Aimee Dierking
Carter woke at about nine in the morning, took a shower, and made a large pot of coffee as his phone rang.
“Carter, baby, how are you?” he heard his mother ask.
He loved his parents. George and Birdie Robbins were good people, coming from good Southern families. He and his sister were raised with Southern manners, and people still made fun of him for his “Yes or No Ma’am” and “Yes or No Sir” answers.
He loved growing up in Savannah, Georgia, playing in the marshes and fields with his friends. He went to UCLA, where he met Dan in the dorms; they both studied architecture and quickly became friends.
They both went to finish their master’s degrees in the five-year programs and both got jobs that moved them to Denver, where they currently were.
That was until Carter moved later in the summer to work independently and enjoy his completely renovated home by the river near the wildlife refuge and the ocean.
“Hi, Momma. I’m here, tired but okay.”
“Oh my sweet boy, okay. Dad and I are flying out tonight, and Sophie and Davis are coming out tomorrow. Billie and Jack are watching the kids since they are still in school,” Birdie told him.
“Are y’all gonna stay here?”
“If you’re okay with it, we would like to be there to help Hailey and Helen. How is that sweet girl?”
“Ashley got in late, so I haven’t been over yet this morning. Hailey is pretty shocked, and she cried herself to sleep,” Carter admitted.
“Oh, the poor girl! Okay, I’m gonna finish packing, then we will head out. I will send you our flight info, but we will just take that Uber thing to your house, okay?”
“Yes, Momma, that’s fine. I’ll see ya later.”
“Bye, baby.”
Carter finished his coffee when Candace called, sobbing. “Oh, Daddy! I’m so sorry! I just can’t believe it!”
“I know, baby girl. It definitely doesn’t seem real.”
“How is Hailey?”
“She is pretty much in shock. I was just going over to check on her. Ashley got in late last night and is with her now.”
“Mom said she will let me know when the service is, and I’ll come down. I’ll stay with Mom and Larry since I’m sure Nana and Papa will be with you.”
“Okay, baby girl, but you come over to see them and Aunt Sophie and Uncle Davis too, okay?”
“I will, Daddy. I better go to my next class. I love you and Hailey; please tell her, okay?”
“I will, I love you too,” Carter said and hung up.
Carter grabbed his phone after getting dressed and went over to Hailey’s.
He heard Ashley on the phone with the funeral home. She looked frustrated. “I understand that! My sister, the widow, is still sleeping after having a rough night!”
Carter waved and mouthed, asking if she wanted help, and she motioned upstairs and mouthed back for him to check on Hailey. He nodded and went up the stairs.
He saw Hailey lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. He knocked and called her name, then asked if he could come in, but she didn’t answer. He walked in and pulled a chair to her side of the bed.
“Hailey, how are you feeling? What can I get for you?” he asked gently.
She turned and looked at him. “Can you tell me this is a bad dream?”
He shook his head. “I wish I could, but I can’t…”
She sighed. “That’s what I thought…”
“You want some coffee or breakfast? You didn’t eat dinner yesterday…”
“I suppose I have to. My parents here yet?”
“No, not yet. Why don’t you get dressed, and I’ll go and make you and Ash some breakfast, okay?”
She reached out and grabbed his hand. “Thanks, Carter. I’m sorry you’re hurting too.”
He kissed her hand. “Candace says she loves you and is so sorry. Dad and Mom are flying in later this afternoon, and Sophie and Davis are coming tomorrow.”
She smiled sadly. “I love your family.”
“They love you too. I’ll go get some food started,” he said, then got up and left.
He turned around to ask her a question and made his way back to the bedroom. He saw her standing in her lace thong with no pants on.
But as much as he wanted to stare and take in the sight of her beautiful body, he turned around and went down the stairs, forgetting whatever it was he wanted to ask her.
He met Ash on the stairs and promised breakfast.
Twenty minutes later, both Wilson girls were dressed and seated at the island, and Carter put a large mug of coffee in front of each of them. Then he placed some scrambled eggs, toast, and warm fried apples before them.
“Carter, if I weren’t ridiculously in love with Greg, I’d marry you just for your cooking skills,” Ashley said, moaning in delight.
“I’ll keep that in mind, Ash.” Carter smirked.
“And let’s not forget your striking resemblance to Thor. If you add that to the equation, you’re just about perfect. There is just one unknown fact about you,” Ashley added with a smirk.
“Why am I afraid to ask what that might be?” Carter asked, getting himself a mug of coffee.
“I just wonder if you can carry and use the hammer of Thor,” Ashley said innocently.
Confused, Carter said, “I design houses. I don’t have a hammer, Ash.”
“I don’t mean THAT kind of hammer; I mean the hammer you carry with you ALL the time.” She grinned.
Carter thought for a minute, then it dawned on him what she was talking about, and he blushed. “God, you are terrible. I guess it’s best that you are married, but poor Greg.”
They grinned at each other and watched Hailey as she pushed the food around her plate, not listening to their conversation.
They didn’t say much as Ashley ate and Hailey picked at the plate. Hailey sat there, just thinking about everything and nothing, and jumped when the doorbell rang.
Ashley got up and was almost to the door when Max and Rita Wilson opened the door and rushed inside.
Hailey dissolved into tears when she saw her parents.
They took her in their arms and just held her.
Carter choked up when Rita came and took him in her arms. “I’m so sorry, Carter, for your loss. Are you okay?”
He shrugged. “Thanks, Rita. I’m okay…”
She smiled sadly at him. “Thanks for looking after my girl. Have you talked with your parents?”
He nodded. “They will be here this afternoon. Soph and Davis will be here tomorrow. Candace will come down for the service.”
“I’m so sorry that we are getting together for this reason, but I look forward to seeing them. Now, do you need anything? More coffee?” she asked maternally.
“Coffee would be good; I didn’t sleep much…” Carter answered honestly.
She smiled sadly and patted his cheek, then turned to get him more coffee.
He remained seated at the kitchen table with Ashley as Max and Rita talked with Hailey at the island.
The front door burst open, and Vicky barged in, leaving her mother in her wake, and stomped into the kitchen. She glared at Hailey for several seconds before Helen spoke, “Oh, Hailey!”
Helen and Hailey hugged and started crying again, holding each other. Max put a hand on Vicky’s shoulders, telling her how sorry he was about Dan.
Vicky wiped the tears from her face and raised her chin. “Not as sorry as she will be when the will gets read!”
Carter knew this was going to get ugly with Vicky hating Hailey, but couldn’t believe that she would start in on her so soon. “Vicky, please don’t do this now. Please, for your mom’s sake!”
Ashley wanted to tear into the bitch for starting in on her sister, but Carter held her back and shook his head. She backed down so as not to upset Helen further and sneered at Vicky.
“Victoria, we talked about this. Please don’t do this,” Helen pleaded. Vicky rolled her eyes and moved to the living room.
The Wilsons all hugged Helen and consoled each other before Ashley spoke, “Helen, if you are up to it, the funeral home would like to plan the service soon. I made an appointment with them for three thirty this afternoon so we all can go and plan a memorial for Dan, okay?”
“Thank you, Ashley, that will be fine. I just wanted to see Hailey before going to our hotel. I need a nap. Can we meet you at the funeral home?”
Hailey nodded and wiped her eyes. “That would be fine, Helen. Carter will give you the information.”
Carter helped Helen out to the rental car with Vicky and gave them the info they needed.
“Vicky, think about your mom. I know you don’t like Hailey, but this isn’t the time to start snapping at her. Your mom doesn’t need this stress, too.”
“Carter, the ONLY reason that I won’t rip that bitch apart is because she will get what’s coming to her when the will gets read. She will then be kicked out of MY house and be left penniless.”
Shocked at her assertion, Carter said, “Vic, I don’t know why you think she is going to be penniless—”
“Because Carter, Dan told me that he left the house and his assets to me. I am his beneficiary. And you know how much I love that house. I helped Dan design it, and that little bitch doesn’t deserve it!”
Carter felt his anger building. “Vicky, knock it off! There is no need to start calling Hailey names! She is hurting too.”
“Whatever, Carter. We will see who gets the last laugh!”
“Funny, I don’t really see anyone laughing right now. So just keep this shit to yourself and don’t upset your mother! You know that would piss off Dan if you upset her.”
Vicky glared at Carter, then got in the car and drove off to the hotel. Carter went back in and found everyone back in the kitchen.
“Hailey, I’m gonna start calling Dan’s boss and some other people, okay?” Carter asked softly.
She nodded. Carter went into Dan’s office and closed the door. He knew this was going to be a long as few days.