Ruth Robinson
Kolton looks around nervously, taking his backward cap off and running his hands through his hair.
“Um...I have a favor to ask.” He toys with the peak of his cap, not quite meeting my eye. “But it’s kinda important that you keep it to yourself.”
I glance furtively around, his nervousness infecting me. Is he about to ask me out? Is that against the rules? Would we get into trouble if I say yes?!
“I can keep a secret.”
“So, I, um... Have you ever heard of the Wolf Pack?” I shake my head with a slight frown. “They’re a, um...a male dancing group.”
Totally not what I was expecting.
“Like Magic Mike?!” I exclaim, an excited smile working its way onto my face as I picture the sexy blond in front of me shaking his tight little money maker.
“Yeah,” he replies with a wry smile. “I’m the photographer, not a dancer. Anyway, they have a booking tomorrow night, but I’ve gotta go help out Consequat with some night shoot, so I’m looking for someone to fill in for the night.”
“You want me to spend my night photographing naked men?”
“Mostly naked men,” he clarifies with a chuckle. “It’s a bachelorette party. It’s basically just candid shots of the women enjoying themselves, a few of the guys in action, a couple posed shots of the whole group. I usually do one at the beginning of the night and one at the end.
“They can then buy the photos as a memento, and we use the best ones to update the social media sites to entice more horny women to come watch them.”
“You think I’m good enough to stand in for you?” I can’t help the needy plea for praise tainting my voice.
“Yeah, totally! You have a good eye, and from the pics you were working on earlier, you know how to blend in and get those good natural shots.”
He digs into his pocket and pulls out his phone. “Give me your number, and I’ll text you the details.”
I reread the address that Kolton had sent me, along with the name of the woman who I am supposed to be reporting to. Tallulah.
I pull into the parking lot and see a tall, dark woman leaning against the wall, smoking. I put the hand brake on and check all my equipment again, positive I’ve forgotten something vital—like my camera.
As I clamber out of the shitty vomit yellow car Anna had gifted to me when Christian had bought her a new one, the woman makes her way over to me, walking fluidly in some of the tallest heels I’ve ever seen.
“Hey, you must be the photographer Kolt sent as a replacement.”
“Yeah, hi. I’m Louisa.” I hold out my hand, and she shakes it firmly.
“Tallulah. Thanks for stepping in last minute. You’re really saving my neck. These brides-to-be get quite shitty when they can’t have a memento of their supposed last night of debauchery.”
She flicks her cigarette away and heads toward the door to the hotel we were standing by. “So, tonight we only have three of the dancers performing, as it’s a small bachelorette party, but they still get quite wild even when there’s only a handful of them.”
I follow her through the lobby and into a conference room, which has been decorated for the occasion.
“Take as many photos as you can; direct the guys if you need them to move to get the perfect shot. Kolt said you can edit everything too?”
I nod, following as she pushes a door open to a room which is being used as a changing room, my face immediately blazing red as I come across three perfect male specimens.
I mean, honestly, they could have been carved from marble, cast in bronze, and they would not have looked out of place standing on a pedestal somewhere.
Their abs have freaking abs, they all have the sharp cut V-line disappearing into their jeans, and their faces look like they had been plucked from angels…or maybe devils, as one of them winks at me as if aware where my thoughts had run to.
“Boys, this is Louisa. She’s Kolt for tonight, so if she tells you to pose, you pose, okay?”
“Sure thing, mama.” The tallest of the dancers moves over and slings his arm around her shoulders. “Gotta say, you’re much more appealing to pose for than Kolt.”
I roll my eyes, trying to suck up the drool and lock down my raging hormones.
“Not a fan of the baseball cap either?” My lame joke pulls a deep chuckle from him, and my cheeks grow impossibly hotter. “So, um…I’m gonna go get set up.”
I stumble a little trying to leave the room as one of the other dancers starts to unbutton his jeans. What is wrong with me?! It is like I’ve never seen a man before.
Although, I’ve never seen a man like them before. How the hell am I going to make it through a night watching them strip without dissolving into a puddle on the floor?
Thirty minutes later, the women being entertained tonight have shown up, already a little tipsy and excited.
Tallulah steps out to greet them, dressed head to toe in skin-tight leather—a blood-red pencil skirt with a split up the side which parts as she walks to show black thigh-high boots, teamed with a deep red leather corset, a coating of vivid red lipstick on her full lips—and she soon has them corralled into an organized group before she calls out the dancers.
“I’m little Red Riding Hood, and I’ve tamed a few wolves for you to enjoy tonight!”
The women start wolf whistling, and I’m surprised to see the men’s model-like faces covered in wolf masks, all three of them dressed like lumberjacks, complete with fake axes.
They position themselves within the group, and I start taking the group photos.
The night starts properly from there, bottles of champagne popped open and the music thumping. I roam around, snapping photo after photo of the bachelorettes, focusing on the bride-to-be.
The three dancers come out individually, all being announced by Tallulah.
They follow the same formula to their routine: tease off their upper clothing, drag a girl up front and spend some time gyrating on her, lead the girl back to her seat, then strip off their pants, leaving them in a string thong.
The three of them are dressed as different characters. The first is Manny, who is still dressed as a lumberjack, then comes Liam, who has bright ginger hair and pale skin and is dressed as a sexy leprechaun, and lastly the shortest of the group, Bodie, whose tawny skin is covered in a sharp three-piece suit.
As the main event, the three of them sit the bride-to-be on a chair while they take turns pretending to fuck her to the excited squeals of her friends.
The evening actually passes quite quickly, and I am surprised to find myself enjoying it more than I expected once I get over the drool-worthy bodies on display.
Soon I take the last group shot of the now-drunk ladies and mostly naked men. Once the last woman has left the hall and the doors are firmly shut, the dancers whip their masks off with groans of relief.
“Fuck me, mama! We need to find more breathable masks.” The tallest dancer—Manny—runs a hand over his sweaty red face, dropping down onto a chair and draining the remnants of a bottle of champagne the women had left.
Tallulah grimaces. “I know, I know. I’ve been working on it, but it’s either they look decent, or they let more air through.”
I start to pack my equipment away, and she looks my way.
“You did good tonight, Louisa. When we’ve tried to have female photographers before, they all end up too distracted to take decent pictures, but you stayed focused all night. I thought I’d be proving Kolt wrong, but I’m pleasantly surprised.”
“Thanks.” I feel myself blush a little.
“Are you available for more work like this?” She tilts her head. “I’ll get Kolt to call you. Thanks for tonight; just email me the edits once you’re done. It’s time for me to get these pups home.”
She flashes me a grin, slapping the bare bottom of Manny as he stands up.
Lucky lady. I bet she has the pick of the dancers, and if the others are as hot as these three, I’m surprised she hasn’t combusted yet.