Summer Love - Book cover

Summer Love

Evelyn Miller

The First Kiss

That evening, as the sun is setting, I climb out of the water and go to lay on my towel.

“You okay?” Hayes asks, picking up a handful of sand and letting it drop between his fingers. Everyone else went home, Monica and Asher to have dinner, and Zeke to pack for his trip.

“Just sad, I guess.” I shrug.

“Same,” he sighs, laying down. “Do you think she’ll get better?” he whispers.

I swallow thickly. Even though Hayes and I are twins, I’m older by four minutes and have always felt protective of him.

“Of course she will,” I lie. I know Mom won’t get better. I just wish she will.

“Then we could take her to Canada. She’s always wanted to go there.” He nods. He knows I’m lying to protect him. He’s trying to protect me too.

“Then we can go to Niagara Falls,” I add.

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Come on. Let’s go eat,” I sigh, fighting my tears back again.

“Hazel,” his voice breaks.

With one look at my brother, I burst into tears. I throw my arms around him and hug him tightly as we sob into each other’s shoulders.

“She can’t die,” he cries.

“She’s not going to. Not for a long time. She’s going to watch us both graduate high school, then college. She’s going to watch us get married and have babies,” I try to reassure him.

“She’s going to watch our kids grow up and will die an old, old lady,” I whisper, closing my eyes, imagining Mom at all of these milestones.

I’m not sure how long we cry onto each other. We’re pulled apart by a thin pair of arms wrapping around our bodies. Without looking, I know it’s Mom.

“Shh. It’s okay. I’m here,” she whispers, making me cry harder.

“You kids have a party to get ready for,” she whispers once our tears subside.

“I don’t want to go,” Hayes and I both answer at the same time, and we glare at each other.

“Nonsense. You are going. Kim and Zeke will be here soon.” She fake scowls and stands up.

“You two are going out and going to have fun,” she orders. “Now come eat dinner,” she says before turning on her heel and walking back toward the house.

Hayes and I sit in our spot for several heartbeats before collecting our towels and following our mom.

After eating so much food, Aunt Kim and Zeke arrive. Zeke is still pouting about having to go to his dad's or the fact that Aunt Kim made him put a shirt on.

“So Kim and I were thinking I’d drive with her to Washington and back,” Mom says casually as I’m pulling an oversized shirt on over my bikini.

“What?” all three of us kids ask in shock.

“I need a break. Besides, we used to always go on road trips when we were young.” She winks, making her and Kim burst into giggles.

“What about us?” Hayes asks, worried.

“You two can look after yourselves.” She waves us off.

“B-but,” I stammer, trying to think of an excuse for her to stay.

“I’ll be gone a week, tops. Then we hang out on the beach like normal. I need some time with Kim,” she whispers the last part, making my heart clench.

Mom and Kim have always been close. I try to think of how I would feel if Hayes or I were dying. I’d want to spend time with him too.

“Okay,” I agree seconds before Hayes agrees. “Just ring us every day,” I warn her, tying up my shirt on my hip.

“I will. Now go have fun! I’ll see you three in the morning.” Mom kisses all three of our cheeks, then Aunt Kim does.

“I’m getting so fucked up tonight,” I say as we walk down the beach to where the party is. This one is just for our year group.

“Same,” both boys agree. We all need to get drunk to deal with our problems.


And that’s exactly what we did.

Somehow I’ve ended up sitting next to Asher, sharing a bottle of vodka. I have no idea where it came from, but I don’t care. It’s getting me drunk, and that’s all that matters right now.

“Did you know I thought you and Hayes were together?” Asher laughs, throwing his head back.

“What?” I laugh so hard tears build in my eyes.

“He seemed like your boyfriend,” he laughs.

“But he was checking girls out!” I exclaim, leaning back onto my elbows.

“I thought it was weird,” Asher laughs, blushing slightly.

“Where did you move from?” I ask, sobering up my laughter.

“Texas. Y’all couldn’t tell?” he drawls out, making his accent thicker.

“Oh my god!” I exclaim, sitting up. “How’d I not notice?” I question more to myself, moving to lay flat on my back.

“How long have you lived here?” he asks, laying down next to me.

“My whole life,” I whisper, gazing at the stars.

“I love the stars,” he whispers. “Back home, we never could see them.”

I gasp and sit back up to look down at Asher. “Why not?”

“The city lights,” he chuckles, flicking his eyes to mine before going back to the sky.

“Did you have a beach at least?” I ask, moving my butt over so I can be closer.

“Closest was almost eight hours.”

“That would fucking suck.” I shake my head. I couldn’t imagine not living close to the beach. Actually, I think I’d struggle if I didn’t live three blocks from it.

“The first time I saw a beach was four days ago.”

“I like it, though,” he adds when I don’t say anything.

“It’s the best. It’s literally the only good thing about this town,” I giggle, laying down again, so our arms are brushing against each other. “Everyone knows everyone and everything you do,” I sigh.

“Everyone but me,” he laughs, sitting up on one elbow to look down at me.

“That’s true,” I agree with a small smile. As I look up at him, I really take in how perfect his face is.

My eyes focus on his lips. They’re so perfect. Not a sign of chapping in sight. They look so kissable. I wonder if they feel as soft as they look.

I can’t help myself. I have to know what they feel like. I lift my head up and place my lips gently against his.

I was right. They’re so soft and fucking perfect. It takes a second for Asher to start kissing me back, but when he does, he lifts his free arm and places his hand on my face, bringing me closer.

I sigh into the kiss and try to slip my tongue between his lips, but he pulls away. He sits up straight, and I quickly follow suit.

“Sorry,” I mumble, looking out at the waves crashing three feet away from us.

“It’s not you,” Asher sighs.

“Save it,” I snort, rolling my eyes and standing up.

“Hazel.” He grabs hold of my wrist, stopping me from leaving. Whoa, when did he stand up? “Trust me. I want to kiss you,” he says like it’s meant to make me feel better. “It’s just…Hayes.”

“Who gives a fuck about Hayes?” I snap, rage building up in me. No boys in this town would kiss me or even take me on a date because of him and Zeke.

“I don’t want to ruin any friendships,” he explains quickly.

“Whatever.” I roll my eyes and turn to go but am stopped by him tugging on my wrist and pulling my body back into his.

“Fuck it,” he whispers to himself before slamming his lips onto mine.

This time he slips his tongue into my mouth. As our tongues wrestle, I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. His hands move from my waist and grab my ass.

I slowly drag my fingers from his neck down to his chest and move us back down to the sand, never breaking the kiss. Asher's fingers gently tickle up my side, sending shivers through my body. Just as his fingers graze the bottom of my tits, someone yells out his name.

“Fuck,” he groans, pulling his lips away from mine reluctantly.

“Yo! Asher!” the voice calls out again, and I instantly recognize my brother's voice.

“Yeah!” Asher yells back after clearing his throat.

“You seen Hazel?” Hayes yells.

“She’s here!”

My eyes widen at Asher. Does he have a death wish?

“Oh, hey.” Hayes smiles as he sits right between us. “What are you two doing?” he slurs.

“Drinking this.” Asher smirks, holding up the bottle of vodka I’d forgotten all about.

“You…,” Hayes slurs, pointing his finger at Asher. “…Help,” he mumbles.

“What?” Asher answers, confusion on his face.

“Zeke passed out. He’s too heavy,” my brother whines, making me laugh.

Zeke is at least fifty pounds lighter than him, and he’s over a hundred pounds heavier than me, but I still manage to carry him home.

“You’re a weakling,” I giggle, picking up the bottle of vodka and following the two boys to where Zeke is lying on his side in the sand.

At least someone moved him so he wouldn’t choke on his own vomit.

Both the boys haul Zeke inside and get him safely onto the sofa.

“You want to crash here?” Hayes slurs to Asher.

“Nah, it’s cool, man. I don’t live far,” he declines, shaking his head.

“Bazel will walk you,” he mumbles before leaving to go to his room.

“Come on.” I smile, waving the bottle of vodka in his face.

“You know I can walk by myself,” he laughs as I practically drag him back out to the beach.

“You want to go home already?” I pout, letting go of his hand.

“Well, I’m not opposed to finishing that,” he smirks, nodding toward the bottle still clutched in my hands.

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