Rejected Warrior Book 2 - Book cover

Rejected Warrior Book 2

Melanie Gomez

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In a world where wolves and humans coexist, Stern's life is thrown into chaos as he moves to the royal palace, only to find himself entangled in a web of jealousy, abuse, and dark magic. As tensions rise and secrets unravel, Stern must confront his inner demons and protect those he loves from a sinister force that threatens their very existence. With the fate of his family and the kingdom hanging in the balance, Stern's journey is one of love, sacrifice, and the relentless pursuit of justice.

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20 Chapters

Chapter One


It’s been a few months to get everything in order, and I stand here by the cars and moving vans while boxes after boxes get loaded in.

Never did I think in a million years I would be moving to the royal palace. After I rejected Cora, I figured that was it.

Then I had my second chance with Riley and still couldn’t get my shit together. I always wonder what if, which is stupid because I did this to myself.

I try so hard not to because I am with Riley now, but my mind always wanders.

When I see her smile and laugh at anything that is said. How she looks at Theo with her eyes and can say a thousand words with just one look.

The way her body is lean, and how her ass looks in those jeans. Yes, I am an asshole and a piece of shit. Although can you really blame me?

You always want what you cannot have. I just stare when something quickly blocks my view. I snap out of it looking in front of me and see Theo looking straight back.

“If you think that for one fucking second I am happy about this, you’re sadly mistaken. If it was my choice, your ass would be left here.”

“I will warn you now, and only do it once. If I ever catch you looking, or making a pass at my mate, I will kill you myself.”

“Back the fuck off, Theo! Do you think I am happy about this shit either?”

“I’d rather be anywhere. I am now going to be punished every day for my past. So give me a fucking break! Stay out of my way, and I’ll stay out of yours.”

“Just stay out of my fucking sight!”

“I plan to!”

“Theo sweetie, we are ready to go! Let’s get loaded up,” Cora shouted.

I brush past Theo, knocking my shoulder into his, which gets a low growl out of him. I ignore him and climb up into the passenger side.

We are all riding in the same SUV with Tomiah and Tanya buckled into their seats right next to each other by Corrin.

Tasha is in the back next to Riley.

You can feel the tension in the car when Theo climbs into the driver’s side. It’s going to be a long drive dealing with this asshole. I just want to get there so I can get out and get Kyro to calm down.

We drive for hours down the road, and my mind keeps racing. Hopefully, we are on different sides of the palace so we will have minimal contact.

I get a mind link from Riley because I am sure she can tell I am tense.

“Jack, is everything okay?”

“It’s fine, Riley!”

“I know it’s about Cora…”

I whip my head around to stare at her in the very back. I see tears slowly fall and think shit, here we go again. I turn and stare ahead when I answer her back.

“It’s not about Cora! It’s just that…”

“I saw the way you looked at her. Do you ever look at me that way?”

“Riley, it’s not like that! Please, can we talk about this when we get to the palace?”

“Just promise me one thing, Jack! If you ever decide to act on it, you will reject me first.”

“I wouldn’t be able to go through the heartache of watching you be killed because I wasn’t good enough, and you went after Cora.”

My heart sinks to my stomach, and my breath hitches. I turn to look back at her, and she is looking out the window with tears falling.

My mind is snapped to the driver’s side when Theo lets out a loud growl, pulling over the car. Cora is snapped awake, and the babies are now crying.

“Will you stop looking back at my mate!” Theo bellowed.

“What the hell, Theo! I was talking with my mate through the mind link so we wouldn’t wake the fucking kids!”

“Am I not allowed to look at my mate who is in the back of the car? Or do you automatically think I am looking at yours?”

I open the door, jumping out so the girls can get the pups to calm down while I walk away about ten feet.

I can’t believe Riley would say something like that!

I mean, I can understand her insecurity, but I would never act on anything toward Cora. It would be suicide for me, and then what?

“You know what, Stern? I have had enough of your fucking attitude!”

“Oh great, the fucking conversation police is here. I am allowed to chat with my mate. I am allowed to look at my mate! Now just leave me be for a few minutes before I say something…”

We hear a car door slam, and here comes Cora. I just turn on my heel to walk away when she yells for me to stop.

“I don’t know what the hell is going on between you two, but you better get this shit straightened out!”

“We have the next eighteen years to deal with, and I will be damned if this is how it’s going to be!”

I look at Theo, and we both huff at each other, returning to the car so we can continue the drive.

I mind link Riley that we will discuss everything when we get to the palace behind closed doors. I see her nod out of the corner of my eye because I am not turning my head.

A few more agonizing hours in this car, seated next to this buffoon, when we finally pull up to the territory.

We quickly get to the house, and the moment he puts it in park, I jump out taking a walk. I need to clear my head before I speak to Riley.

Never would I act on my feelings for Cora. I could never do that to Riley.

I know I haven’t exactly been myself as I have been in a struggle with Kyro.

She didn’t choose this, and she could have rejected me, but she didn’t. Of all the shit I have put her through, she stuck by with me anyways.

I hear Theo tell the staff where to put our stuff, and thank goodness we are in a different wing, and I will have an office so I can keep track of our pack.

I left Darren and Trannon in charge and will keep tabs while we are here. Theo left Cora’s brothers and their mates to run the pack in my absence.

I quickly walk in with Riley following me while the staff take the little ones to their room. They have all fallen asleep and no one is going to wake them up.

We walk following a staff member, and when she points to our door, I thank her and open it for Riley to follow me in.

I shut the door behind us and locate a bedroom so we can have a private conversation.

She walks through when I slam the door, walking over to her, grabbing her by her face, and pushing her against the wall.

“Don’t ever think for one second I wouldn’t reject you! You only wish I would! I am not happy about the situation, but you won’t decide on what I do or don’t do about my feelings for Cora!”

“You are my fucking mate now. I am going to keep to myself as much as possible and will be between our rooms and the office. That’s it!”

I release her harshly when I turn around to take a moment to calm Kyro down.

“Goddess Riley, I am so sorry, I didn’t mean…”

“Get out, Jack. I will stay in a separate room from you.”

I storm out of our wing because dammit, I need some air. I am about to walk outside when I feel a hand grip around my arm.

I look and see Theo looking straight at me. What does this asshole want right now? I just want to be left the fuck alone!

“Follow me, asshole!”

Why I just nodded and followed him is beyond me.

We walk down a hallway, passing multiple sets of guards, when he stops in front of some doors. I watch him put his finger to the pad, and the doors open.

We walk into a bar, and he yells out for two beers and two shots. He points to a chair, and when I sit down, I see him toss back the shot and take a gulp of beer.

I am the idiot just looking around when I take the shot and look at the beer.

“Look, Jack! I am not the least bit happy you’re here, but your pup is my pup’s mate. I know how you look and feel toward Cora.”

“My question is why? You have a mate. So why are you acting like this? Do you even want Riley as a mate?”

“I do! I love Riley more than anything! It’s my wolf, Kyro. He is still giving me shit and doesn’t want to accept reality.”

“He gets irritated with Riley because she isn’t Cora. I fight with him constantly when I’m around Riley. In my mind and heart, I have accepted Riley. But Kyro won’t accept the facts.”

“He would never harm Riley, Cora, or our pups, that I know of, but he just doesn’t like you. Believe me, I know my place!”

“Just earlier he came out, making me grab Riley’s face roughly while screaming at her. Now she doesn’t want to be near me.”

I hear him let out a huff with a growl when I hear Kyro growl back. I beg him to shut up. He is going to get us killed!

“You know, your wolf is definitely something. He won’t even talk to me, and when Axel tried to speak to him, he told him to fuck off and blocked him.”

“So, since I know he can still hear us, I will just talk out loud. If he continues to cause issues with his mate or anyone.”

“I will have Dr. Ritz give him some medicine so he will not be an issue anymore.”

I feel Kyro retreat in my mind and settle down. I have no doubt Theo will have us tied down and have my wolf taken care of.

Eighteen years would be a long time without an active wolf, but I would do it if it needs to be done.

“If it becomes an issue, I will not fight you having the doctor administering the drugs.”

“I do have one question though. What was it like when Cora marked you? I mean, I have heard stories about the royals, and I am curious?”

“She literally can bring me to my knees!”

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