Hell's Riders MC - Book cover

Hell's Riders MC

Amanda Deckard

Chapter 5


“Okay, babe, I’ll see you later tonight. Behave while I’m gone, and you’ll be rewarded.” Caleb came up to me in the kitchen and kissed my cheek before he left. Since Lexi had moved out, he’d moved in.

I waited a good twenty minutes before I knew it was safe. I finished putting the dishes away, set the dishrag down, and ran toward my bedroom.

I packed quickly, shoving a backpack full. I knew Caleb would track my credit and debit cards, so I’d stashed about $350 in cash. It would have to be enough to get me back to California.

I ran out the door. I put my hood over my head to cover my face and grabbed the straps of my backpack.

I saw the bus across the street getting ready to leave. I ran like hell, hoping it would wait for me. I managed to board just before it drove off. Panting, I found an empty seat toward the back. I finally let out the breath I’d been holding in.

I looked out the window to see that we were passing Caleb’s work. I slowly lowered myself a bit in the seat just to be safe.

“Hey, man, isn’t that Caleb’s girl, Mia?” I heard someone say behind me.

“Yeah, I think so. What’s she doing on the bus?” Another voice said.

I reached for the cord to stop the bus. Grabbing my bag, I jumped off the bus and ran. I wasn’t sure if they were following me, and I wasn’t going to risk them catching up.

I ran down an alleyway and hid behind a dumpster for fifteen minutes, until I realized they hadn’t come after me. I didn’t dare rest, though.

I went inside the small hotel on the corner and paid for the room with some of my cash. The woman at the desk gave me a sympathetic smile as I looked with worry over my shoulder, making sure I hadn’t been followed. Once I was in the room, I was able to relax a little bit.

There was a phone on the nightstand. I needed to try calling my dad again, to reach him or my Uncle Mason to let them know I was in trouble. On the run.

My trembling fingers messed up the number, so I stopped, took a deep breath, and tried again. This time, it went through. The same voice from the night before answered.

“Look, please don’t hang up, please. My name is Mia Rodgers. I’m Bobby’s daughter and Mason’s niece. I need help, please. I’m being abused by my boyfriend, and now I’m on the run. Tell my dad or Mason that I called and need their help!” I spoke frantically, hoping he wouldn’t hang up on me.

“Look, Mia, I told you last night, Bobby has no daughter. I don’t know how you know about us or how you got this number, but we can’t help you. You need the police, not us. I’m sorry,” he said and hung up the phone before I could say another word.

I put the phone back on the hook and fell onto the bed with a low cry. Had Caleb’s friends told him they saw me on the bus? I didn’t think they’d followed me, but what if they had? I had to find a way to get out of here and on another bus. I needed to get to California before Caleb found me.

A soft, sly rap came at the hotel room door. I froze, my breath strangling in my throat. At the sound of Caleb’s voice, I stifled a cry.

“Mia, come out here. Now.”

He’d found me.

I ran toward the bathroom just as the hotel room door flew open. I screamed as loud as I could, hoping someone would hear and come help me.

“You thought you could run away from me. Get over here, Mia.” Caleb stomped toward me.

I screamed louder, trying to shut the bathroom door. It was no use; he was stronger than me.

“Help me, someone, please,” I screamed for help.

“No one’s going to save you. That old broad at the desk gave you up the second I told her what would happen if she didn’t. You’re mine, Mia.”

Caleb slammed the door open. He grabbed my hair and yanked as my skull started to burn from the force of his grip. His fingers tightened as he pulled me by the hair into the bedroom.

“I’m going to show you what happens when you try to run from me.”

He hit me, over and over, while I cowered. Any time I tried to get away, he grabbed me back. Hit me again. His punches fell like boulders on my face and body. At last, when I thought I couldn’t stand it another second, he began tearing at my clothes.

I fought him, but he was too big. Too strong. And far, far too angry.

Once he finally finished, he rolled off me and got dressed. I stared out the window at the sun. Surely, it had to be after dark by now, but no. It was bright and golden and mocked the darkness that had just happened in this room.

“I’m taking your ass home. You have my dinner to make. I had to leave work early for you, so I didn’t get my lunch.” Caleb pulled me up off the bed by my arm and dragged me out of the hotel.

He was quiet on the ride home. I wasn’t sure I liked a quiet Caleb. If he was screaming at me, I could tell what was coming.

He parked his truck in the normal spot in front of the house. I was about to grab my bag when he reached out for my hand to yank me toward him.

“You listen here, you ungrateful bitch. Are you going to try to run away from me again?”

He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him—as if I didn’t have enough bruises as it was. I shook my head at him.

“Use your words, dammit.” He clenched his jaw. His grip on my chin became tighter.

“No, Caleb,” I whispered. “I won’t run away from you again. I promise.”

“Good. Because if you do, next time, I won’t be as nice about bringing you back. Next time,” he said with a grin that sent a shudder rippling down my spine, “I will fucking kill you.”

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