and gloves. Make that double gloves. I don’t want to catch anything.

Now, let’s tackle this mess. And I mean that literally.

Finally, I’m done, but my back is screaming in protest. That’s going to hurt tomorrow. I need a bath, and fast.

Great, it’s 2 am, and my shift was supposed to end at midnight. They definitely don’t pay me enough for all the crap I have to deal with.

But I guess it’s better than nothing.

One day at a time. One day at a time. I repeat this mantra in my head as I step outside.

I have no choice but to walk home. I can’t afford a taxi and the last bus has already left.

As I walk, I mentally count my money, wondering if it will last until my next paycheck. Sometimes, I find myself missing my old life with Paul. Things were so much simpler then.

NO! Don’t go there. It’s because of that jerk that your life is in shambles.

Lock him away in the farthest corner of your mind, slam the door shut, and throw away the key. He doesn’t deserve even a second of your thoughts.

Being so lost in my thoughts, I don’t notice my surroundings. Suddenly, I hear footsteps behind me. I make the mistake of looking back.

“Hey, baby, what’s up?”

Two men are following me. I quicken my pace.

“Oh, come on, darling. Don’t be like that!” One of them calls out, and they both speed up to keep pace with me.

Maybe life isn’t this cruel. Maybe they’re just messing around to scare me. Maybe I’m too hopeful for my own good.

Damn, a dead end!

They knew what they were doing from the start. They toyed with my fear and led me right where they wanted.

“Why are you doing this? Please, just leave me alone. I don’t want any trouble.” My voice shakes with fear.

“Come on now, baby. Play nice. You might even enjoy it. My buddy and I just want to have a little fun.” One of them taunts.

I try to run, but one of them is faster. He grabs my hair and slams me against a wall.

“Uh-uh, not so fast, sweetheart. We haven’t had our fun yet.”

“SOMEONE HELP…” I start to scream, but a slap from the man holding me against the wall cuts me off.

“What did I tell you, huh? Are you going to be a good girl now?”

Tears stream down my face. I can’t believe this is happening. Is this just another cruel twist of fate?

“That’s right. Nice and easy. Be good, and we won’t hurt you.” He starts unbuttoning my blouse.

“Damn, your skin is so soft.” He whispers, making my stomach churn. “Hey, Vick, come feel her skin.” He turns to look for his friend.

“Vick? Vick? Where the hell are you, man?”

He steps away from me to look for his friend. I should run, but I’m paralyzed with fear.

“Guess it’s all for me, then.” He licks his lips in a disgusting manner.

He leers at me, then starts to approach me again.

Maybe it’s my fear and exhaustion playing tricks on me, but suddenly, a shadow appears behind him. I hear a loud snap, and then his body drops to the ground, lifeless.

It’s too much. I collapse to the ground. Just before I black out, I feel strong arms lifting me up.

For some strange reason, I feel safe just before darkness engulfs me.

When I slowly come to, I’m lying on something soft. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt something this comfortable.

I wish I could stay here forever.

My eyes snap open as I sense someone watching me. I sit up so fast that my head spins a little.

“You’re finally awake,” a voice says.

The sound of it warms my heart and makes me feel safe. It’s a strange sensation.

I must have hit my head harder than I thought to be having such thoughts. Then, the memory of what happened earlier hits me.

He must be the one who saved me.

I glance around, trying to see him. I don’t see anyone, but I can feel his presence. He must be hiding in the shadows.

“Why did you bring me here?” I ask, immediately regretting the question.

“Where else was I supposed to take you? I don’t know where you live. Now that you’re awake, you should probably leave.”

But I don’t want to leave. For some reason I can’t explain, I want to stay. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this safe.

I don’t want to go back to the pain and suffering that awaits me. I want to stay here, where I feel safe.

“If I have a choice, I’d like to stay. I can clean for you. You probably need a maid,” I say, desperation creeping into my voice. I don’t want to go back. Please don’t make me go back.

Silence. Did he leave? No, I can still feel his gaze on me.

Then, he steps out from the shadows.

He’s the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. Dark hair, a beard that covers his jaw, and brown eyes.

His arms and chest are covered in tattoos.

I can see in his eyes that he’s wrestling with a decision.

“Fine. You can be my maid. You’ll work for your rent. In return, I’ll provide what you need.”

He doesn’t wait for me to thank him. He leaves the room. I look around what I assume is now my room. Once he’s gone, I realize what I’ve done.

What was I thinking? I don’t even know him.

I felt drawn to him. Was it just an illusion?

Did I just make a deal with the devil?

No, even though he’s not here, I still feel safe. And that’s all that matters to me.

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