Dragon's Blood - Book cover

Dragon's Blood

C. Swallow

Age Rating


The Requiem legacy continues with Luvenia, Madeline’s daughter. Luvenia may be the most beautiful half human/half Dragon the world has ever seen, but she has bigger plans than finding a mate. When fate ties her to handsome twin princes Thaddeus and Sylvan, they promise her everything she craves…

Age Rating: 18+

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Chapter 1


Silence is hard to keep, but it’s the only way I can hear everything.

People think I’m quiet. They probably don’t realize that even if my mouth doesn’t say much, my ears are always listening to their words.

It’s a sensory overload, and a real pain in the ass.

I can’t stand people. I can’t stand anyone. I don’t enjoy anyone’s company. I don’t even like my own mother.

Sounds harsh? Well, who would like a mother who’s so obsessed with her mates that she enjoys wearing a leash and collar all day and night?

I don’t know why I’m thinking about silence so much until I realize it’s the pause from the band on stage.

I’m lying on my stomach, my chin resting on my hands, as I hide on a ledge in Deep Cavern.

Once a treasure-filled cave, this massive cavern is now a public center for arts and performances.

As far as I know, it was my Uncle Mason’s idea to educate the slaves of the Requiem Horde and give them a reason to work with more passion under my father’s rule.

Hael and Lochness are my dads. They’re twins but both mated to Madeline, my mother.

Ugh…and great…I’m frowning again just thinking about her.

The band starts playing another song, and I sigh, my black hair hanging over the rock as I relax more into my hands.

The crowd of slaves have the day off. They are dancing or quietly standing and listening.

You know what? I lied. I don’t hate everyone equally.

I prefer slaves over Dragons.

The slaves are still annoying, but they are…humble.

The young Dragons are obnoxiously irritating. I’ve never met such brutes in my whole life. Not a bone of humanity in their bodies, they are completely consumed with their purity of magic.

Unfortunately, they are my friends because they are all my age.

When I was born, there was a Dragon fledgling boom of little brats. We are all eighteen now, but I still fail to hear any mature thoughts.

I’m about to doze off, completely content listening to the band play soft music.

I like music because it drowns out all the thoughts I can hear from everyone around me.

It helps me sleep.

My momentary peace doesn’t last long, however.

I’m jolted back to awareness when a spike of arrogance and a shiver of grace runs down my spine. How else can I describe how potent the intrusive feeling is?

I’m instantly on my elbows, ready to bolt, my nose wrinkling in disgust as I notice the two young princes enter the cavern.

One has cobalt blue hair. Thaddeus—or, as every doe-eyed female referred to him, “Thad.” He is arrogance.

The other has midnight blue hair. Sylvan. He doesn’t have a nickname because his name is already perfect. He is grace.

And they are both the bane of my existence.

I avoid everyone because I am sensitive to other people in general. When I am in the prince’s presence, I feel way too much.

Every girl here would die if I told them how those boys made me feel: odd, nervous even. But I would never tell a soul.

Because then I would be told I had a crush on them. And I’d be molded into a part of the fangirl club.

No, thank you.

So I stick to thinking I feel nothing but disdain for them, and I avoid them at all costs.

I watch as the attention in the room is completely flipped from the band to the handsome boys. I hear multiple girly sighs and even a few squeals.

While the girls below me melt and the princes smile and gloat as they come in to “chat” with their loyal fans, I make my move to leave.

I push up onto my feet and hands while I glare at them. Almost instantaneously, as they are now directly below me, the twins both look up and meet my gaze.

I scowl and turn on my heel as my prying mind seeps into theirs without my control.

Look! Luvenia is so weird. Sylvan is speaking to his brother.

She’s uncouth. Thaddeus’s tone is darker, and he is more serious.

I scowl as I feel them both bring up a mental block. They know I’m in their heads. Not to mention, their attempt at a mental block is worthless. I could break it down if I wanted to.

They’re lucky I don’t.

Otherwise, I would have told Thad just how much I thought he was a huge lump of muscle with a very, very small brain. Uncouth… How the hell am I uncouth? ~You idiot!~

Argh, yes, I hate everyone.

Your temper is just like your mother, Luv, despite how much you think you hate her.

I stop in my tracks as I squeeze between the narrow cave exit off my secret ledge. I didn’t expect to hear from my father, Lochness.

What has displeased you?

I bite my lip as I think of a good response.

Nothing. What do you want? I keep it short and sweet. I never liked overexplaining myself.

We’ll be eating dinner soon. Come up soon, all right, babygirl?

I roll my eyes as he calls me that. Dad. Don’t. It’s all I say back, and I keep squeezing my way through the narrow cave passage.

I have great respect for Lochness—or, as my mother liked to call him, “Nessy.” Such a stupid nickname… But anyway, Lochness understands me.

I am a Rogue like him. He doesn't like people either. But he is also terribly smart, which is why I avoid telling him too much.

He considers me his babygirl, his babycakes. In other words, people tend to die if I told him who is pissing me off.

Being the daughter of the two Dragon Lords doesn’t just mean I have two ruthless fathers. We also have normal moments too. Like fancy dinners with guests all the time.

Tonight, I knew exactly who would be attending. Besides my parents and my brother, I knew Althor, the Dragon Lord of the Horde of Fortune, must be visiting.

Althor always brought Thaddeus and Sylvan over. They were his nephews.

Luckily, Thad and Sylvan never came to the dinners—they prefer to go hunting.

Hate to break it to you, sis, but there are two more empty chairs at this table. Get a move on—Dad’s waiting, Lex’s voice interrupts my thoughts, and I can’t help but frown.

Appreciate the warning. But when you say “Dad’s,” you always mean Hael. Don’t forget Lochness is your dad too, I retort.

The only person I really talk to is my brother. I don’t even like him that much, but we’ve been communicating since we were born, so I’m used to being honest with him.

Enough. You can’t skip this dinner, Luvenia. You need to be here—

Why? I snap at him.

I always get irritated when he tries to boss me around.

Because this dinner is about you. Get over your mood swings. You’re always so temperamental. Just like Mom.

I’m nothing like her, I snap back.

You’re exactly like her. Have you ever read her mind? Lex asks, sounding all too pleased with himself.

I try not to.

Well, whatever. Get your butt over here. Althor wants to ask you something.

Lex’s mention of Althor sets off alarm bells in my head. I don’t respond, but I start making my way to the meeting cave where our dinner is set to take place.

Whatever Althor is planning, I might as well get it over with.

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