Broken Angels MC - Book cover

Broken Angels MC

Riki Leigh Bishop

Chapter Three


What in the hell washed over me back there? I haven’t felt that way in so long, it took me by surprise.

I was so pissed at what had happened, then she got into it with Axyl, and then opened her fucking mouth to me like I ever did anything to her. I was just over it.

I was over her, over this whole fucking situation, just fucking over it all. I have always had a thing for Axyl, and I knew he had an ol’ lady, so I didn’t act on anything, except that one time, and then I left for school.

He made her his ol’ lady and married her when she found out about being pregnant.

I’ve been sitting at a table in the back alone, lost in my thoughts, for the last twenty minutes trying to calm down. Trying to go over everything that went down. Trying to figure out what exactly happened.

When I get mad enough, I black out and I don’t stop punching until I get pulled from the person that I’m beating the shit out of. I thought I lost that part of me when I was put in the cells at the Blue Moon, MC.

I mean, she did have it coming after what she did to Murdock and Danny. Not to mention what she said to me. Acting like she’s better than everyone around her. I just snapped.

Then Axyl went and defended her. So, what if I fucking killed the bitch. Karma’s a bitch and she comes back with a vengeance.

I walked to the bar from my seat at the back and sat on a stool. I caught a look at Lana’s face. Man, I did a number on her. Do I feel bad? Not one fucking bit. She deserved everything she got.

She shoots me a death glare and I just smirk at her before taking my beer and heading over to the jukebox to turn on some music. Time to get my mind off everything going on.

“Let’s party boys!” I said starting to dance, taking a swig of my beer.


I forgot how much of a spitfire Aliana is. After she started her story of what happened to her, I wanted to rip that fucker’s head off his body and everyone that put their hands on my ol’ lady.

I would never claim Lana as my Ol’ Lady because that spot has always been saved for the girl that had always had my heart but could never have, but that didn’t mean I replaced her role in my life.

She’d always be my ol’ lady. Even if we couldn’t be together. Before I met Lana, Aliana was my best friend’s kid sister and was off-limits. Hell, she still is.

Lana came to town and she was the next best thing. She was easy and when Ali introduced her to the club, everyone knew it. Somehow, she stuck her claws in me, and then, the next thing I knew, she was pregnant with Murdock.

Now, I know how she managed to do that. Her secret was out now and there was no way she could deny it. She was the woman that had my kids.

She was so caring and loving and everything I wanted since I couldn’t have what, more like who, I truly wanted. It may sound like she’s my second choice, and she is, but I love her, or I loved her.

When I saw the bruises on my son’s torso, upper arms, and upper legs, I knew she had changed. She grew up rough. Her parents were druggies and worried about their next fix, but that still isn’t the excuse to do what she did.

No excuse would ever be good enough to fix what she did to my son.

When she burst into the chapel, I knew shit was about to hit the fan. I thought she had left after I kicked her out after we went to court for custody and the divorce.

She got everything taken away from her, including her parental rights.

When she started going after Aliana, I knew I had to get her out of there before she was killed, but I was too late, and Lana just wouldn’t keep her fucking mouth shut.

Aliana jumped on her and kept hitting her until Westyn pulled her off. Lana looked like shit, and I knew we pulled Ali off her just in the nick of time.

Aliana came to the bar, grabbed a beer, and turned on some music before she started drinking and dancing while hollering at the boys to party. We all like a good party, but she’s the prez’s kid sister and the founder’s daughter.

No one wants to be on the wrong side of either of them. However, the way she moves her body dancing has my cock getting hard. Lana gives me a shitty look, and I just glare back at her.

I knew Ali thought I was sticking up for Lana, but I wasn’t. I just didn’t want her death to be on Ali’s conscience. I was protecting her, not Lana.

“What the fuck are you staring at her for? She’s not your ol’ lady. I am.” She sneered at me. I rolled my eyes before turning toward the mother of my children. The woman I thought I loved.

The woman who makes me see red when I see her fucking face after knowing what she did to my kid.

“You lost that right when you did what you did, and we’re divorced, or we will be, come morning. I also never claimed you as my Ol’ Lady. I loved you, but that was before I knew what you were doing to our sons.

“You knew you were never going to be my Ol’ Lady because it’s been saved for someone, and it will stay that way. I just let you stay here to clean you up and send you on your way.

“You don’t like what I’m doing, then there’s the fucking door. Don’t let it hit you on the way out. I’m done with you, and you will never see my kids again. Now go.” I snarled. The nerve of this fucking bitch.

It makes me wish Westyn hadn’t pulled Aliana off her, but I know that if we didn’t stop it, I would have to be the one to break the news of what happened to her to Murdock and Danny, and I don’t want them looking at Ali like the person who killed their mom.

I also didn’t want her to come to and realize what she’s done and be burdened by her actions.

“Fuck you, Cannon. I hope you rot in hell, and I will be back to get my kids and kill your whore.” She said before she walked out of the door. I would like to see her try and do anything.


I just want to get out of my head. I want to forget everything that has happened, even if it is only for a little while. The only way I know how to do that now is to get drunk. “Come on boys, don’t be scared. I won’t bite.” I laugh.

“You might not, but your brother and your pops will put a bullet in our skulls.” Ink says.

“Oh well. Party for one it is then.” I dance a little more, swaying my hips and then head to the bar. “Long Island Iced Tea, please Jen.” I say, smiling to the girl working the bar tonight. “Oh! Before you get that, I must go to the bathroom.”

I walk into my room and go into my bathroom to do what I needed to do, and suddenly the alcohol that I consumed earlier during the meeting and just recently is starting to make me hot.

So, I decided to change into my short shorts instead of my leggings. I put my fuzzy slippers back on and walk back to the main room to get my drink from Jen. I sit on a barstool next to Axyl, and Jen places my drink in front of me.

Jennifer was a good friend of mine before I left for school. Next to Reaper, of course. He and I were attached at the hip. You wouldn’t see him somewhere without me and vice versa.

Jennifer was my best girlfriend, and Reaper was, and still is, my best guy friend. Then, Hannah became my best girlfriend when we met in college. “How have you been, lady?” I ask her.

“Not too bad. Missed you like crazy though. Things were much more interesting with you around, and I didn’t have to deal with the knob suckers by myself.

“I wish you would have told me what was going on with you though. I would have been there for you.” She said.

“I know, but I didn’t exactly have access to a phone or anything while I was there. I’m here now and hopefully, you’ll still be my friend.” I wink at her and send her a smile. I missed her.

“Always and forever. Since you’ve been away, Hammer has claimed me as his old lady and you know this, but I’m pregnant!” She said, rubbing her round belly. I couldn’t believe it.

They have been trying for years without success, and for some insane reason, I didn’t notice her protruding belly. Hammer is one of our regular patched-in members. He and Jennifer have been on again and off again since high school.

I’m glad to see he finally manned up and claimed her. It was bound to happen anyway. He was just being a stubborn asshole.

“Oh, my goodness! I’m so happy for you! Congratulations lady! Well, how about you pour two shots and I’ll drink them both in order of celebration! Since you obviously can’t drink.” I say. She pours two shots of vodka.

I have never been good with vodka. It brings my horny and wild side out. I take the two shots, contorting my face at the taste. “I’m gonna go find someone to dance with, or just dance by myself.

It seems that all these pussies here are too scared of my father and brother to party with a girl.” I say and Jennifer just chuckles and shakes her head at me.

“It’s not just them they’re scared of. Cannon here will kill anyone that puts his hands on the woman he’s saved the Ol’ Lady spot for.” She said, taking me by surprise. I whip my head around to face Axyl.

“Say what now?” I screech, looking directly into Axyl’s eyes. “That true?”

“Would it matter if it was?” He asked.

“Uh, yeah it would. You know what. I’m pretty fucking sure you knew how I felt about you back then and you went and fucked my former friend. You chose someone else over me, because of what?

“My brother being your best friend? You know what? Figure out what the fuck you want to do and then talk to me. I’m going to dance.”

I walk up to Reaper, knowing he doesn’t have an ol’ lady and he is sexy as hell. Not that it would matter because he’s my best friend. Just because we’re best friends doesn’t mean that I can’t admire the view.

He’s always been a looker and had women lining up to be with him. They’d all be jealous when I was around because of how close we were. “Reaper,” I whine, throwing my arms around his neck. “Dance with me. Please?”

I give him the best puppy dog eyes I can muster up.

“I don’t know Ali…your pops would kill me.” He said, rolling his eyes. We always do this. He knows my dad knows how close we are and won’t do anything to him.

“No, he won’t. I won’t let him. Besides, you’re my best friend. He didn’t kill you when we were younger, did he?” I said in return, grabbing his hand. He reluctantly gets up and follows me to the middle of the floor.

He hates dancing, but I always drag him to dance with me. I down the rest of my drink and set it on a table nearby as the song Sorry, Not Sorry comes on and I start to grind up against Reaper. No, I’m not a slut.

We’ve always danced like this. I haven’t had sex with anyone, willingly that is since I found out Alex’s true colors. I just like to get my groove on. I bring my arms up around his neck as I move my hips to the beat of the song until it’s over.

“Thanks for the dance, Reaper. I need another drink.”

“No problem Ali. Always a pleasure.” He said with a wink and an eye roll. That man is fine as hell, but there is one man here that is even sexier but doesn’t seem to know what he wants.

If he cared about me the way he said he did then he wouldn’t care what my brother or father would say.

I walk up to the bar and just grab the bottle of jack that I was drinking earlier before I walk over to where Axyl is sitting and flop down on the couch next to him.

“You know, if you’re going to keep staring at me all night, I might make something out of it,” I said as I laid my head on his shoulder.

“I haven’t been staring at you Ali and you know, you dancing that way with Reaper could have got him hurt. Westyn would have his dick if he were here.” He said.

“If I didn’t know any better, I would think you were jealous. Besides, I’m a grown-ass woman. He’s my best friend and they know exactly how we are together.

“You may have been my first Axyl Sullivan, but you didn’t stick around to see where things went. I may have gone through hell, but that doesn’t make me some damn damsel in distress.

“Besides, if I can handle you taking my virginity and then disappearing right after, I can handle anything.” I snapped. “You know, for someone who claims to have held his Ol’ Lady spot for me, you haven’t done anything about it.”

“Not jealous.” He said looking into my eyes. He was jealous. Or angry. I know this because his eyes changed to a darker color like they do when he’s trying to fight the demon inside of him.

“I walked away because I knew I couldn’t have you. You’re lucky we were fucking careful. What would have happened if you got knocked up?

“I don’t regret being your fist Aliana, but I didn’t want my fucking head blown off for taking my president’s daughter’s virginity.

“You’ve been my ol’ lady for as long as I could remember and you letting me be your first only solidified that fact.”

“If you say so,” I said getting up and going to play my favorite song of all time, Good One.

I start swaying to the song and singing when everything I’ve tried to run from comes crashing in the door and before I know what is happening someone is grabbing me.

“Did you miss me, baby?” The voice of Alexander made me freeze. How did he know I was still alive? “I’ve been watching you and I don’t take too kindly to you dancing with another man when you belong to me.

“I’m still trying to figure out how you managed to survive the last round of torture I put you through.” He said, bringing me back to reality.

It may be the alcohol, or maybe it was because I was tired of being the victim, but I had this urge to tell him to fuck off.

I wanted to kill him for all he had done to me. For three fucking years, I let him torture me to protect my family here and I was fucking pissed.

“Get the fuck away from her.” Axyl snarled, causing a chuckle to escape the man holding me to him.

I look around and all our men have their guns drawn and pointing at Alex’s guys while Alex’s men have their guns pointing at our guys. This isn’t going to end well. I can feel it in my gut.

“I’m not your baby. So, don’t you ever call me that again.” I snarled at him, turning to face him. “Get your fucking hands off of me before I make you.”

“Oh, my weak little slut is finally growing a backbone. You won’t do anything. You haven’t all those years. We could have ruled together if you would have just given me the information I wanted.

“Now, be a good little bitch and get your ass out there on my bike,” he said.

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