The Wrong Move - Book cover

The Wrong Move

Breanna Gellings



I woke up the next morning abruptly with a pounding headache. I sat up groggily as I tried to remember what had happened last night. Then I realized it wasn’t just my head pounding, it was my front door.

Slowly, I rose from my bed, clutching my head. I shuffled to the front door and opened it without looking. There stood Adam, staring at me, confused.

I stood still, in shock. My hand still clutched the side of my head. I remembered all too late that I was still wearing my dress from the club.

My hair was disheveled and I’m sure my makeup was a mess. I cleared my throat. “Um...what are you doing here?” I asked croakily.

Adam moved closer to the door and lifted his hand to my face. He cupped my cheek. “I’m sorry, El,” he said quietly. I looked up at him with wide eyes.

We stood still for a moment before I shifted, opening the door wider, and he slipped inside.

I shut the door and turned around to find Adam surveying me. “You look nice,” he said, gesturing to my outfit.

“Girls night.” I crossed my arms over my chest, not saying anything else. I didn’t owe him anything right now. Even though a tiny bit of me did feel bad for the kisses I had shared with Zane.

“Look, El,” Adam rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, “I really am sorry for how I acted. I was still embarrassed.

“All my coworkers were talking about my crazy girlfriend victimizing the new girl. I heard you though when you said you guys have a bad history. I wanted to give you some space.”

He walked over to me and rubbed my arms that were still crossed over my chest. I remained silent as he continued to rub them. He sighed and dropped his hands, running them through his hair.

“Listen, let’s go out tonight. The two of us. Let’s have fun! I want to show you how sorry I am.” He bent down so we were eye to eye and gave me a wide grin.

“I’m your girlfriend, Adam,” I said calmly. “You’re supposed to be on my side.”

“I am on your side, El!”

“It didn’t feel that way at the picnic and especially not after. You ignored me instead of being there for me when I needed you.”

He sighed again and reached out, his hand cupping my cheek. “You’re right, El. I should have made sure you were ok instead of worrying about my image.

“It wasn’t like you to do something like that and clearly you were upset.” I could see the truth in his eyes; he did feel sorry. “This relationship is still new.

“I’m still trying to figure all this out. Please, let me make it up to you?” His face took on the qualities of a puppy dog and I found myself softening.

Finally, I cracked a small smile. He was being sincere, and all I’d needed was an apology, so he was forgiven. “A night out sounds fun.”

He smiled brightly. “Be ready at 6.”

He pulled me toward him and kissed me deeply. I’m sure I smelled like yesterday’s alcohol. Adam didn’t seem to mind. When he pulled away, he petted my hair, smiling at me.

Then he playfully swatted my butt before walking to the door. “Be ready, pretty lady!”

After Adam left, the first thing I did was jump in the shower. As the hot water ran over me, making me feel much more human, I started thinking about last night.

The night was patchy, but I remembered Zane’s kisses. I remembered the tender look in his eyes. When I’d run all the hot water out, I reluctantly left the shower.

I sat on the edge of my bed to text Liv. I saw the message Zane had sent her.

MeI went home, wasn’t feeling well. I’m safe.
OllieDamn girl you could have told one of us! We’ve been searching this club for you forever!
MeHey Olls that wasn’t me last night.
MeWell I ran into Zane...
OllieAdam’s boss Zane? The Zane you’ve been obsessing over? What happened!!!?
MeWe talked...ok we kissed. Idk Ollie he’s so hot and cold. He acts so tender. Takes me home after I vomit, then goes back to acting like a dick in a matter of seconds!
OllieElla Renee Baser. Regardless of his attitude you’ve never been one to be unfaithful.

I had forgotten to tell her about our first kiss at the picnic. I felt my face flush as I remembered it. He had been so tender with me.

Both when he came after me in the park and when he was holding me in the club.

MeI know Ollie. And Adam came over today and apologized. He wants to take me somewhere tonight.
OllieAre you going to tell him what happened?
MeWe’ll see how the night goes.
OllieLove you 😘
MeMe: Love you too 😘

I got dressed in jeans and a nice shirt. I wasn’t sure where we were going, but I wanted to look decent. I spent most of the day catching up on chores that hadn’t been done yet.

When a knock on the door came right at 6, I wiped my sweating palms on my jeans. I couldn’t understand why I was nervous.

I opened my door with a smile. “Ready to go?” Adam asked. He had on jeans and a blue t-shirt that showed off his nicely toned arms and the tapering of his waist.

His hair was disheveled and pushed to the side like it had been bothering him. With a jolt, I realized I was staring at him hungrily. I could eat him up right on my doorstep.

Adam reached out and took my hand. “Babe, you ok?” He raised his eyebrow, looking concerned. I smiled brighter.

“I’m just excited to spend the evening with you.”

I climbed into Adam’s car, and he sped away from my apartment. “Where are we going?” I asked.

“It’s a surprise.”

“I hate surprises,” I said with a grin.

“Oh, don’t I know it. But sit back, relax, and wait to have a blast.” So, I did just that. I settled into the seat, watching the city pass us by while some soft music played over the stereo.

Adam held my hand the entire way. His warm palm hugging my hand, making me feel tingles that had been missing for a while.

Suddenly, we pulled into a field and I saw where he was taking me. A huge traveling carnival was set up right outside the city. There was a big Ferris wheel and a building filled with bumper cars.

I could see the tilt-a-whirl and a fun house. I looked at Adam with excitement. As we exited the car, the smell of funnel cake washed over me and I took a deep breath, feeling my whole being relax.

Adam came around and grabbed my hand before leading me into the carnival. He bought us bracelets and as we entered the gate, he rubbed his hands together like an excited kid.

“What should we do first?”

“Definitely the tilt-a-whirl.

“I have to get that out of my system before I shove my face full of funnel cake; otherwise, I’ll be going to change after I throw up.”

Adam laughed lightly and, grabbing my hand, he started swerving through people to get in line for the tilt-a-whirl.

We chatted casually about work. Adam asked how my students were getting along with fractions, and I told him some funny stories that had happened.

After the tilt-a-whirl, we rode the Ferris wheel. Next was the bumper cars, then the carousel. We rode the Viking ship and the paratrooper. Conversation flowed easily as we laughed and held hands.

Finally, Adam dragged me to a food truck with a big picture of a funnel cake on the side. While I carried around my delicious treat, Adam used a baseball to knock down some tin cans.

I watched as his muscles rippled with each throw. His butt looked amazing in his jeans, and I felt my mouth watering for a whole different reason other than the sugary confection in front of me.

Adam won a big stuffed panda for me. He held it up high above his head with a huge grin on his face. I laughed at his jubilant expression.

He stopped in front of me and knelt down, presenting the panda. “Your companion, my lady, for those dark and lonesome nights you must face alone.”

I laughed, “Oh brave sir, how could I ever thank you for such a gift?” I said breathily, holding my hand to my chest and batting my eyelashes.

“All I ask, fair maiden, is one kiss, to carry me off into battle.” Adam reached up and began running his thumb across my full bottom lip.

He pulled it away, covered in powdered sugar, and stuck it in his mouth. I felt my eyes widen as I saw his darken. “Would you give this poor brave knight this one token of your affection?”

Without hesitation, I leaned over and planted my lips on his. I kissed him gently, feeling his lips move against mine as he opened his mouth to lick my lips with his tongue.

I opened my mouth, inviting him in as we reveled in the taste of each other with the sweetness from my funnel cake.

When we finally pulled apart, we were both panting heavily. “I think I’m done with the carnival, fair knight. Please take me away to your castle where I’ll be safe from danger.”

Suddenly, Adam stood and held out his hand. When I stood to take it, he swooped me up and carried me to the car while I laughed and squealed the whole way.

“Your chariot, my lady,” he said, opening the door for me.

I slid into the seat, and Adam drove us back to his apartment in companionable silence. The date had gone perfectly. I couldn’t believe the fun we had had together. But that was Adam.

He was fun, happy-go-lucky, sweet. I found myself smiling at his profile while he drove.

When we reached the interior of Adam’s apartment, I flew towards him in a passion. My legs wrapped around his waist as he caught me and turned to lean my back against the wall.

I attacked his lips with fervor as his hands cupped my ass, holding me tight against his rigid cock. I pushed my peaked nipples against his chest, wishing to feel us together with no barriers.

As if reading my mind, one of Adam’s hands let go of my butt to travel up my side and cup my breast in its bra.

My head fell back as he rubbed my nipple through my bra and ground himself into my swollen and wet entrance.

“Please, Adam,” I begged. He set me down gently and began stripping my clothes. First, he removed my shirt, then my pants. Next was my bra.

As he pulled my bra down my arms, he crouched down to capture one of my nipples in his mouth. I arched toward him as I felt a fresh wave of want wash over me.

He dropped my bra, and as he continued to shower attention onto my breast, his hands pulled my underwear down my legs. One hand returned to palm my swollen mound as I moaned and cried out.

Adam’s hand began to rock back and forth against my sex, hitting my clit with every pass.

I found myself rocking with him as he continued to suck and bite at my swollen nipples, alternating every few minutes.

With a sudden cry, I came, feeling my juices leak out over his hand. Adam let out a satisfied grunt as he kissed each nipple. He stood with a cocky smile, his penis bulging against his pants.

I reached out and began to undo his belt. I pulled his pants down as I sank to my knees in front of him. His swollen tip rubbed against my soft lips as I opened slowly to take him into my mouth.

He tasted sweet and a little bit salty. I swirled my tongue from the tip of his hard cock to the base.

My hands reached up to wrap around his base, and I began to suck and stroke in alternating pulls while Adam groaned above me, his hands fisting in my hair.

I continued to worship his dick with my mouth, occasionally using just the tips of my teeth to drag along his shaft, causing him to release a soft hiss.

Suddenly, he jerked from my mouth, and I barely registered surprise before he had me lying flat on my back on the living room floor.

The carpet was soft and tickled my bare skin as I lay there with my legs spread. Adam reached into the end table to pull out the condom box, and he rolled one onto his length.

He slowly began rubbing my entrance with the head of his cock. My hips began thrusting toward him, begging him to go deeper.

He began a shallow thrust that built more and more each time until he was finally buried to the hilt.

Adam swiveled his hips gently while I wrapped my legs around his back and dug my nails into his shoulders.

He began pushing in harder and harder, the intensity building in my abdomen as I felt my release barreling toward me.

“Oh god, Adam,” I screamed as I came hard, my body shaking violently under the intense pleasure. Above me, I heard Adam let out a deep groan as he too came on one last thrust inside me.

We lay together for a minute, Adam sagged on top of me, both of us breathing heavily. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my mouth. I kissed him back gently and smiled up at him.

“Well, that was just terrible,” he said, and I let out a loud laugh. Adam smiled at me and pushed my hair out of my face. “I think I could be addicted to you.”

I smiled at him slowly as I nestled into his hand. “I think I kind of like the idea of that.”

Adam smiled at me and slowly stood up, pulling me up with him.

“To the bedchamber, my sweet princess, we must do that again immediately,” Adam grasped my hand and pulled me toward his bedroom. My smile fell.

With one word, he had reminded me of someone. I saw Zane’s eyes flash before me, and they seemed hurt and angry. I shook my head slightly before focusing on Adam.

I had forgotten about his boss all day. The way it should be.

I didn’t know what game Zane was trying to play by kissing me and making me feel like he wanted me and then pulling away, but I wasn’t going to give it any more thought.

I had an amazing guy right in front of me who was honest and trustworthy and truly wanted me. I wasn’t about to let that go.

Besides, what would a guy like Zane want with a girl like me anyway?

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