F.R. Black
Dolly peeks her head in the bus. “I’d wait for a second, the brothers are in it—deep in it.” She hovers into the dark bus as I try to look out to catch a glimpse of Louis.
“Jules is here to help with the spread of Crystal Rot. The sky colonies are clean from the infection. I guess they have an antibiotic that helps cleanse the body.
“Pierce tells me that you’re the reason Jules came to help, because it made the trip worth it. Jules has an alternative motive—he wants the Moonagite.”
“Yeah, I am aware,” I say. “So is Crystal Rot a drug or infection?”
She is moving her hand and blinking her glowing eyes rapidly.
“What are you doing?”
She glances at me. “I am online. Talking to Piercey, using virtual technology that you cannot see.”
“Uh, huh.” I frown at her in the dark. “So tell me what the hell is going on here.”
Dolly blinks more. “The crystals were smuggled in, and everyone started getting addicted. It was everywhere. Everyone loved it, but months later, the infection started and spread. It was too late—most of the people were in it too deep.”
“Reminds me of crystal meth. We have a similar drug back home, which also destroys the physical appearance,” I say, and feel a wave of pity. I can’t imagine the horror and panic when the Rot broke out.
“Louis wants help to take out Tim Lester, leader of the Crypt’s Teeth,” she says as she types.
I look back out the window, hearing some distant arguing. “Louis and the authorities cannot do it without Julius, then?”
She laughs. “They have already tried and failed. Louis is very refined, which is not a bad thing.” Her metal head looks at me.
“The sky colonies have their army, but the difference is that they are built like Navy Seals. Not English lords, if you get my meaning. They are rougher.” She looks at me. “Sexier. Meow.”
I don’t say anything.
I want a smart, nice man.
I do.
“Did you see how Jules man-handled me?” She fans herself as if she is hot in this cold weather. “He’s the ~slam-you-up-against-the-wall~ type of man. He’d kiss you till you can’t breathe.
“I can tell. I have been around, honey.”
I bet she has.
“Louis could be too, and we don’t have the wrong brother,” I say too quickly. I know what Dolly is thinking, trying to mess with me.
She stares at me and tilts her head. “Both brothers are good looking. Just one is the panty-ripper.” She whispers the last part. “That’s the one you want.”
Dolly is irritating.
“You don’t know Louis like you think you do. And, you’re not helpin’. The mission is for Louis, not the brother—~the pantie ripper~,” I say in a mocking tone, and I can feel my pulse jump.
Louis could be a freak in the sheets; Dolly does not know everything.
Dolly is jumping the gun.
We have not even seen Jules’s face yet.
He could look like Mickey Rourke after plastic surgery.
“Ms. Brey?”
I tense. A man stands in the doorway of the bus. “Louis Bagstock. Forgive my brother, he’s from the Solace Isles and they think they are entitled to act like asses.”
I smile as I try to calm my pulse. My eyes take in the man that I hope to win over. It’s dark, but I can tell he is good looking, clean cut and well mannered.
“Thank you, I am good now,” I say flirtatiously, and take his hand to help me out of the bus.
I stop in front of him and look up, my eyes trying to see in the dark. My nerves are pounding as I lower my hood. “Thank you for stopping to help,” I say.
His dark eyes widen. “You are beautiful, if you don’t mind me saying so,” he murmurs in a perfect accent, his gaze scanning my face.
“The Knox’s letter didn’t say when you’d arrive, or I would have picked you up. I am just shocked that Mr. Brey’s granddaughter is still alive. I am thrilled, actually.”
I want to wink at Dolly, but I don’t. “Thank you, but I’m sure I look a mess. I cannot wait to freshen up.” I continue quickly, “This is my first time in your city, and I heard so many great things about The Dahlia.”
He takes my hand and brings it to his lips. “Welcome, then. The Dahlia is sanitary if you have any worries on that matter.
“My brother over here,” he nods his head to his left, but I don’t look on purpose, “is a bit of a clean freak, and does not take my word for it, with their obnoxious masks. But, I hope you do and feel comfortable.
“Even in the dark, I can tell nothing mars your beautiful skin.”
I smile. “I trust you.”
He claps his hands and turns. “Let's get out of this cold, shall we?” He offers his arm.
I hear a loud hum that makes me whip around—something huge is coming. As I stare, I can see it near us at a swift pace.
My mouth hangs open. Lights glow around a massive ship that sails through the air right above us, carried by a gigantic blimp balloon.
I can see gears, steam, and obnoxious-looking weapons on the side like they are ready for battle. I shiver—it looks terrifying.
“The Escort, fantastic,” Louis says to himself as he gazes up with me. He looks down at me and smiles.
“Looks like we will be a packed house tonight. Jules’s men are here to combat the sickness with us. Finally, we will be able to make an impact against Lester.”
Julius’s men.
I glance past Louis and see Jules on his large black horse with his other men. He is staring at us in that unnerving way. I can only see his eyes, but I still get a feeling of disdain, anger.
Maybe he hates that I am talking to Louis, and the thought that Louis might actually like me. Or he might just hate me in general.
Then so be it.
Jules tips his hat to us in a mocking way then kicks his horse, his group heading to The Dahlia.
Louis looks at me. “Just stay clear of him. Jules has always been a brat, arrogant to the core. Always getting what he wants since we were little.”
I look at Louis, wondering what happened between them. “He is just angry that I do not have what he wants.”
He stares down at me. “I am aware of what Jules wants. Yes, it’s a mystery where the legendary Moonagite is, lost long ago under suspicious circumstances.
“Jules is not the only one looking for it, by the way,” he says oddly, eyes traveling over my face. “Let’s go, my dear.”
I frown.
It was in the way he said it, his tone. Mercy, was Louis after it too?
Treeeemendous. They both are calling me on my ~bullshit~.
Thanks, Fate.
Thanks a pant load.
I step out of Louis’s fancy car and suck in a breath. The Dahlia is breathtaking, the gold and copper gleams in the night, the building towering into the dark sky.
The main entrance is grand, with high glass doors. I can hear saloon-style music emitting out of The Dahlia, along with laughter and lots of voices.
I shiver and glance at Louis, now able to see him in the light of the tall electric lanterns. My eyes quickly trace over his face.
He is handsome in that elegant way; his dark hair combed back perfectly. Tall—not muscular, but still fit. His straight nose and smooth face give him a regal appeal.
I do find him attractive, I realize with immediate relief.
He tilts his head at me, a smile pulling at his mouth, revealing white teeth.
“I will have my attendants show you to your room, Ms. Brey. Your money is no good here. Come down when you are refreshed and want to enjoy the entertainment. I would love to chat with you further.”
“Charlie,” I say, “please.” I place my hand on his arm, intentionally. Ahem. I need to make up for lost ground.
I will win this.
Louis smiles and scans my face, his eyes traveling over my cloaked body.
“My pleasure. And, please, refer to me as Louis. You are more beautiful in the light, which is rare. It seems like the country shielded you from the infection.” He takes a moment to study me.
“Please come find me when you are ready, Charlie. I will program your bot with the layout of The Dahlia.”
I nod and grin as he takes my arm, feeling little baby butterflies take flight. I stick my free hand behind me, and Dolly slaps it.
I am led into the doors of The Dahlia, and my mouth drops. It looks like a massive lobby built out of all shiny metal and copper.
Towering ceilings and polished floors make this place seem futuristic, but in a way, this place is. This world is so different from our own but similar in the weirdest ways.
There are people everywhere, laughing at the large bar and conversing animatedly. I take a breath. I can do this. ~Act normal.~
People are still just people.
I glance up at Louis, and he looks at me with a grin. “What do you think?”
I look around and grin back at him. “It’s dazzling.”
Louis holds his hand out to a woman in some sort of maid’s outfit. A white dress with a brown corset and apron. Her face has scars, making me sad for her.
“Please show Ms. Brey to the copper suites, and make sure her bot is updated. Whatever she wants, charge it to me.”
I blush.
Well, damn.
Did we just make it to second base?
He turns back to me, and his brown eyes are sweet, with a kindness in them. “I will be in the lounge, Ms. Brey. Do come and find me when you are refreshed.”
“Charlie,” I remind.
He nods. “Charlie.”
Louis turns to walk off, and I instantly see eyes on me.
Very familiar eyes.
FGI Agents.
Brittany, I think, is her name, the engineer, gains his attention. He stops to talk with her, and she laughs, placing a hand to her spilling cleavage.
Pierce did make her up very nicely, I realize with dismay. Her dress is a dark navy blue with golden highlights, and she has a book in her hand.
Her brown hair is up in a series of ringlets, softening her features. She also wears gold-rimmed glasses, probably to make herself look smart.
She’s an engineer, and he might find that attractive.
Sexy nerd. I see her game.
“You’re hotter than her,” Dolly says, looking at the two as well.
“She is an engineer. I am a girl who no one trusts. Why do you think he is so damn nice to me? He wants the stone probably as badly as Jules.” My confidence is plummeting.
I look to the left and see another agent. She is hard to miss with her sharp look. “Shit,” I mutter. “Who is that again?”
Dolly looks and puts a hand on her metal hip.
“Lynn Baker. You need to stay away from the agents; they are all wanting to find out who has a mechanical heart. You’re the hottest, in my opinion, and you will be on their hit list.”
I disagree with Dolly’s assessment.
She is in cream lace and a tight brown corset, pushing up her smaller breasts. Pretty, elegant, and probably what Louis wants.
I watch as she makes her way to where Louis is, wanting to butt in on Brittany’s time. Claws are out. Louis is a handsome and a very wealthy man. The game is on.
I make a sound. “I don’t know, Dolly. They all look pretty appealing to me.”
Dolly hovers past me. “Let’s hurry and get you fixed up. Them jealous twats are going to hate you more when Pierce is done with you.”
I roll my eyes and follow Dolly, praying no one heard her.
The room I am given confirms my fears. Louis is trying to butter me up, maybe thinking I will repay the kindness with secret information.
It’s stunning, with a large bed and giant clawfoot tub made out of copper. The fire roars to life, warming the room quickly.
I have a vanity area with a giant ticking clock above the mirror and little beauty gadgets that sit on the table.
“I feel like I am in over my head,” I say.
Dolly plops on the velvet bed. “Get over it, sugar. All agents think that at first, you will get used to it.”
I take off my cloak and survey my extensive sexual appeal. High breasts that look like perfect tanned globes. I look like a Playboy Bunny.
No wonder Jules was at a loss for words, seeing all of the naughty undergarments that could be in the next Frederick’s of Hollywood magazine.
I probably shocked Jules, and I pray he doesn’t say anything about it.
I bite my lip as I gaze at my Pamela Anderson body.
Whose idea was it to get big breasts?
Women back in the day did not have larger breast sizes being as petite as I am. But for all I know, they do here.
I look at Dolly and gasp. She is in her original form, with pigtails and a slutty polka-dot dress.
“I can’t get online while being that stupid bot,” she looks at me and grins.
Focus. I need to be what Louis wants, and all of the girls are dressed elegantly.
“I want Pierce to make me a light pink dress with a cream corset. No cleavage. Pretty flower design or something.”
“I am rolling my eyes, Charlie,” she says. “Lame.”
“You’re not the bot, Dolly—I can see you roll your eyes,” I say dryly. “Pierce set me up with that suitcase,” I say, wondering what the purpose for that was.
“I would not be surprised,” she says while typing, eyes blinking. “Piercy-poo is hard to read.”
“But why? I am here for Louis.”
“Pierce is crazy sometimes—and coming from me, that is saying something,” Dolly says, and sucks on a lollipop. “Pierce is asking why the pink dress and high neckline?”
I glance at the lollipop with a frown. “I want to seem innocent, refined,” I say, and lift my chin in the mirror.
She giggles and keeps typing. “He is so funny.”
“Nothing. Spin,” she orders, twirling her long red nails.
Spin, right. Cinderella.
I start to spin, and I feel my skin tingle, making me gasp. I see a flicker of white light, and in the next moment, I am in a very seductive get-up. I suck in a breath, looking in the mirror.
“Son of a picking slut-bag,” I mutter. “Ask Pierce to explain himself. And tell him to loosen the damn corset.”
“You look stunning, Charlie,” Dolly says as she pops the sucker in her mouth. “But I’ll ask.”
Pierce does what I ask, but I don’t look any less sexy. I am wearing a white shirt buttoned up to my neck that is so fitted it leaves little to the imagination.
The material is soft as silk, and just as thin. I feel my boobs and can tell I am wearing a very thin corset under—probably transparent, knowing Pierce.
My skirt is soft pink with a white lace petticoat, like a Victorian cupcake. It’s simple, but very beautiful, showing my sultry figure.
I guess Pierce does know what he is doing, now that I look at myself.
“Pierce says he wants you for Louis, but keeping Jules attracted to you is a good thing. It will throw him off his game, lust clouding his desire to take you down,” Dolly says with a wink.
“Damn. You get to play both boys—that’s a green light from Pierce! You could have a threesome!”
I frown at her.
“No, Dolly, gross. But is that what he said?”
I glance back in the mirror and gaze over my light blond hair that is in a lovely bun at the back of my neck. My natural makeup is actually gorgeous.
“I look like a pornstar playing the part of a naughty school teacher,” I deadpan.
That makes Dolly laugh hard. “That’s what Pierce said.”
My mouth drops open.
I was half joking.
“Let’s go, sugar. Men are waiting!”