Beneath the Scars Book 2 - Book cover

Beneath the Scars Book 2

Natalie Le Roux

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In a kingdom on the brink of chaos, King Zasrus faces threats from powerful enemies and internal treachery. Amidst political turmoil, he forms an unexpected bond with Ash, a woman with a troubled past. As they navigate their growing feelings, they must also confront conspiracies that threaten the kingdom's stability. With the help of loyal allies, Zasrus and Ash strive to protect their loved ones and secure a future where love and justice prevail.

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Chapter 1

Book 2: Beneath the Crown


‘Kings Palace’

‘Five Kingdoms’

My eyes stared blankly at Hynlam, the leader of the Ful people. His words faded into white noise in the background of my thoughts.

I wish I could have been there when Raylon found Connie. To see her face at the sight of him.

I never could have imagined that this woman from a strange world would be the one to steal my brother’s heart.

I’d hoped she would when I saw how she stood up to him with a fierce passion the first day they met.

The moment I saw her on the Ful’s ship, and heard the way she spoke to Raylon, I knew I had to do something. I didn’t like turning into a monster to get them to speak again, but it worked.

I sat at the large stone table, my fingers twisting my black hair at my shoulders. I smiled.

He deserves every moment of happiness.

“Do our troubles amuse you, King Zasrus?” Hynlam asked.

I shook the thoughts away and sat up. “No. Forgive me, my mind wandered,” I said as I focused again.

“What you say is dire, and I realize the threat is to not only your people, but to my kingdom as well. The alliance you offer is a wise path to take.

“We will begin the joining of our people with information. I need to know everything you know about this enemy.”

Hynlam nodded to the Ful sitting beside him and said, “We do not have a lot of information about them.

“What little we do know is that the last time we went to war with them, it was only a small fleet, but it still almost destroyed us. This time, I fear that a much stronger force will awaken.”

“Why were you at war with them to begin with?”

Hynlam took a deep breath. “We found a dormant planet, with faint signs of life.

“I instructed my scholars to inspect this new planet, but when they did not return, I sent a battleship to see what had happened. That is when we encountered the enemy ships.

“All attempts to study or watch this planet and this new race have ended in the destruction of our drones and scholars.”

“And you fear they may wake up again? That his race may want to attack again?”

“We are sure of it. The last information I had from the enemy planet was that many larger ships were gathering. More activity was seen on the planet.

“We cannot watch them or gather more information, as anything we send out to their planet is destroyed.”

“When do you think this attack could happen?”

He shook his head. “I do not know. A week, a year. It is hard to say without further study.”

That is all I need now. Not only do I have the charter to deal with, but now this new threat to my home.

But I cannot think of this today.

I let out a breath. “Very well. Then I will speak with my men and we will begin to form a plan, but not today. I have a celebration to attend. Forgive me, but it is my daughter’s birthday today.

“You are welcome to stay and join us if you like. Think of it as the first step in a prosperous partnership.”

I still felt uneasy around the Fuls. The war I’d begun with them in my grief killed many on both sides, but they’d saved Laylar’s life.

With the technology they’d given us, they saved all my children as well as countless others. I needed to learn to accept them.

Hynlam nodded. “Very well. Thank you for the offer. I accept. I do need to ask what an appropriate gift would be for a child her age.”

I chuckled. “She is no child, my friend. She is twenty-one years old. And your people gave her the gift of life, I do not see that you need to give her more.”

“But it would not be proper to attend without a gift.”

I thought about it for a moment.

I have given her everything she ever wanted. What could she possibly still want?

“I do not know what you could gift her, but if you wish, then surprise her,” I said, leaving the room.

I made my way toward my office and heard the laughter of Tomlee and Asytar coming from the grand hall.

Those two troublemakers are up to no good again, I thought, changing direction to see what they were up to.

I entered the massive open hall, which was buzzing with activity. Cooks and decorators of all shapes and sizes hurried to get everything ready for Laylar’s celebration tonight.

Guards directed workers with large tables, chairs, and other equipment.

I spotted Tomlee in the center of the hall with the tall Wamrox nurse.

The woman stood well over eleven feet tall, her four long, thin arms extended into the sky as Asytar swung from one of the white fabrics lining the ceiling.

“Asytar!” I shouted as my heart jumped.

If she falls from there she will die!

Asytar met my eyes and gave me a wave with a wide smile before her feet hit the side of the ceiling and she kicked off again to go faster.

“Get down from there!” I shouted at her. My heart raced and my muscles grew stiff at the sight of her sailing through the air without a care.

She frowned at me as she came swinging back toward the Wamrox woman before shouting, “Catch me!” and letting go of the fabric.

My heart stopped as I watched her fall from the ceiling and into the safety of the four arms of the Wamrox.

When the woman put her on the ground, I shut my eyes and rubbed my forehead. This child will be the death of me one day.

I shook my head and left before I said something I would regret. I made my way back to my office, and as I entered a connection chime rang in my ear.

When my brother’s voice followed, I smiled.

“Hello, Zas,” he said.

I grinned wider. “Hello? Who is this?”

“It’s Raylon. Who else do you think it would be?”

“Raylon?” I said as I moved to my desk. “Hmm, Raylon? No, I don’t think I remember that name.”

“Brother, you’re a grown man, please act it,” he said with a smile in his voice.

“I had a brother named Raylon once. I have not seen him in such a long time.”

Raylon stayed quiet and I waited.

“Are you done?” he finally asked, making me laugh.

“How are things with Connie?” I asked as I sat down.

“Well. Very…very well. Is everything arranged for tonight?”

I sighed. “Raylon, you do remember that she is my daughter. I do know how to host a party for her.”

“She may be your daughter, but we both know who her favorite out of us two is.”

“Yes, you win. I cannot argue with that,” I mumbled and heard him laugh.

My smile fell as I leaned my arms on the table. “What of Rein?”

“What of him?”

“Have you made a decision?”

Raylon stayed quiet for a moment before saying, “My decision was made before I even left the kingdom. But as you said, brother, she is your daughter.”

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