The Outcasts Book 4 - Book cover

The Outcasts Book 4

Ruth Robinson

Chapter 2



My second year of college. Sophomore year. I watch the nervous freshmen scurrying around the campus trying to find their lecture halls on the first day of term as I walk confidently toward the art block.

Much to my mother’s dismay, I am taking photography this year.

Last year, I hadn’t had time in my schedule to take it—filling my time with science-based lectures to appease her—but those subjects didn’t fill me with joy. In fact, even though I found the subject matter easy to digest, it made me want to pull my hair out in boredom.

“Hey, Lou-lou!” I turn my head and find my sister’s boyfriend, Christian, wheeling himself toward me, wearing a wide grin. “Happy first day of term!”

I lean down and give him a hug. “Why thank you, Mr. Gardener!” I smile back. “I take it my sister is still fast asleep in bed this morning?”

“Yeah. Steve and I kind of wore her out last night.” He smirks as I wrinkle my nose in disgust.

As much as I fully support my sister’s unconventional relationship, I really don’t want to hear about their sex life.

Especially when it stirs an icky jealous feeling in the pit of my stomach. I can’t find one guy who can give me an orgasm, and she gets two!

I know Anna compares herself to me constantly—it’s difficult not to when both of our parents are always doing so—but I wish I could spend one day in her skin.

“So, are we going to be lecture buddies again this semester?”

“I’m not sure.” I hold my hand out for his schedule, scanning the list while I chew the inside of my cheek. “Um, we only have child psychology together.”

“Bummer.” Christian pouts a little. “It’s always easier going into a lecture hall with someone.”

I squeeze his shoulder gently. I’ve seen the stares he gets—it’s like nobody has ever seen a guy in a wheelchair. “Well, I’m over in block A. Meet later for coffee?”

“Yeah, okay, Lou-lou. Good luck! Hope your professors are nice!”

I wave to him as he pushes himself in the direction of his first class, frowning when two guys push in front of him, not holding the doors to the building open after they go through. Assholes!

I storm over, and Christian shoots me a grateful look as I open the door for him.

I hover in the corridor as he disappears into his lecture hall and then spin on my heel and stalk over to where the two guys are leaning up against the wall, laughing.

“Hey, assholes.”

They both look around, before the taller one points at their chest.

“Yes. You two assholes. Next time you see someone who might possibly need a little help, like, I don’t know, holding a fucking door open for them, maybe be less of a dick and hold the fucking door!”

The two guys mumble apologetically at me, shuffling their feet as they actually have the good grace to look embarrassed.

My phone beeps, alerting me to the fact that my lecture is starting. Cursing, I glare at the guys one more before I hot-foot it to block A before I’m too late.

The door sticks and squeaks against the linoleum as I push it open, drawing everyone’s attention to me. The photography professor pauses mid-word as I wince, then he sighs and gestures for me to come in and sit down.

The TA sitting on the desk behind him claps his hand over his mouth, but from the way his shoulders shake I know he’s laughing at me and my tomato-red face.

I narrow my eyes at him as I lower myself into an empty seat, and his face gets redder, tears starting to gather in his eyes.

A snort, kinda sounding like a tiny elephant, manages to escape from behind his hand, and I start to giggle as the professor looks around at his TA in surprise.

“Mr. Farmer! Pull yourself together, boy.”

The rest of his introduction speech keeps my attention—mostly on his bushy monobrow—and soon he’s wrapping it up, explaining that his assistant will be showing us the equipment available.

“Hey.” The cute blond TA sidles up to me. “Thanks for getting me in trouble with Professor Consequat.”

I open my mouth to tell him to fuck off but realize he’s grinning at me good-naturedly.

“I’m Kolton, by the way.”

I accept his handshake. “Louisa.”

He holds eye contact with me for a moment longer, giving me a soft smile.

“Okay!” he claps his hands together, making me jump. “So, I’ll give you all a demonstration of the facilities we have here. Has anyone used a proper darkroom before?”

He scans the group of us, and only one other girl besides me puts her hand up.

“Okay, looks like I’ve got two lucky people who can help me explain shit.” He flashes me a conspiratorial grin, and I find myself feeling excited to start the course properly.


I swish the fluid back and forth in the shallow tray, slowly revealing the photograph on the glossy paper.


I jump at the voice close to my ear, clutching a hand to my chest. “Jeez! Kolton, don’t sneak up on a girl in the darkroom!”

He chuckles, moving to lean up against the desk next to where I am working. “Sorry, I didn’t realize I had on my sneaking shoes today.” I laugh at his lame joke. “But seriously, this is really good.”

“Thank you.” I smile proudly down at the photo, which is now fully developed.

I had chosen movement as the subject matter for my first project and had approached the cheerleading team to ask if I could photograph them.

The lighting in the gymnasium was actually really amazing, and I’d chosen black and white to enhance the drama.

Kolton clears his throat, lifting his cap off his blond hair to rake his fingers through it and repositions his cap back to front again.

I raise my eyebrows at him questioningly. “What’s up?”

“N-nothing.” He rubs the back of his neck, nudging his cap slightly. “Just… Um, keep up the good work.”

I watch in confusion as he walks back out of the darkroom. Was he trying to ask me out?

I mean, he is really cute, exactly my type—straight blond hair which hangs just above his ears, sky-blue eyes, dimples, a few inches taller than my five feet, seven inches so I have to look up slightly to make eye contact with him, obviously looks after his body, smells great—but surely there are rules against hooking up with teaching assistants?

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