Business Among Friends - Book cover

Business Among Friends

J.A. White

Chapter 2


My alarm goes off at 5 a.m. I roll over and shut it off, then grab my phone to glance at my day planner.

Looks like Christine has taken care of the day’s projects and moved them to another day. Some days I just love her.

Then I remember tonight is my mystery date with Justin M. You know what? Just for that, I’m not going in until later. I put my phone down and go back to sleep.


I walk in the restaurant a little after nine. Christine looks up. “About time you started to listen to me. Did you get enough sleep this morning?” she asks.

“After I saw that my day was rescheduled, I was happy—until I remembered what today is. Then I went back to sleep,” I say as I walk into my office.

“What’s that you got behind you?” she asks.

“It’s my dress for tonight.”

“Do you still own a dress?” she jokes.

“Yes, smartass. It’s the dress I wore to the funeral.”

“No it isn’t. Tell me you’re kidding, that you’re not wearing that dress from the funeral. He’ll walk away if he sees you wearing that!” Christine says, horrified.

“Yes, I’m kidding, and yes, I own a dress. I hope it still fits.”

“You didn’t try it on before you left today?” she asks.

“Nope, I overslept today.” I hang the garment bag behind my office door.

Throughout the day, I catch myself daydreaming about what the date will be like.

Will it be awkward with no talking, or will it be to where he doesn’t shut up and talks about himself all night? Will he make really bad jokes or terrible one-liners trying to get me to laugh?

Then again, I might do all the talking. Maybe he’ll excuse himself and use the restroom and never come back. I always thought that was a chickenshit move to make.

If he asks for my number, I’ll say no. I won’t write down some random number, making him think he still has a chance.

Christine sees me sitting at the far end of the bar, muttering to myself.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

“Nothing,” I say as I take a drink of my water.

“Bullshit. You’re over here having a conversation with yourself,” she says, laughing. “So what are you two talking about?”

“I’m nervous about tonight. I’m going over different scenarios in my head, planning what to do or say if something should go south.”

“I think you’re overthinking this whole thing. Relax. You never know, he might be Mr. Right—like, sex right now,” she says as she walks away.

“Oh shut up. I’m not having sex on the first date. Not happening.”

I get off the barstool and walk back to my office. Closing the office door behind me, I take a seat at my desk.

I pull up the email from Justin M. to see if I can find out any more information about this guy.

Justin M.

No last name, just a letter. So I definitely can’t look for him in the criminal database.

There’s a knock at my door, then it opens to reveal Christine.

“Hey, I got a little problem with table 12. What are you doing? Are you looking for a problem with Justin? You’re looking in the criminal database for him, aren’t you?”

“No,” I say, slamming my computer shut.

“KD, I don’t believe you. You’re trying to find a way out, aren’t you?” she says as I shrug my shoulders.

“The dating app goes through every person with a fine-tooth comb. I don’t think you’ll be dating a rapist or a murderer who buries the bodies in his backyard.

“I assure you this Justin guy is the real deal. Stop trying to sabotage the date. You never know, he might be a good person who needs someone to talk to,” Christine says before walking out.

“I guess you’re right,” I murmur to myself.


It’s seven thirty and I need to get ready. I walk into my office and close the door.

Pulling down my dress that’s hanging behind the door, I take off everything except my bra and panties. I slide the dress over my head and pull it down. Wow, this dress fits me well.

It’s a black dress that has a V-neck, showing a little cleavage, and hangs above the knees. I turn around to look at my ass, and all I see is my bra. The dress is open in the back.

“Oh shit.”

Looks like I’m going braless tonight. I pull the dress off, take my bra off, then I slide it back on. I check back in the mirror.

“You know, being forty-nine, these boobs are still holding their own. They haven’t let gravity take over yet. I’m very pleased at how I look in this dress.”

I walk out of my office and start to walk toward the dining room area when Christine sees me.

“Holy shit, mama, you look fucking hot in that dress,” she says with a big smile on her face.

“I know, right?” I do a spin.

“You’re a MILF,” she says with a big grin.

“MILF?” I ask.

“Mother I’d Like to Fuck. I mean, shit, if I had a dick, I’d fuck you in that dress.”

“Oh, you’re sweet. Now get back to work,” I say, laughing.

“Where you going to be when he gets here?” Christine asks.

“I’ll be sitting at the end of the bar, so I can see everybody coming in.”

“Okay, I’ll be at the hostess table. When he gets here, I’ll send him your way,” she says.

I go back into my office to check on my makeup to see if I need to fix anything. Nope. I look good tonight, but I’m still nervous as hell.

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